Daily Devotional for December 30, 2015

Nehemiah 1:11
O Lord, please hear my prayer! Heed the prayers of those of us who delight to honor you. Please help me now as I go in and ask the king for a great favor—put it into his heart to be kind to me.” (I was the king’s cupbearer.)

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I’ve had to laugh lately at our little nephew, Nathan. Since September, he has stayed with us a couple of days each week while his parents work…and to put it mildly, the kid thinks he “owns the joint!”  So when Timothy and Zola joined him this week for the day, Nathan did not take too kindly to sharing his space – or us – with his older siblings.  This kid knows no fear about asking for things…and he is so darned cute that it’s hard to fuss at him when he hollers from my office, “I need ‘shocklit’ milk!” and expects it to magically appear in a sippy cup for him as he sits and watches YouTube videos!

Suddenly, the chair in which Nathan sits became “my chair” if his sibs looked at it crossways.  As we read books while sitting on the couch – Nathan on one side and Zola on the other – he was none too happy when Zola wrapped her arms across my body.  How dare she claim even my mid-section as “hers!”  And when Zola’s hand brushed Nathan’s arm, he went into orbit!  By the end of the day, there had been a few tantrums, as one frustrated 3-year-old boy tried to claim his “territory” and demand special favors that he had done nothing to merit.

I love this particular passage from Nehemiah…especially how the king’s cupbearer is so humble and faithful.  He admits that he and his people have disobeyed God.  He acknowledges that by all rights, God should scatter them to the four winds for their unfaithfulness, just as He promised.  But Nehemiah begs God to have mercy on them and reminds Him that He also promised to restore those who repented and obeyed.  So with a humble heart – and as a lowly cupbearer to the King – Nehemiah asks God to bless Him as he asks a favor of his earthly master.

I wonder…how often do we humble ourselves before God?  When was the last time we asked God for something…and began our request by apologizing for – and acknowledging – our sins?  It’s pretty much the job of 3-year-olds to be jealous and self-centered…to expect others to cater to their every whim. But are we like these toddlers in our relationship with our Heavenly Father?  Do we expect God to spoil us rotten and do whatever we please, even when we misbehave and sin?

Isn’t it time we began to recognize the power and sovereignty of God…as well as His amazing grace and mercy?  He doesn’t have to love us.  He certainly doesn’t have to hear our prayers – much less answer them.  And yet, when we call on His name, God is there…every time…without fail. 

Some days, our words, thoughts and actions are such that we are not even so much as a lowly cupbearer in God’s sight.  And still He loves us.  When you think about this, does it change how you approach God with your daily list of worries, burdens and requests?  Don’t you think it should? 

Isn’t it time to grow up…and lay down our immature attitudes about our relationship with God? Are you ready to become like a humble cupbearer to the King of Kings?  Will this be the day that you begin?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 29, 2015

Matthew 7:21-23
“Knowing the correct password—saying ‘Master, Master,’ for instance—isn’t going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, ‘Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.’ And do you know what I am going to say? ‘You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don’t impress me one bit. You’re out of here.’

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved
I will never forget the Sunday morning more than 30 years ago when I sat in a worship service and heard our pastor say, “I am taking a sabbatical, because I am fighting a serious battle with depression.”  You could have bowled me over with a feather.  This man who seemed so “together” – who was so positive, encouraging and supportive to his “flock” – was a basket case on the inside.  He covered this very well, and it was heartbreaking to discover how he had struggled internally…and to think that while he had ministered to all of us, he was in desperate need of help for himself.

We moved shortly after this, and I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t keep up with this family, so I really don’t know if this man was ever able to return to the pulpit or not.  But as I read this passage today, I thought about how many people are not who we think they are…and maybe you are one of them.  Perhaps you are battling an inner struggle – and no one is aware, because you pretend that everything is alright.  Maybe you are trying to be strong for your family and friends, so you never let down your guard and allow others to help in some way.

Or maybe you are like the persons described by Jesus in this passage…the ones who pretend to have it all together as Christians.  Maybe you can spout scripture and pray out loud with the best of them…attend Sunday worship and Bible studies…sing in the choir…serve at the local soup kitchen and work in everything from clothing drives to work days for the elderly/infirm.  And all the while, maybe you are empty  and disjointed on the inside…because you have not truly heeded the word of God for your life.

There is a difference between being busy and being obedient…between being “good” and being truly faithful and faith-filled.  A lot of us talk the talk, but we don’t walk the walk.  And God knows the truth – about each of us!

Whether others know who you really are or not…God knows.  He wants us to be real and raw with Him…to serve from the depths of our heart…to listen for His voice and follow Him wherever He leads.  This is a TALL order…but nothing is too big for God.  What He calls us to do…He will see us through - with grace, mercy and strength.

When you project your “Christian persona,” do people see the real deal…or someone you want them to see?  More importantly, who are you showing God?  Is this the day that you will start to operate in full obedience to His word and will?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 28, 2015

Matthew 11:28    
If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
I got a phone message today at 1:47 a.m. - alerting me with another flood warning for our area.  I had forgotten to mute my phone’s volume before I went to bed.  So after getting this “alert,” I had a little trouble going back to sleep for a bit.  I wasn’t worried about a flood in our neighborhood, since we live on a bluff!  But I started thinking about all of the people who needed a special touch from God…and I probably spent a good half hour or more praying and asking God to take their burdens. And then I was able to sleep soundly for several more hours.

This is a favorite scripture passage…and as I read it today, I thought of how I handed my burdens to God in prayer this morning - and trusted Him to manage them.  A few close friends and I have exchanged more than one message lately where we noted that the prayer lists and “burdens” seem especially lengthy in recent days. I can tell you firsthand that it has been so comforting to be able to say to God, “Only YOU can fix these things…and I’m going to let You!”

There have been nights when I should have tossed and turned with frustration and worry – and plenty of times in the past that I did exactly that!  But of late, I’ve found that I’m sleeping very well, and I know it is because I am letting God carry the heavy stuff!

When Jesus gave us these words of assurance, He did so with complete authority.  There is no reason for us to doubt Him…or to try to handle things on our own. I don’t know about you, but I discovered that trying to carry heavy burdens was exhausting – and fruitless.  This way seems to be working so much better, and I plan on sticking with it.  What about you?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 27, 2015

Luke 12:4-5
My friends, don’t be afraid of people. They can kill you, but after that, there is nothing else they can do. God is the one you must fear. Not only can he take your life, but he can throw you into hell. God is certainly the one you should fear!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A friend texted me a photo this morning of a newspaper headline…”Swedes charge toward becoming cashless culture.”  Her comment was, “Yikes! Armageddon!”  I replied…”If Armageddon comes, we won’t be here!”  I didn’t mean to be flip…but honestly, I give little concern to “end times” news, because if/when it happens, I don’t plan to stick around!  My prayer is that no one I know and love will be left, either!

There are a plenty of mortal things for us to fear, if we want to go that route.  Greg’s brother continues to struggle after the car wreck in which he was involved six days ago.  Each day brings new wrinkles/challenges…and he is still quite critical.  Yet I refuse to be fearful.  God is in complete control…my brother-in-law is securely His child and guaranteed a “seat at the Table” in heaven…and all will be well.

My mother is not improving as I had hoped - from pneumonia or the late-stage cancer that is taking its toll on her physical health.  But again, I know that she is one of God’s precious children…that He is meeting her every need according to His plans and timetable…and I am not the least bit fearful.

I am still battling a “cold bug”…and now Greg has it!  But I know that this, too, shall pass.  God is allowing us to rest and regroup today…and I know that He is numbering our steps and will restore our health in due season. So I am taking it easy and trusting the Great Physician to handle everything for me.

It is quite freeing to “let go and let God” handle these situations. When we surrender our fears to God and rest in His perfect care, we quickly realize that a lot of the situations that made us so stressed and “crazy” really have no power over us.  If we give God complete control and trust Him, we have nothing to fear whatsoever – not even Him - because we know that we are operating in His will and trusting His sovereignty.

