Daily Devotional for January 3, 2011

Deuteronomy 29:4
He has even told you, "For forty years I, the LORD, led you through the desert, but your clothes and your sandals didn't wear out, and I gave you special food. I did these things so you would realize that I am your God." But the LORD must give you a change of heart before you truly understand what you have seen and heard.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I watched several episodes of a cooking competition lately called “Worst Cooks in America.” Two accomplished chefs tried to teach people who couldn’t boil water how to cook like a pro in only two short weeks. One man in particular seemed to catch on quickly to the techniques… but he always had to deviate from the recipe in some way and put his personal “spin” on the dish, which drove his instructor crazy. And while the chef stressed neatness and finished products that were plated cleanly, one contestant consistently turned out sloppy products. The chef asked, “Haven’t you been listening? Haven’t you heard anything I’ve told you about neatness?”

Maybe you have experienced the frustration of trying to show someone how to do something numerous times, and it’s as if they either do not comprehend… or they simply are not listening. I’ve watched Timothy play with his little box of shaped blocks and the lid that has holes that correspond to these shapes. Even though we show him how this works, he will repeatedly put his blocks atop the hole with the wrong shape and then get frustrated because the block won’t fit. But Timothy is not even two years old… he has an excuse! As he grows and matures, his understanding of this concept will change. For us… the “change” is often more one of our heart and will, rather than one of intellectual maturity.

One of the biggest revelations for me in recent years is how much God has been trying to give me… and yet, it’s as if I have had a giant “Spiritual firewall” in place that prevented reception. More often than not, that “firewall” has been my heart! See, we have to open our heart and mind to the possibilities God offers. We have to walk in faith and trust that He will do what the Bible tells us He has promised. We have to truly believe that with God, all things are possible. There is no room for “Yeah, but…” We have to operate completely in “For sure!”

The other thing we have to remember is that this change of heart is not instantaneous. We are works in progress. God is never done with us, and there are always new things to discover about His plan for our lives. But a good first step is to open our heart and mind to the possibilities and promises. The more we do this… the more we accept His incredible love and care for us… the more we can truly understand what we have seen and heard. Have you checked your heart for “Spiritual firewalls” lately? Isn’t it time to remove them?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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