Daily Devotional for April 15, 2011

Proverbs 12:18-19, 22
Rash language cuts and maims, but there is healing in the words of the wise. Truth lasts; lies are here today, gone tomorrow.

God can't stomach liars; he loves the company of those who keep their word.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I have worked with some great people in my lifetime. I’ve gotten acquainted with some people of tremendous integrity and moral fiber… people who truly put the interests of others above their own and always do the right thing, even in situations where that is a darn tough choice! I’ve also encountered some people who would step over their own grandmother to make themselves look better. These people lie so often that nobody knows if – or when – they have uttered anything resembling the truth. A lot of people have been hurt along the way by this dishonesty… and I can assure you, God is not pleased by these lies.

In “the heat of the moment,” we often say and do things that are hurtful… dishonest… outrageous… disrespectful. And the effect of these behaviors can be powerful. Some of us become so skilled at distorting the facts that we honestly don’t know what is true and what isn’t any more. And some people know they are lying… and simply don’t care!

Early on, God blessed me with enough examples of honest people who “took the high road” to see that nothing good comes from lies and hurtful words. And while I am sure that I am still sometimes guilty of saying something rash and sharp, I pray that more often, I bite my tongue or find a way of expressing my viewpoint in a kind and loving manner. I have seen firsthand how God blesses this type of behavior.

Be assured that retaliating toward a bully will not get you anywhere. While it may seem like walking away and “taking it” is the coward’s way… it’s not. God will sustain you. He will give you what you need… and in the long run, YOU will be the one who is blessed. When people cheat you out of what is rightfully yours, know that God will make things right. I’m not talking about revenge… although that may be what God chooses to enact. But God will bless you for your honesty and integrity. It may take years… you may have to wait until you get to Heaven… but He will bless you for honoring Him in this way.

Sadly, Satan is the author of lies… and he has plenty of willing agents to present them. He has cheaters and deadbeats and vindictive people on every street corner, waiting to challenge our faith and our Spiritual integrity. Do not be fooled… do not fall into this trap. Take the High Road… walk above the dishonesty and stay close to Jesus. He will see you through… He will bless your loyalty. You will look back and realize that these tests have made you stronger and fortified your relationship with the One who matters… and you’ll be thankful for God’s gifts of wisdom and courage… and the healing of lasting truth.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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