Now, if you happen to see me having a meltdown at some point over one of these situations or something else…do not rush to judge me!  We are, after all, human beings.  So perfection is a noble goal…but none of us will ever be completely accomplished in this area!  Still, we can keep working…and praying…and believing.  And we can let God do the heavy lifting. 

In his first inaugural address in 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt offered wisdom and encouragement to the people of our nation.  These words are just as powerful for us today and sum up much of what I believe.  Please take time to read them and ponder how graciously – and perfectly – God is handling our fears – even when we fail to fully give them to Him. 

“...let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

...our distress comes from no failure of substance. We are stricken by no plague of locusts. Compared with the perils which our forefathers conquered because they believed and were not afraid, we have still much to be thankful for. Nature still offers her bounty and human efforts have multiplied it.

...we humbly ask the blessing of God. May He protect each and every one of us. May He guide me in the days to come.”
Make this the day that you completely surrender your fears to God – once and for all – and discover how well He cares for your every need.

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 26, 2015

Luke 1:46-50
Mary said: With all my heart I praise the Lord, and I am glad because of God my Savior. He cares for me, his humble servant.

From now on, all people will say God has blessed me. God All-Powerful has done great things for me, and his name is holy. He always shows mercy to everyone who worships him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I have quite the Christmas nativity collection, and I love to display it each year in our piano room.  A few years ago, I acquired several porcelain “Madonnas,” and I now proudly display those alongside the full nativity sets.  At first, I thought it was a little strange to add the Madonnas.  But I have to say, as I have studied scripture over the years and pondered the circumstances of Jesus’ “conception,” I have grown quite fascinated with Mary, the mother of Jesus. 

In the first place, Mary was probably all of age 13 or 14 at best…and yet, she exhibited tremendous maturity – especially for a young girl who was “disgraced” with an unwed pregnancy.  The fact that she quickly recognized the importance of what God was placing on her – and humbly accepted it – astounds me.  Knowing that she might be ostracized by Joseph AND her entire family because of this…yet praising God for His “blessing”…is nothing short of incredible.

After studying other Biblical accounts of Mary and how she “mothered” Jesus, I have gained a newfound respect for her – and for her tremendous level of faith.  I ask myself sometimes, “Could you even come close to operating at this level, if you were presented with Mary’s circumstances?”  I simply don’t know if I would really have her fortitude and confidence.  I’d like to think so…but what this young woman was asked to do was truly extraordinary.

What God is asking us to do pales in comparison to what He asked of Mary.  Yet many of us are hesitant…full of excuses…and fearful.  We see the things that God asks us to do as burdens – not blessings.  We want to know “What’s in it for me?”  We are anything but ready to step up and out and say, “With all my heart, I praise the Lord” – and eagerly accept His assignments.

But we can take a page from Mary’s book. We can begin to trust God more - and change how we look at the things He asks of us. We can take on a more positive, worshipful, and grateful persona…and look for the blessings in the things that we are called to do…rather than the challenges and roadblocks.  We can trust God and fear less…and we can begin today.

Are you ready to emulate the Madonna?  Are you prepared to risk everything to gain even more?  Will this be the Christmas season that you begin to throw your fears to the wind and say, “It’s all in or nothing with God…and I’m ready to go all in!”?  Isn’t it time you made this level of commitment? If a teenage girl can do it, why can’t we?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 25, 2015

Joshua 4:21-24   
Then Joshua told the people:

Years from now your children will ask you why these rocks are here. Tell them, “The Lord our God dried up the Jordan River so we could walk across. He did the same thing here for us that he did for our people at the Red Sea, because he wants everyone on earth to know how powerful he is. And he wants us to worship only him.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last night during our now-likely-“traditional” Christmas Eve pizza dinner, I looked up and noticed that the almost-full moon had risen and was brightly shining over the valley.  We called the little ones to the window and had them look at the big, bright orb.  “There hasn’t been a full moon at Christmas since 1977!” we commented.  “The next one will happen in about 30 years.”  I looked it up today, and actually, it will be 2034, so that is only 19 years away.  However, I remarked to the children’s parents, “By the time we see this again, you all will likely be grandparents!” 

Both mother and father were taken aback by this thought!  We laughed and suggested that they “do the math.”  Timothy will be 36 years old…and even in 19 years, he will be the same age as his mother is today – and only 2 years younger than his dad is presently. So the possibility that they could be grandparents when we have another “Christmas moon” is something that could definitely happen!

Now, as humorous and thought-provoking as the idea of our little ones having children of their own by the next “Christmas moon,” is…the more interesting point in my mind is that we actually are anticipating this phenomenon again in the year 2034.  There are many things that occur in nature with a fair degree of regularity – and we simply take them for granted.  We never consider that they represent a consistency in God’s promises.  We sing “The Sun Will Come Out…Tomorrow” and we totally take for granted that God will turn the earth on its axis and cause the sun to “rise” in our neck of the woods.

We even take for granted a lot of events and circumstances that God has made a point to promise to us.  We look at the rainbow and remember briefly that God sent the first one to Noah as a symbol of His promise to never again destroy the earth and its people because of their sins.  When you think about it, Jesus’ birth in a lowly manger was yet another symbol of this promise.  In essence, Jesus Christ is a powerful, profound, and everlasting “rainbow” Who has taken our sins once and for all.

And so, I am watching and waiting for tonight’s “Christmas moon”…and maybe I’ll be around to see the next one in 2034.  If so, I will once again be reminded of God’s love and care, because I know that in a span of 19 years, He will show me over and again how important I am to Him.  I know that He will “dry the river” or “part the sea” for me and those I love more times than I can count – in ways that I can’t begin to imagine or explain.  And should I miss the next “Christmas moon,” it will only mean that God has made a place for me at His feet and fully in His presence…which will fulfill another promise that He has made to me.

I don’t know where you will watch the next “Christmas moon” – or if you will see it in the flesh.  My prayer is that either way, you are fully, confidently “walking” in the promises of God…enjoying His incredible love and care and delighting in His abundant blessings…all while worshipping only Him and giving Him all the glory and adulation!

Even when there are no rainbows, parted seas, dried rivers, or “Christmas moons,” god continually demonstrates His faithfulness to us.  Are you giving Him your full worship in return?  Will this “Christmas moon” serve as a reminder to give God your very best at all times?  Don’t you think it should?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 24, 2015

Joshua 24:14
“So revere Jehovah and serve him in sincerity and truth. Put away forever the idols your ancestors worshiped when they lived beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt. Worship the Lord alone.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Here we are…Christmas Eve!  As I look around, I once again see how God is orchestrating the details of our lives…how He has had His hand on us continually…and I am eternally grateful for His amazing care.  Somehow, everything got done on time - or even a little early - this year.  The house was decorated in a record two days, and the cards were sent.  Gifts were purchased, and stockings were filled. Cookies were baked and menus were planned.

We had all the “makings” of a “picture-perfect Christmas.”  But I have learned that Christmas is not truly in the decorations and the wrappings…the food and fun – or even the carols and Candlelight services. In my 58 years, I have spent Christmas Eve tending to sick and injured loved ones who were hospitalized.  I have stood at an incredibly frigid graveside in Iowa as we buried Greg’s grandfather.  I have sat by and watched others do all of the “busy work” as I recovered from a November surgery.  I have consoled grandparents who lost everything in a devastating house fire only days before Christmas.  I have celebrated without loved ones who were either in a distant city – or celebrating in Heaven with Jesus.  And I can tell you that in these particular years, the worship was somehow sweeter and more profound.

