Daily Devotional for January 7, 2011

Proverbs 30:6
Don't change what God has said! He will correct you and show that you are a liar.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Years ago, my husband worked with a man who liked to say, “If you lie, you fry. – Hezekiah 3:5.” For the record, there is no book of Hezekiah in the Bible… and this is not an actual scripture passage. We’ve laughed at this phrase and used it as a running joke for years. But there are other phrases that people use and claim to be scriptural… such as “God helps those who help themselves”… that are not actually found in the Bible, either.

While these phrases and others like them are relatively harmless… and they may even hint at an actual Biblical truth… some people want to interpret scripture to suit their own situation or desires… and this is very dangerous. When you hear someone say, “That may be what the scripture says, but that’s not what God meant,” your antenna should automatically be raised. A lot of us would like to twist God’s words to justify our own desires and behaviors. But this simply is not how we Christians should operate!

Everybody makes mistakes, and we will all have to admit at some point that we were wrong about one thing or another. But nothing will ever compare with the humility of having to admit you twisted God’s words to suit yourself. God will not be pleased, mocked, or misrepresented! If you believe there is “wiggle room” with the laws of God, you are greatly mistaken. The devil – the king of liars – has convinced you that God can be swayed… and I assure you, He cannot!

We cannot change what God has declared… and honestly, we don’t want to do this. His ways are perfect… His plans are exactly right for us… His will is for us to have everything He designed for us and to experience peace, prosperity and joy in Him. The only change necessary is how we are thinking… our attitude and our reactions to life circumstances. Don’t try to change what God has said… instead, ask Him to change YOU… to give you an attitude of humility and servitude - and confidence in His plans for your life.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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