Daily Devotional for April 20, 2011

Luke 9:62
Jesus answered, "Anyone who starts plowing and keeps looking back isn't worth a thing to God's kingdom!"

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My grandmother has the staff at her assisted living facility jumping through hoops to help her “make a garden.” For as long as I can remember, my grandmother has had a garden of some sort every year. When I was a child, she and my grandfather grew nearly everything they ate. Each late winter/early spring, they would get out the little wheel plow and make the rows in their garden for the various vegetables. For the deeper furrows, my Pap-pa would hitch a mule to the plow and make his rows.

Like many good farmers I knew through the years, my grandparents’ rows were always neat and orderly, and incredibly straight. Oh, they tried to teach me and my siblings to plow the rows, but ours were never straight enough, and our attention span was probably not long enough… and we most likely looked back while plowing! I can still hear my grandmother fussing about those rows… and she told me just last week that she had chastised the maintenance guy at her senior residence because “he didn’t dig his trenches deep enough.”

What does this mean in the end? What does it really hurt? Maybe not much… but then again, maybe it hurts a lot. In a relatively square garden patch, one crooked row leads to another… and another… and ultimately, besides crooked rows, you could end up without enough space for everything you wanted or needed to grow. Also, crooked rows speak to the orderliness of the gardener. And serious gardeners like my grandmother take their planting personally… and feel any flaws reflect directly on their character!

In the context of our spiritual life, Jesus is saying that we have to leave the past in the past. We can’t be continually looking back at what we did or worrying about what we didn’t finish or fix. We have to be willing to say, “Jesus has called me to serve Him now… those things no longer matter. He is more important!”

So when people say, “I’ll give my heart to Jesus tomorrow… just let me have one more wild night,” this passage is for them. When someone says, “Lightning will strike if I darken the doors of the church sanctuary,” this passage says, “That’s not true.” When people tell you, I’ve got to get my life in better order before I can serve others,” that’s stinkin’ thinkin’! I remember very clearly believing that I could not attend a Walk to Emmaus until I had resolved some “issues” in my own heart first. I thought I had to fix myself before I could allow God to work… and nothing could be further from the truth!

God wants us right where we are… now… today… this minute! He wants us to say, “I want so badly to be in Your will and serving You with every fiber of my being that I am willing to drop everything and start immediately.” He doesn’t want us to hesitate… to even look back and wave “Good-bye” to our sinful past. He just wants us to move forward, plowing the straightest, neatest row of Christian faith and trust that we possibly can. He will give us the seeds to plant. He will fertilize and nurture our “garden” and handle the harvest. All we have to do is put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward.

I am so bad about hesitating. I am clearly one of those who wants to “tie up loose ends” first. I have a terribly hard time “letting go and letting God” sometimes… don’t you? But we can change! We can do better. We must learn to operate in faith and stop looking backward. Our spiritual “garden” depends on it!

During the Walk to Emmaus… we say to those who attend, “Christ is counting on you.” They reply, “And I am counting on Christ.” Are you counting on Christ today? Or are you looking backward, procrastinating, and trying to fix things yourself? Isn’t it time you started plowing forward? Can Christ count on you?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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