This year, my family is gathering at our house to celebrate together this evening.  This will be a bit of an unconventional Christmas Eve for us.  Because I have been nursing a cold, the “ham dinner with all the trimmings” has been postponed in favor of a pizza party (and thank you, Pizza Hut, for staying open on Christmas Eve!).  Because my mother is battling cancer and pneumonia, she will be an honored guest without a single duty other than to be present and let us enjoy her company.  Because my brother-in-law is still battling critical injuries suffered in a car accident earlier in the week, we will spend at least part of Christmas Day at the hospital in Little Rock with him and other family members - and we are on “stand-by” in case we are needed sooner.

Church friends of ours lost their patriarch a couple of nights ago. The family of the man whose car hit my brother-in-law and his wife is mourning his passing.  A former Sunday school student of mine is in Kuwait on a one-year tour of duty with the National Guard.  The flight of friends who were traveling to Argentina to visit family for Christmas got delayed – and then cancelled – stranding them in Chile!  A Facebook friend who is a single mother lost her job yesterday.

DO NOT feel sorry for us!  We are probably feeling closer to God these last few days than ever.  We will delight in watching Timothy, Zola and Nathan open presents this afternoon and in the merriment of their innocence and excitement.  We will treasure the memories made…and cherish the fact that we are able to gather as a family for this time.  Those who are mourning will hopefully feel God’s presence in a profound way.  The young father in Kuwait – and his family and friends who are stateside – will talk to God about his safety and ask for Jesus to be present with him in a special way this holiday.  The travelers, hospital sitters, and those who wonder how they are going to pay their bills will hopefully lean on Jesus a little extra – and find Him in a new way in the process.

Our church’s Bishop shared a video this morning that illustrated a wide variety of people in unconventional places and situations, with the tag line…”Jesus is Here.”  And truly, today, Jesus is HERE!  As you unwrap presents and stuff yourself silly – whether with a ham dinner or pizza – may Jesus be with you.  May you worship Him alone – and not all of the trappings and trimmings of this holiday season.  And may this be the Christmas that you say with new conviction, “Jesus is HERE!” – and truly mean it! 

Jesus is HERE!  God bless you…Merry Christmas Eve!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 23, 2015

John 3:16-18
“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugeterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Friends, this is shaping up to be some kind of week…and it’s only Wednesday!  Monday, my husband’s brother and sister-in-law were seriously injured in a car crash that resulted in the death of the other driver. For the third day in a row, Greg’s brother will undergo more surgery to repair internal injuries.  Hopefully today’s procedure will resolve everything.  My mother, who is battling ovarian cancer, was diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday.  She is receiving antibiotic treatment, and we anticipate that she will recover quickly.  Through all of this, we are praising God for His love and care…and marveling at how He is watching over us.

It would be easy to throw up our hands and ask, “Where have you gone, Lord?  What could possibly happen next?”  But instead, we find ourselves humbly thanking God for His unconditional love and protection.  We know that He has not sent these maladies to punish us.  But we believe that He is using them to say, “Draw closer to Me and let Me handle everything.”  And He IS doing this!

As Greg’s brother left our local hospital in an ambulance on Monday, headed for a trauma center at a Little Rock medical facility, the family gathered in the Emergency Department waiting room, held hands, and prayed.  We covered him in the blood of Jesus and called on God to protect all who would travel to be with him…the medical staff who would be responsible for his care…and those who would be anxiously awaiting information.  And God is delivering all of this and more, minute-by-minute.

I would dare say that a thousand people or more are praying for my mother…bringing her before God daily - and asking for His perfect healing.  I know that people are praying for each of us as family members and friends who support her in this journey.  I feel God’s love and care each and every day – and it is powerful and profound.

As we draw near to Christmas Eve and the celebration of God’s amazing gift of Jesus, let’s remind ourselves how much He loves us.  As we wrap gifts to put under the tree, think of the significance of God’s gift to us…His Only Son, who He knew we would disrespect and mistreat and ultimately try to destroy.  The Good News is that we have been totally ineffective! Jesus is ALIVE! He continues to heal us and protect us from harm.  He defeated death, so that even when our physical bodies are taken, we can continue to live with Him!

This is what fuels my family these days…the confidence that we belong to the Most High God – and nothing that is hurled our way can ultimately defeat us.  It is with this assurance that we prayed for healing for my brother-in-law and his wife.  It is with this determination that we believe that my mother and others who are battling cancer and other illnesses and injuries will be restored.  It is with complete trust that we let God determine what forms these healings and restorations will take - knowing that He loves us enough to give us perfect outcomes.

God loves you more than you can ever imagine or understand.  He wants you to love Him back with everything you have, regardless of how smoothly things are going in your life.  In fact, when “the chips are down,” your demonstration of steadfast love means even more to Him!  What are you showing Him this week?  How are you displaying your love and commitment to God – in every situation and circumstance?

A whole and lasting life is at our fingertips.  With God in control, we need not fear a single thing!  Are you operating in the confidence of a mutual, loving relationship with God?  Isn’t this the perfect week to stop and recommit your heart to Him and start walking in His daily assurances? What does God’s “Christmas Gift” mean for you?  Won’t you spend some time finding out today?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 22, 2015

Job 37:24
And so we humans fear God,
    because he shows no respect
for those who are proud
    and think they know so much.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There is often a fine line between asking God to answer our prayers…and telling Him HOW to answer them.  One represents “fear and respect”…humility and confidence that God knows what He is doing.  The other shows our “know-it-all” side…as if we know better than God how things ought to turn out in any given situation.  Like I said, this is tricky – and in many circumstances it’s nothing short of a slippery slope on our part!

How DO we ask God to answer our prayers without trying to sway Him in a particular direction?  One way is to pray, “LORD…may YOUR will be done – not mine.” Of course, we have to mean this when we say it – and this is often easier said than done.  But we also must recognize that some of the things we ask for…healing, protection, a “good outcome”…are open for interpretation – and God may not deliver as we expected.

When my dad and brother were ill, I prayed for healing for both of them.  And God did heal them and give them restored bodies – in heaven.  I see that clearly now.  Was this what I really asked God to do?  Probably not.  But I have come to understand how He orchestrated things even when I was thinking I knew a little too much.  By the time my grandmother was in her last months on earth and expressing a desire to go Home to Jesus, my prayers were more humble…”Lord, when You are ready for her, we are ready for you to take her.”  There were days when I asked, “Can’t Mam-ma please come home?”  But even as I asked, I knew better than to try in the least way to tell God what to do.

I am a slow learner…but I am discovering that when I ask God for His will in situations and circumstances - and trust Him to deliver - things go so much better.  I don’t mean to imply that the outcomes are always to my liking…and most certainly, God does not always answer on my timetable!  But God has been so steadfast and faithful to me. He has blessed me and answered me. He has rescued me and restored me over and again.  And I have grown in my reverence and respect for Him as a result.

I still have moments when I say, “Lord, we need a miracle.”  But more often when I ask for this, I trust that God will deliver.  I know that this may not come in the form or time that I expected – but He will deliver!  There is a peace and comfort in this attitude.  It can be very liberating not to be a “know-it-all”…to let go and let God have control. 

Are you still trying to tell God what to do?  Will this be the day that you fully surrender to His will and give Him your complete reverence and respect? Aren’t you ready to at least give it a shot and see what happens? 

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 21, 2015

Luke 2:6-7
...and while they were there, she gave birth to her first-born son. She dressed him in baby clothes and laid him on a bed of hay, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

There is an old adage that “If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.” Mary knew that her “due date” was eminent.  But like many expectant mothers, the exact hour that the newborn was to arrive was a mystery. Once in a while, there is no time to adequately prepare for childbirth.  It happens more often than we realize.  Even though everyone knows that a baby is on the way, you hear about infants being born in cabs, on the bathroom floor at home, and in other less-than-ideal locations.

So what do we learn from situations that stop us dead in our tracks and instantly change our course?  It seems to me that these are opportunities for us to recognize the supremacy of God.  I can often see how God orchestrated dozens of things perfectly amidst the unsettling nature of events that have unfolded in my own life.  I can see how beautifully God prepared for the birth of His Son – our Savior – in the lowliest of places.  How else could He have shown us the purity of humility than to deliver the Prince of Peace in a bed of hay?

