Daily Devotional for April 23, 2011

Luke 11:9
So I tell you to ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you. Everyone who asks will receive, everyone who searches will find, and the door will be opened for everyone who knocks. Which one of you fathers would give your hungry child a snake if the child asked for a fish? Which one of you would give your child a scorpion if the child asked for an egg? As bad as you are, you still know how to give good gifts to your children. But your heavenly Father is even more ready to give the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Timothy was staying with us recently, and my mother came over to visit. She brought a blue plastic Easter basket, filled with:

• blue Easter grass

• two different packages/flavors of “Peeps”

• a chocolate bunny

• a Curious George DVD

• a bottle of all-in-one shampoo

• a bunny car filled with Easter candy

• a wand of bubbles, and

• a baby doll that laughs when you squeeze it.

I groaned when I saw all the sticky candy, and she laughed and said, “It’s okay… I’m the great-grandmother!” This is one great-grandmother who knows how to give “good gifts!” And of course, three Peeps later, Timmy was a happy, sticky mess out on our driveway blowing bubbles! He’s not old enough to actually ask for gifts yet, but when he is, I’m sure we will gladly - and readily – oblige… and our door is always open to any and all of our nieces and nephews and young friends.

Truly the basket of goodies was filled with things that, while not necessarily healthy for Timothy, were just what a kid needs on Easter week. Many needs this kid didn’t even know he had were met… and then some!

The GOOD NEWS for each of us this Easter weekend – and always – is that God’s door is always open. He may not give us Peeps and chocolate bunnies, but whatever we ask Him will be given to us, according to His will – and with our best interest at the forefront. So if you ask God for a new Mustang, and you really need transportation to get back and forth to school or work, He may give you a used Ford Focus! If you ask God to help you put food on the table, He may see that you have just enough to eat each day rather than showering you with a pantry filled with groceries. But the point is, God will answer… He will meet your needs. His door is always open!

Because of the blood of Jesus… because of the incredible sacrifice of a totally innocent man Who was willing to take our sins and die for them, we can freely ask for anything. Because this man was Jesus Christ in human form, who could not be contained in an earthly grave, the door to our Father’s house is always open. Because of the incredible love of our LORD and Savior, the Holy Spirit is available to each of us…ready to fill our hearts and be our constant companion!

This is the “Good Gift” of Easter. This is the Good Gift we can enjoy all year long… every year… again and again! Ask God for anything, and trust Him to know just how to answer… and to give you “good and perfect gifts” upon request.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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