Daily Devotional for April 8, 2011

Luke 8:8-10
When Jesus had finished speaking, he said, "If you have ears, pay attention!"

Jesus' disciples asked him what the story meant. So he answered: I have explained the secrets about God's kingdom to you, but for others I can only use stories. These people look, but they don't see, and they hear, but they don't understand.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I spend a lot of time showing Timothy things that I’ve told him, because he doesn’t understand what I am saying. Some of the “lessons” – like “that’s hot” or “that piano lid will pinch your fingers” are going to be learned the hard way, while others seem to come easier as he mimics our behaviors and words. And often, while I am demonstrating a concept, he is kicking and screaming and exercising his “terrible twos” to the max!

But after a few days of working with a new tricycle, Timothy is starting to get the hang of keeping his feet on the pedals and steering. The last visit, he actually sat at the piano and matched my rhythms on the keys as he sang along… and some of the words actually made sense! If I had any notion he wasn’t paying attention, he showed me differently! And I have to admit, my husband and I were both bursting with pride at his newfound accomplishments.

Think about this… in God’s eyes, we are often the “terrible two-year-old”… kicking and screaming and wanting to do things our own way. God tells us in all sorts of ways what we need to know… but sometimes, we have to be shown. We need an example… a “sign” – something to indicate to us that He is at work in a situation. I have no doubt that we try God’s patience just like toddlers try ours. And I have to wonder… does He burst with pride when we begin to “get it?”

As we grow in our faith… as we develop as Christians… we must become secure and comfortable as we rest in the confidence that God is telling us the truth. Just as toddlers begin to comprehend the spoken word more and more… we must learn to comprehend what God shares with us in Scripture, through prayer and fellowship with other believers, and in the “signs and wonders” all around us. We must learn to hear from God and understand Him… and sometimes we will have to learn the hard way by “touching something hot” or through our own failures and shortcomings.

Jesus said, “If you have ears, pay attention!” God wants us to hear Him… loudly and clearly… even when He doesn’t physically speak! Are you listening? Are you hearing from God? Does He have your attention?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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