Instead of telling God how we intend for things to go, why don’t we ask Him to show us what to do with each day?  Rather than question His motives and the unexpected “deliveries,” shouldn’t we ask God to direct our steps and guide us as we navigate the detours?  What do you suppose would happen if we started trusting God in everything…even when it didn’t appear that things were going to turn out as we had hoped?  Are we ready to deliver a baby in a bed of hay…to surrender our plans and ideas of how things should go in favor of God’s?

We’ve been given the perfect demonstration of complete trust in God - and His plans -  over our own mortal ideas.  Isn’t it time we took this to heart and incorporated this attitude in our own life?  Are we really ready to “let go and let God?”  Isn’t this the right time to do so?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 20, 2015

Job 28:28
And this is what he says to all mankind: ‘Look, to fear the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.’”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
I was watching a show about people who weigh more than 600 pounds and desperately want gastric bypass surgery to help them lose weight.  On one particular episode, the doctor asked his patient, “What do you eat?”  The young man explained that “I only eat twice a day…but I snack a lot, and I can’t seem to get by without potatoes – especially potato chips.”  The doctor asked this patient what he thought would happen to him if he stopped eating the chips.  “I would probably lose weight,” he replied.

The young man really didn’t want to do this.  He told the doctor that he was an emotional eater…that he didn’t eat because he was hungry, but because he was trying to feed inner conflicts.  This is a common behavior…and the doctor pointed out that if the young man continued to feed his feelings after surgery, he still would not lose weight.

This doctor has a reputation for helping morbidly obese people get their lives back on track…and this young man had a healthy “fear” (respect) for the doctor’s opinion.  He was able to receive psychological counseling in tandem with the bypass surgery – and he lost almost 400 pounds.  But for every “success story” on this program, there are probably two or three stories of people who simply cannot stop eating poorly and don’t keep the weight off long-term.  In fact, there is a “five-year mark” that is deemed the true measure of success.  If the patient can lose weight and maintain it for five years, there is a decent chance that this weight loss will be permanent.

In so many ways, we are the obese person who looks to God to help us lose our “weight”…but we don’t want to give up the “chips.”  We know that God can fix us…that He can heal our bodies, minds and souls…that He can resolve conflicts and set us on the right course in every area of our lives.  But we want Him to do this while we continue right on with our old habits.  We want to wring our hands over people and problems.  We want to eat whatever we choose and sit on our backsides.  We want to gripe and complain, gossip and disparage, and do as we please…and we want God to fix it all.

The truth is…we can’t have it both ways.  A lot of us are wise enough to trust and “fear” God…but fewer of us have figured out that the real victory comes in an understanding of how He works.  And this means that we must do our part and forsake evil in all of its forms.

So our assignment for today is to take a good hard look at our lives and see where we are allowing “evil” of some sort to control us.  Where have we not fully surrendered to God?  Where have we given up on something or someone instead of humbly trusting God to work in this situation?  Where have we thrown up our hands and said, “It’s no use!” – and “opened the bag of chips and begun to eat?” 

Look at the circumstances of your life today, and make the necessary changes.  Fear (respect) God and walk in His wisdom – and grow in understanding of how He cares for you and meets your every need.  Surrender your will to God’s…and see how far He will take you.  Make this the day that you shed the weight of a life not fully offered to God and discover the new “spring in your step” that comes from letting Him have your burdens.  This is the day to “lighten our load!”  I’m all in…are you?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 19, 2015

Jeremiah 32:40
And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, promising never again to desert them but only to do them good. I will put a desire into their hearts to worship me, and they shall never leave me.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

When I was seven, my dad worked on a construction crew in southeast Arkansas.  He would get up before daylight on Monday mornings and drive several hours to be at work on time…then on Friday evenings, he would drive home for the weekend.  Sometimes we visited him on the weekends at the little house he rented through the week. I absolutely HATED this. I know that this a strong word to use, but it’s the truth!  I cried every Sunday night when he tucked me into bed, knowing that he would be gone when I woke up the next morning.  I begged him to stay home with us…and after several months, Daddy did come home.

My dad tried to explain to me that he needed this job…that he did this so that our family could have the things we needed…and extras like the horse that I loved so much at my grandparent’s farm.  But when you are seven, the world does not seem logical in the least…and this did not make a lick of sense to me.  All I knew was that my daddy was not there most of the time.

When I was ten, my dad moved our family to Oklahoma for six months for another construction job.  The pay was good – and for the first time ever, my mother didn’t have to work.  But my sister, brother and I were miserable.  We missed our home in Arkansas – and our family (even though family members or friends visited us all but maybe one or two of the weekends of that six months). My then six-year-old brother was so homesick that he was physically ill much of that time…and many nights, he cried to go home.  I know the struggle between staying “on the road,” where my dad made a great wage, and going home to lower-paying jobs must have been very hard for my parents.  But in the end, we did return home.

I tell you all of this to explain that the sense of “abandonment” is powerful…whether it is a child who longs for the comforts and security of the home he/she has known since birth...to the boy whose parents are carted off to jail while DHS finds a suitable “substitute family” until things can be ironed out…to a little girl whose dad packs his things and leaves his family to start a new life with another family – without so much as a backward glance…or the kid who waits after school for a parent to pick him/her up – and nobody shows.

So it is easy for me to understand the potential “fear” that God might turn His back on us.  You may not have ever been “abandoned” or “deserted” per se, but if you have ever experienced any situation that involved a profound loss (and now, I’ve probably covered everyone!), you can better understand the deep-seated emptiness and pain that comes from feeling like someone has left you.

HEAR THE GOOD NEWS…GOD NEVER LEAVES US!  He never goes off to work in another town or sends us packing to a strange place away from our “family.”  He never chooses someone else over us or does anything to cause a family breakup.  If you are a child of God, you will NEVER be an orphan! You are never out of His sight! Given this knowledge, why would you ever want to walk away from God – for even a minute? 

The God who would never abandon you wants to know that YOU would never do the same to Him.  Are you ready to make this commitment, once and for all? Will this be the day that you do?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 18, 2015

James 2:19-20
Are there still some among you who hold that “only believing” is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember that the demons believe this too—so strongly that they tremble in terror! Fool! When will you ever learn that “believing” is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Yesterday was a day for “making memories.”  Timothy’s first grade class presented a play…”The True Story of Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer.”  Timothy was Rudolph!  The children were each adorable in their roles, and the play was presented for about 30 family members and friends who came for the performance (including 8 member of Timothy’s family!).  There was a Christmas party in the afternoon, which included a surprise visit by Santa Claus himself (a childhood friend of mine who is doing a superb job portraying the jolly old guy).

In between these events, Timothy’s Uncle Greg and I went with him to the cafeteria and kept him company while he ate his lunch.  Several times during the day, Timothy told us how much he loves us.  And it didn’t take a rocket scientist to determine how happy our nephew was that he was getting so much attention. Timothy knows that he is loved.  But every child wants to be shown this…particularly by the “gifts” of our time and attention.

Here’s where this applies to you and me - and directly to our Spiritual relationship.  We can tell God every single day that we love Him.  But if we never show Him through our obedience and service to others in the name of Jesus, we just as well save our breath.  We can claim to be redeemed sinners…children of the Most High God…and disciples of Jesus.  But if we don’t demonstrate this with our actions and attitudes, no one will believe us – not even God.  We have to “walk the walk” or our “talk” is just that.

We now have one week until Christmas Day.  Many of us are running around like chickens with our heads cut off getting ready to make everything as perfect as possible – at least for a few hours or a couple of days.  And in the process, a lot of us are “only believing.”  We are not thinking about those who are sick and suffering – or lonely.  We have tossed a few coins into the red buckets outside of Walmart, but we really have not considered the long-term plight of the needy.

