Daily Devotional for April 2, 2011

Psalm 66:20
Let's praise God! He listened when I prayed, and he is always kind.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I recently attended my first “Family Council” meeting at the assisted living facility where my grandmother now resides. The administrator made the comment that it may seem that some of the residents are always happy and never have any complaints or difficulties. She assured us that all of the residents have issues from time to time… and all families represented have issues. And ALL of these people with “issues” pass through her office doors at one time or another.

I marveled at how this woman maintains her pleasant, positive attitude while managing so many people and problems. Surely she has her own days when she has “issues,” but to date, I have not observed this. She listens and is kind to those she encounters. She is the mediator… the counselor… and the authority for much of what happens in this facility. And many in the Council meeting sang her praises.

Imagine God as something of an “Administrator” on a supernatural level. Think of all of the prayers He hears in even a split second… request for healing and help of all kinds… complaints… gripes and grumblings… praises and glory. Just thinking about it makes my head spin… but because He is GOD, it’s all in a day’s work for Him. And as much as we may occasionally feel God’s wrath for our wrongdoings… far more often, we experience His love and kindness. Even when God is angry with us and punishing us, He is acting in love. His desire for us to straighten up and do better is wrapped in kindness when He welcomes us back into His arms.

Sometimes we all feel like people are not listening to us. We feel like we are crying out for help or trying to express ourselves… but the other guy doesn’t get it. Let me tell you something… GOD is always listening… and I assure you, He gets it! He hears us… He loves us, and He is waiting to shower us with kindness. I don’t know how He does it! But I know this… I’m giving Him praise… aren’t you?!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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