Daily Devotional for May 29, 2012

1 Corinthians 10:13
No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he'll never let you be pushed past your limit; he'll always be there to help you come through it.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

In the newspaper today, I saw a photograph of a woman kneeling at a grave site in a military cemetery. She was placing an American flag on one of the graves… and she appeared to be crying. I wondered if this was the grave of her husband… father…mother… or a son or daughter. I imagined how she must be remembering the sad events surrounding this person’s death… and reliving them. I thought of my own loved ones – and how I would feel were I the person in the picture. And I also considered how this woman is one of thousands all over the world who are mourning the loss of a dear loved one lost to one war or another.

Yesterday was Memorial Day in our country, and many of my Facebook “friends” posted photos of their loved ones who served in a branch of our armed forces. Some of these men and women perished during their tour of duty. But as the survivors posted their picture and reminded us of their sacrifice and service, I have to believe they also found comfort in the knowledge that they were not alone. They had to sense that others understood how they felt… and that ALL of them had managed to somehow come through this. More than few credited God with giving them the strength to endure the pain and grief… the heartache and loss. And just as surely as He has done this… He has also steered the paths people in similar situations in the same direction in order to bolster one another with empathy and encouragement.

A friend told me recently, “I sometimes feel like I am all alone on an island.” We all feel this way at times. But look around you. I’m betting you don’t have to look very far to find someone who is going through something very similar to your own experiences… or something far worse. Does this discount or diminish your feelings? Absolutely not! But the same God who is helping the other guy get through his/her test or temptation will help you. And maybe God wants you to help each other!

Let’s be honest… even the youngest among us has been through some “stuff!” And the older we get, the broader our experience base becomes. I don’t believe this is an accident. God doesn’t waste opportunities any more than He gives us more than we can handle. Perhaps instead of asking, “Why me, LORD?” we should be asking “What are You showing me… and how will You use this – and me – for Your glory?” My dear friend Becky, who lost her battle to breast cancer several years ago, always asked, “Why NOT me?” Now that’s FAITH in action!

We need to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and buckle on the full armor of God. We need to say to ourselves… and to others… “With God, all things are possible. He will never let me down.” We need to leave the devil’s pity party and the negative enabling that is in steady supply and move over to the LORD’s table. We’ll be among friends there... support and encouragement will be the “Daily Special.” We will feast on the profusion of God’s strength and blessings… abundance that enables us to handle anything and everything that comes our way.

The choice is ours. We can decide which “party” to attend – and what kind of “support” we will seek. Whose table are you sitting at these days?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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