We’ve given an “angel gift” for an orphan or two…but we haven’t thought about what happens to these precious children each and every day. Some of us have fought to “keep Christ in Christmas”…and in the process, we’ve been so ugly and arrogant that we’ve shown others anything but the real face of Jesus.

Let’s consider the words from this passage in James today - and search our hearts.  Let’s see where we have missed the mark and “talked the talk” without any “walk” to go with it.  We can turn this around…and I can’t think of a better time than this week leading up to the celebration of our Savior’s birth.  True discipleship could be the best gift we ever gave to Jesus.  What will you be giving Him this Christmas?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 17, 2015

Isaiah 8:13
I am the one you should fear and respect. I am the holy God, the Lord All-Powerful!

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

When I was a child…and even when my parents were children…there was a man who lived in our county who was known as “Preacher Mullens.”  This gentle man was a traveling preacher…and at Christmas time, he dressed up as Santa Claus and came to area schools to pass out candy canes.  He drove a red Jeep with REAL “reindeer” on the front…actually a mounted deer (or were there two?).  Okay, so it wouldn’t be so politically correct today…but I remember petting the deer and thinking it was the greatest thing ever.  And even though I knew that “Santa” was really Preacher Mullens, he truly represented Santa to me…the only Santa of my childhood.

My first year to teach, Preacher Mullens came to visit our school, and I have a photo of him passing out candy canes to my first graders.  That was in 1977, and I think this was one of the last years that Mr. Mullens did this.  Today, at Timothy’s first grade Christmas party, a childhood friend of mine who makes a truly fine Santa Claus visited the classrooms and wished the children a Merry Christmas.  I told him, “You are carrying the torch for Preacher Mullens.”  He quickly raised his hands and said, “Oh, NO!  There is no way!”  He did not feel worthy to be compared to this man who is so revered in our community as something of a childhood folk hero.  In my friend’s mind, there is only ONE “Preacher Mullens”…and he cannot be replicated.

I’m here to assure you that there is only ONE Jesus Christ…only ONE Lord and Savior. There will be some pretty good people who come along in our lifetime – and in the generations to come. There will be some fine folks who do their best to love God and serve Him completely. And there will be some amazing spiritual leaders who can help us understand scripture, guide us in ministry, and assist us in accomplishing fantastic things in the name of the LORD. But there will only ever be ONE God…and He only sent ONE Son to save us.

So before we go singing the praises of each other – or this evangelist or that minister or author… and giving too much credit to a mere human, let’s get it straight.  Let’s remember who is the Lord All-Powerful…and let’s give HIM our utmost “fear” and respect.  In this season when we celebrate all sorts of things – including Santa Claus and his reindeer…let’s remember Who we are really supposed to be honoring.  We need to remember to make Jesus the center of attention and keep our perspective…and then we need to keep this up all throughout the year.

I have such fond memories of Preacher Mullens and all of the good he did for people in my part of the state…and he did this throughout the year – not just at Christmas time.  There is a place in my “Christmas memories” for this magnificent man and happy thoughts of the Santa Claus that he portrayed.  But I must make certain that I prioritize carefully – and that I don’t place Santa Claus ahead of Jesus…in this season or any other time of the year.  I am determined to do this…what about you?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 16, 2015

Isaiah 66:2
I have made everything;
that’s how it all came to be.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

The people I treasure most
    are the humble—
they depend only on me
    and tremble when I speak.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Have you ever gone into a room and forgotten why you were there?  I know I have.  I will stop and stand still and say to myself, “Now, I know I came in here for something!” In my case, it might be a bit of simple forgetfulness that comes with age! But often, the problem is that we are trying to do too much at once.

I know it sounds cliché, but this is one of the busiest times of the year.  We are consumed with decorations, parties, gifts and festivities…musical programs and parades…food galore and opportunities at every turn for revelry.  And in the midst of all of this, we find it very easy to forget “why we came into the room.”  In other words, we get so caught up in the merriment and celebration that we forget WHO we are celebrating.

This scripture passage from Isaiah reminds us that God treasures most those who are humble…the ones who depend on Him and “tremble when I speak.”  In other words, God treasures the ones who maintain focus…listen for His voice…and pay attention to His message.  God treasures those who are more interested in what He thinks and has to say than what the world says…the ones who care more about seeking Him in the everyday, ordinary things of life than making sure everything is just perfect in their holiday celebrations and décor.  He values those who care more about meeting the physical, mental and spiritual needs of others than buying the perfect gift for Aunt Sue.

At the end of the day…we need to stop, take a breath, and refocus.  Two weeks from Friday (if not sooner) a lot of people will pack away the decorations, undress the tree, and close the book on Christmas for another eleven months.  And more than a few will pack away their relationship with Jesus, too.

Let’s promise right now that we won’t do this!  Let’s get our priorities straight now…today…December 16th.  Let’s humble ourselves before God and thank Him for all that He has made…for everything that He has given us.  And let’s ask Him to show us what is most important…”why we came into the room” in the first place! 

I want to be among those whom God treasures most…don’t you?  Are you taking the necessary steps to make it so?  Don’t you think it’s time you did?

© Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 15, 2015

Hebrews 12:28-29
Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander. He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God himself is Fire!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Yesterday, I made a trek to our family cemetery to set out flowers on the graves of several loved ones.  I do this two or three times a year…filling the little pipes that are driven into the ground at each marker with a few silk flowers.  This time it was white poinsettias for the winter season. I also clean up stray flowers that have blown around and pull any weeds that have crept up around the headstones.  In addition to paying respect and remembering our loved ones, this is an opportunity to check up on the overall condition of the cemetery and make sure that everything is in order.

But yesterday, everything was in tip-top shape.  Not only had the grounds been mowed, but someone had actually run a weedeater around each grave and whacked away any stray grass and weeds.  The day was sunny, crisp and clear.  The sky was a bright blue, and wispy white clouds were being quickly blown along by a strong wind.  I stayed longer than usual, talking to God and thinking about each person whose life was represented there.

It’s okay…I know I’m weird…but I have always loved visiting cemeteries.  I am at peace there. I do not find them morbid, sad or frightening.  As I walked among the family graves yesterday and set out the flowers, I thought of each person buried beneath the soil…and I thanked God for them. I laughed as I thought of how my brother totally disliked artificial flowers and would not have been a fan of the ones I placed on his grave.  I thought of how artfully my Mam-ma Polly arranged flowers, and I could almost hear her clucking her tongue at my dismal efforts as I stuck several stems into the pipe at her headstone. 

I stuck a few extra stems in the ground at the graves of my great-aunts, Fay and Lugilla…and I thought of these sweet women and how hard their lives were.  I set out flowers for my dad and my Pap-pa Truman, knowing neither one of them would have cared less if their graves were decorated or not.  And I thanked God for these people and what they meant to me…how they served Him and represented Jesus on this earth.  I sat and looked around this pastoral cemetery, flanked by a meandering manmade lake, with Sugar Loaf Mountain in the distance as a backdrop…and I felt God’s peace AND His power.

God worked in the lives of every one of these people…each in a totally different way.  But in the end, He cleansed them and made them into new creatures – both on this earth, and again as they entered the gates of Heaven.  And He will do this for each of us, if we will let Him.

Someday, I will join my loved ones at this family plot…and that is not a scary thought for me.  I know that I won’t really be there - that only what’s left of my earthly body will be physically present.  I will have been cleansed once again by God’s fire and given a new body in heaven.  I have an idea how I would like for it to look…but I know whatever God chooses for me will be even more perfect! 

My prayer for you today is that you are not afraid of God’s cleansing fire…that you embrace His efforts to whack away the weeds and stray grasses and create something pure and lovely.  I pray that you know the peace of a future secured for you in Heaven someday, complete with a perfect, beautiful body and more love and abundance than you can ever imagine.  And I pray that you are serving God with a grateful heart…thankful for His cleansing fire and amazing love. We’ve been given an unshakable Kingdom…do you see it?!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 14, 2015

Hebrews 11:7
Noah was another who trusted God. When he heard God’s warning about the future, Noah believed him even though there was then no sign of a flood, and wasting no time, he built the ark and saved his family. Noah’s belief in God was in direct contrast to the sin and disbelief of the rest of the world—which refused to obey—and because of his faith he became one of those whom God has accepted.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

The other day, Timothy asked me why God allows sin. “Why doesn’t He just take away everybody’s sin for good?” he asked me.  My response was that God wants us to have “free will” – He wants us to choose NOT to sin and to ASK  for His forgiveness.  This tells God that we love Him and serve Him because we want to…not because we’re afraid of Him.  Timothy also wanted to know why God lets people suffer.  Again, I explained that God does not allow this because He is mean.  I told Timothy that I believe that God uses our suffering for something good…but we may never know why this is for sure until we get to heaven.  He seemed okay with these answers.

I told Timothy that someday soon, he will probably ask God to forgive all of his sins and make Jesus his “Forever Friend.”  He said, “Oh, I’ve already done that!”  “You have?” I asked. “That’s great!  When did you do this?” Timothy replied matter-of-factly…”When I was two!”  I smiled and told him that was wonderful - and he changed the subject, as six-year-olds do!

In this precious little boy’s heart, He and God are “square.”  I have a feeling that Timothy will continue to grow in his faith and understanding of God, and that he will have many more questions. Like most of us, his faith will waver from time to time…but in total, I believe that Jesus will always be his “Forever Friend”…and he will serve Him faithfully. Hopefully Timothy will grow in his discipleship to a point where he would actually build an ark and gather the animals if God told him to do so!

I marvel at the depth of understanding that this little boy has…and how many people several decades older than he seem to have little to no grasp of what it really means to trust God. I am thankful that our children are already discovering how important it is to fully rely on God and obey Him…and I pray that they continue to grow in wisdom and dedication to serving Him completely.

I don’t know that my answers to Timothy about why God allows sin and suffering were all that substantial. I silently whispered a prayer before I spoke and trusted God to give me the words that this little boy needed at the moment.  But what I really wanted to convey - and what I want you to understand - is that a lot of the “whys and wherefores” of our relationship with God cannot be fully explained.  This doesn’t negate them in any way.  Much of our relationship with God is based in complete, unabashed faith…in things we cannot see and understand, and in God’s ability to “make a way where we see none.” This is a hard thing to explain – to someone who is six or 96!

The best way to understand God’s plans and to strengthen our faith is to exercise it.  When things happen…when suffering comes or challenges arise…we must trust God.  When we feel Him telling us to “go this way” or “choose XYZ,” we have to obediently follow His lead.  The more we do these things, the more we will choose God’s ways over our own sinful ones…and the more we will grow in confidence that He is guiding our steps. 

My prayer is that we will each take the first steps today to begin to strengthen our faith. Listen to God’s voice…trust Him even in the hard things that come your way. Let go of your fears and embrace God completely.  Rest in the rhythms and grace of your “Forever Friend,” and discover the great things that He has in store for you.  God will probably never call on any of us to build an ark…but if He should, we will be ready!

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 13, 2015

Genesis 22:12
“Don’t hurt the boy or harm him in any way!” the angel said. “Now I know that you truly obey God, because you were willing to offer him your only son.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Friends of mine are sitting with their 31-year-old daughter as she nears the end of her battle with breast cancer.  The mother wrote a heart-wrenching note on Facebook today, describing the time she is sharing with her child before she enters the gates of Heaven…the conversations they are having…and how grateful this mother is for the years she was given with her daughter and the medical staff who extended her earthly stay.  She closed by saying, “From our family to you and yours, MERRY CHRISTMAS and A BLESSED and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.”  Because I know this family and their level of faith, I know that this mother means every word of her last sentence.

I have sat with more than one person who was nearing the end of their life and the beginning of an eternity in the presence of Jesus.  I have shared conversations and “prayed them on” in their journey…I have “let go.”  But thankfully, I have never done this as a parent.  I am told it is the deepest heartbreak imaginable.  And yet, countless mothers and fathers have had to let go of their children and say, “They belong to You now, LORD”…and find a way to move on with their lives.  In a way, these people are modern-day Abrahams.

Okay, so they didn’t physically sacrifice their own children…or make preparations to take their lives as a demonstration of faith in God.  And no, they really had no “say” about whether their children lived or died.  But still, they had to make the mental choice to offer their sons and daughters to God and say, “Go ahead and take them…I will trust You to take care of me without them.”  And that is a huge leap of faith for anyone.

This is the kind of faith that I am cultivating.  I want to be so confident in God’s love and care that I can boldly say, “Take everything and everyone, if You must…and I will still honor You and glorify Your name.  I will still serve You with every fiber of my being and do my best to serve you with obedience and grace.”  This is fearless living…and I want to embrace it!

Will it be easy?  Not at all…but then, being a faith-filled Christian often is anything but comfortable and trouble-free.  That’s why they call it “faith!”  I know that the rewards are so worth it…of this I am very sure.  So I am going all in and asking God to equip me to live this life to which He has called me.  What about you?  Are you ready to live fearlessly, too?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 12, 2015

Ephesians 5:21
Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Last year, my sister was hospitalized on Christmas Day with breathing difficulties.  She stayed there several days.  Facebook became a great way to update people about her condition and ask for prayer…and thankfully, her condition did improve.  But Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets are also a hotbed for disrespect.  People who profess to be faith-filled Christians go at one another with all of the fervor of rabid dogs.  Wives post ugly cartoons and comments about their husbands or partners…who in turn make snide remarks and post equally unkind photos/sayings about their wives or significant others.

And let’s be honest…more than a few of us have been unkind toward a political candidate – or even our own children - as we post critical remarks and embarrassing photos/stories.  We give little to no thought about how these make the person feel – or how we look by doing so.  Okay, so maybe your kid doesn’t see Facebook now…but he/she probably will someday.  Do you really want them to know that you shared their bathroom antics or that song they sang in the shower when they thought no one was listening?

My point is that we have all become lax about respect…toward each other, and most certainly toward God.  We have arbitrarily decided that some words we once would never utter are now perfectly okay in polite conversation. And even with all the talk of “political correctness,” we still feel free to say whatever pops into our heads.  We take God’s name in vain.  We “shoot now and ask questions later” with regard to everything from judging others and calling on the name of Jesus to declaring that our faith and way of worship is superior to that of the next guy – all the while failing to consider that God loves them just as much as He cares about us!

Watch the nightly news or pick up a newspaper…Christians are disrespecting each other – AND GOD – at every turn. We have tossed reverence and respect for one another to the curb…and by “doing this to the least of these,” we have done it to God.  But we can change.  We can open our hearts and minds…listen for God’s voice…and submit to His will.  We can say to Him, “Father, I am sorry for how I have treated You and Your children.  Please show me how to correct this.”  And then we must follow through on our commitment.

I urge you to search your heart and see where you have become lax in your respect and reverence for God…and for others.  Make this the day that you begin to turn this around, once and for all.  In this season when we are supposedly so focused on Christ Jesus, will you renew your effort to show Him the respect He is due?  Don’t you think you should?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 11, 2015

Ecclesiastes 3:14
I’ve also concluded that whatever God does, that’s the way it’s going to be, always. No addition, no subtraction. God’s done it and that’s it. That’s so we’ll quit asking questions and simply worship in holy fear.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugeterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

This morning, our three-year-old Nathan was trying to put some “bristle blocks” together.  These are toothed plastic blocks that forge together to form objects and shapes.  We had attached a rectangle to four wheels, and Nathan wanted to add another rectangle atop the first one.  But instead of snapping this block into place where it belonged, he kept trying to put it over a wheel.  He got really upset because this wouldn’t work – and even more upset because I couldn’t make it happen!  I kept trying to tell him, “This is not the way it goes together. It won’t work this way.”  But Nathan was having none of it.

When I read this scripture, I pictured us – God’s children – standing before Him with our own ideas of how things should be.  We show him the “blocks” of our lives and tell Him, “This is how I want to do this.” God says, “That’s not how it’s going to work.”  And the argument commences.  Often, we are as stubborn as a three-year-old boy.  We kick and stomp and demand that God do things our way…that He add this or subtract that and make everything fit our desires.  And God just shakes His head in disappointment over our foolishness.

It’s time to grow up!  We need to get a grip on God’s power and autonomy over our lives.  We need to learn to operate in “holy fear” (respect) for God and His indisputably perfect ways.  We need to worship Him…because He deserves our praise and adoration.  And we need to trust Him to meet our every need…because He is the only One who can!

The time has come to stop trying to “put the blocks together” like we want…and trust that God has our best interests at heart – always and in all ways.  When we recognize that He truly does know what is best for us, we are free to stop questioning and start really believing.  Then we can begin to truly live in God’s amazing love and grace – and He can work in and through us. Isn’t this our goal as Christian disciples? Don’t you think it should be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 10, 2015

Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
But, my son, be warned: there is no end of opinions ready to be expressed. Studying them can go on forever and become very exhausting!

Here is my final conclusion: fear God and obey his commandments, for this is the entire duty of man. For God will judge us for everything we do, including every hidden thing, good or bad.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

In recent weeks, I have gained a whole new perspective on opinions…particularly when it comes to the medical community.  Everyone has one…”My doctor is the best!”…”This procedure is the right/wrong one”…”Go here or there”…”See him or her”…”Take this drug”…”Don’t take that one!”  It’s mind-boggling and numbing…not to mention frustrating! 

In my mother’s battle with cancer, she has experienced all of this – and more.  And at the end of the day, she says, “Nothing is going to work except God's healing hand.”  There is tremendous peace in this declaration.  When we have wrestled, massaged, mangled and worried our lives to the “Nth degree,” it is comforting to let go and give everything to God.

So where does the “fear God” part of this scripture passage come into play?  First, we have to understand that the term “fear” in this application does not necessarily mean to be afraid.  In this context, it means to revere, adore, respect, and hold God in highest esteem...to serve Him wholeheartedly and obediently in all things - at all times. We must trust God in all circumstances, with the confidence that we have followed His commands and ministered to others in Jesus’ name to the very best of our abilities.

I have to tell you…I am far from having it all together.  I sin…I make mistakes…I can get into some of the biggest messes.  But I love God, and I do my dead-level best to serve Him completely each and every day.  Someday, when I stand before Him, I will have to answer for everything I’ve ever thought, said, or done.  But I don’t fear this in the least.  I know that the greatest moment of all will be when I hear God say to me… “You were washed clean by the blood of Jesus…you are totally forgiven.  All past mistakes are wiped away.”

It is with this confidence and peace that I am able to echo my mother’s words – for her AND in numerous other situations - and say, “Nothing is going to work except God’s healing hand.”  With this ringing in my ears, I forge ahead each day, do what I know God is calling me to do…and let Him handle the rest.  God’s opinion is the only one that matters.  Whose opinions are guiding you these days?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 9, 2015

Deuteronomy 8:1 and 6
Israel, do you want to go into the land the Lord promised your ancestors? Do you want to capture it, live there, and become a powerful nation? Then be sure to obey every command I am giving you.

Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The children have this little “board book” called The Story of the Ten Commandments*.  This book tells the story of Moses going to Mt. Sinai and receiving the stone tablets containing rules from God – written in language that young children can understand.  As I read this version of the Commandments, I decided they were pretty good for us “big kids,” too.  Sometimes we need to see things in a simpler perspective. 

Before you go getting all uppity because this is “not what the Bible says,” read this list and see if it doesn’t encompass everything in Deuteronomy 5…just in a simpler language.

  1. There is only one God.
  2. Bow down to no one but God.
  3. Speak God’s name with respect.
  4. Give one day each week to God.
  5. Respect your parents.
  6. Do not kill.
  7. Be faithful to your family.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not lie.
  10. Do not want what others have.
I do not believe the reference to “fear and trembling” is meant to be taken literally.  God wants us to obey and serve Him out of love and respect…not out of a sense of true fear and obligation. The thing is…some of us have decided to pick and choose which of these commands to obey…and that’s where we get into trouble!

Look over this simple list as it is interpreted for children.  See where you fall in line with these commands…and where you come up short.  I’m thinking commandments #2, #7, and #10 in particular are probably a stretch for some of us!  Examine your heart and your daily living and see where you have failed to worship God “with fear and trembling” – a.k.a. reverence, respect…and your whole heart.

Make this the day that you recommit to complete service, so that you, too, can go “to the land of your ancestors” – or in our case, so that you can be assured of a seat in Heaven at God’s table.  More importantly, do this because you love God…the God who has loved us far beyond what we could ever deserve.  Obey His commands because it makes life better in every way – for all of us.  And give God praise and adoration for His amazing generosity and incomparable love and grace – to Moses’ people AND for generations to come!

©2015 Debbie Robus

*The Story of the Ten Commandments – Patricia Pingry/Stacy Venturi-Pickett
  ©1999 Ideals Publications, a division of Guideposts.

Daily Devotional for December 8, 2015

December 8 ~ Deuteronomy 6:20-25
Someday your children will ask, “Why did the Lord give us these laws and teachings?”

Then you will answer:

We were slaves of the king of Egypt, but the Lord used his great power and set us free. We saw him perform miracles and make horrible things happen to the king, his officials, and everyone else. The Lord rescued us from Egypt, so he could bring us into this land, as he had promised our ancestors. That’s why the Lord our God demands that we obey his laws and worship him with fear and trembling. And if we do, he will protect us and help us be successful.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Our three-year-old Nathan’s favorite question is “Why?”  Sometimes, I have a good answer…and often, I just have to “wing it.”  But when our children – or anyone else – asks me why God gave us rules and commands us to obey them, I hope I have decent answers!  When I am asked by anyone WHY God covers us in grace and mercy and sent His only Son to suffer and die for our sins, I need to have a good explanation at the ready!

Let’s be clear…we are not going to have “all of the answers” – because we aren’t supposed to.  There are so many things about how God operates that are mysterious and will not be revealed to us until we get to Heaven. This is where “faith” comes into play! But we need to be so grounded and confident in our Christian faith and discipleship that we can explain - and demonstrate by our actions – our service and obedience in a way that is compelling and believable to others. And telling someone we love and serve God…“because I don’t want to go to hell” is not a good answer!

We have some excellent starting points outlined in this scripture passage from Deuteronomy 6. God performed miracles and protected His people by making horrible things happen to the king of Egypt and his cronies. He rescued the people of Israel and delivered them to the Promised Land.  And He has guaranteed protection and success for all who follow Him. Since this is Old Testament scripture, it doesn’t even touch on the miracles, love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ several centuries later.  The Bible as a whole is filled with examples and justifications for placing our hope and faith in Jesus Christ and serving our Heavenly Father with full obedience and trust. Our job is to look for them and commit them to heart!

The point is that we need not fear questions about our faith.  Rather, we must be ready to answer them. We have to prepare ourselves through the study of God’s word, prayer and communication with Him – and through actually putting our Christian faith into action - so that we are ready to answer that all-important “Why?” from people who are “on the fence.” 

Are you fully ready to tackle these questions head-on? Do you have good, plausible explanations for your Christian faith and discipleship?  Isn’t it time that you did?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 7, 2015

Deuteronomy 5:28-29
The Lord heard you and said:

Moses, I heard what the people said to you, and I approve. I wish they would always worship me with fear and trembling and be this willing to obey me! Then they and their children would always enjoy a successful life.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

“He’s making a list…and checking it twice…gonna find out who’s naughty or nice…Santa Claus is coming to town!”* Many of us use these words as “leverage” at this time of year to elicit good behavior from our kids.  And for the most part, it works.  I am sure that more than one child is praying and promising God that he/she will be really good all year long, if only He will let Santa visit them this Christmas!  And while we adults may not be promising to be good for Santa, we make a lot of promises to God that we don’t end up keeping.

If you go back to Deuteronomy 5 and read the verses before this one, the people have told Moses that they believe in God…and frankly, they are afraid of what will happen to them if they don’t follow Him.  So they asked Moses to go and listen to everything that God said – and report back to them…and they promised to do it all.  Of course, God knew already that this wouldn’t happen…and this is pretty much what He addressed with Moses in verses 28-29. 

To do what God asks of us will result in a successful life.  But few of us are willing to do the work to draw close to God and listen for His directives.  We are so interested in doing what we want and having things our own way that we really don’t have time or inclination to seek God’s will – and act on it.  So we fumble and bumble around.  And when the chips are down, we act like a kid in early December who is afraid that Santa Claus will not visit.  And we start fervently praying and begging God to take care of us!

Isn’t it time to get off of this merry-go-round?  Don’t you want to just rest and relax in God’s peace, forever and ever?  Will this be the day that you say, “Have it YOUR way, LORD” – and let Him guide your every thought, word and step?  Are you ready to enjoy a truly successful life?  Will this be the day that you get started?

©2015 Debbie Robus
*Santa Claus is Coming to Town ~ ©1934 John Frederick Coots & Haven Gillespie

Daily Devotional for December 6, 2015

Daniel 10:12
Then he said, “Don’t be frightened, Daniel, for your request has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day you began to fast before the Lord and pray for understanding; that very day I was sent here to meet you.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

It’s time for a little confession…this morning, things just did not come together like I had hoped.  Several circumstances beyond my control weighed heavily on me…my mother’s battle with cancer…family members who do not believe in Jesus…two dear, young friends who appear to be losing their battles with cancer, just to name a few.  I shuffled to the kitchen to pour another cup of coffee, and I said, “Lord, I can’t fix this. These are all things beyond my control.” And I honestly heard Him laugh. I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized the absurdity of my thought. It was as if I audibly heard God say, “You are not supposed to control or fix these things!  Leave that to me!”

I sat down to look up a scripture for this devotional, and I was not surprised to read these words…”your request has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day...”  I turned on the television, and Joel Osteen was preaching about keeping the faith, speaking and believing the things that GOD will do for us. He shared a story of faithfulness over his own grandfather, and how family members who had given their hearts to Jesus believed for the salvation of this man – and he came to know the LORD. When this grandfather Osteen died, the suit in which he was buried had pockets stuffed with tracts that he passed out to others to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Joel Osteen made this comment…”He’s [God] got it all figured out.  You don’t have to worry – God has ya in the palm of His hand.  He’s not going to fail you. He is faithful to His promises. Your family is coming together. The dream may look too big – keep believing.  It’s coming together…God has a way.  When you realize that God’s in control…that He’s directing your steps…that He’s already lined up everything you need…then you can relax.  You don’t have to go through life trying to make it all happen on your own…worried about your children…frustrated because it’s taking too long…discouraged because a dream looks dead.”

“Keep reminding yourself…the sovereign LORD…the God who breathed life into you…the God who knew you before you were born…the God who has planned out your days for good…the God who has protected you, promoted you, healed you…the same God that brought you to where you are – He’s gonna get you to where you’re supposed to be.  It may take a little longer than you thought it ought to be…but that’s okay.  God’s timing is the perfect time.”

Osteen continued by saying that things may not happen the way we planned…”But God’s ways are better than our ways.”  I took a collective breath, checked myself for thinking I was “all that” and actually COULD control/fix anything on my own…and I thanked God for His sovereignty and perfection.  I reminded myself that He has heard my requests – over and over!  And just like those of Daniel so long ago, God has heard my petitions and answered my prayers…beautifully, perfectly, and in His indisputable timing.

The sermon concluded with Pastor Osteen saying that, “You don’t have to worry…you don’t have to live stressed out.  God is directing your steps.  He controls the whole universe…you can stay in a place of peace.”  I am free to go about my day now, secure once again in the knowledge that GOD has my back…that He is watching over me and orchestrating every single minute of my life – and the lives of my friends and loved ones.  He is doing this for YOU, also.  Your job is to recognize His presence and power…and to trust Him to handle every aspect of your life.

Now I ask you…what are you still trying to fix on your own?  Isn’t it time you gave this to the One who has already handled it?  Will this be the day that you let go of your fears and let God have complete control, once and for all? Shouldn’t it be?

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 5, 2015

Colossians 3:22
Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

My friend Shelton said the other day, “You are not wasting your retirement time, Deb…I am envious.”  Shelton still runs a printing business…and he does plenty in his “off hours” to see after his mother and several other family members and friends.  But it made me think about what we do with our time.  And I was once again reminded that every second belongs to God…and even the most mundane of “chores” deserve our best work.

I have said often that when I was teaching kindergarten, I wish that I had better realized how holy that work was…how important it was to be a light for Christ every minute of the day to each one of those precious children.  I know that I did my best at the time.  But as my relationship with Jesus has deepened over the years, I realize how much more I could have done.  Don’t let this be said of you!

In everything you do, give your all.  Do not allow yourself to “get by” with shoddy work.  Recognize that everything you do to keep your household afloat – from shopping to cooking, cleaning and laundry – is serving not only yourself and your family – but God, as well.  Whatever your “paid position” may be…work as if God Himself were paying you - because ultimately, He is.

Regardless of what you do with your day, do it to the glory of God.  Even when you rest, remember that you are storing up energy to be able to serve God better afterward. One section of this passage really resonated with me…
“The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.” 

Remember that as a faith-filled Christian, you are a representative of Jesus Christ…always, and in all ways.  Do your best to continually give Him “good work” and a joyful attitude - filled with gratitude for His blessings, humility for the privilege of serving Him, and confidence that He is using you to make a difference.  Examine your “work” and make sure it is never shoddy…and give God the glory for all that He is able to accomplish because of your faithfulness.

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 4, 2015

Acts 10:35
God is pleased with everyone who worships him and does right, no matter what nation they come from.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

It seems like at least once a month lately, I have referenced an act of terror that has been committed somewhere in the world.  This week, it happened in California, where fourteen people were shot and killed, and another 21 were injured. When it happens on American soil, it’s personal.  We react with a mixture of anger, sadness, and fear.

I opened today’s newspaper and read a headline that reported the death of 16 people and injuries to three more in a firebomb attack on a small nightclub in Cairo, Egypt.  Early reports are that this incident was the result of a dispute between some patrons and the nightclub staff, and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the entrance.  I’m sure it was a horrific, tragic scene for all who were involved. This event is equally tragic and significant…but will we give it more than a passing glance? 

The point I am making is that both of these instances – happening “a world apart” – are heartbreaking to God.  We have become so accustomed to hearing accounts of violence - particularly in the Middle East - that we barely pay any attention to them.  And we are well on our way to growing as complacent about such horrific events in our own country.  Worse yet, we jump to conclusions and readily assume that a certain religious faction is responsible in some way…and we lump everyone of that faith into one big ball of guilty parties.  If Christians were so readily blamed for the sins of a handful of people, we would be outraged.

We need to all take a collective breath.  We need to stop fearing every person who is different from us in some way.  Too many “Christians” are pretty well afraid of their own shadow.  They fear those whose politics are different…they fear those of other races and ethnic backgrounds…they fear those who have a different sexual orientation…and they certainly fear those who do not openly share their particular “brand” of Christian faith.  Read this scripture passage again…
”God is pleased with everyone who worships him and does right, no matter what nation they come from."

This scripture is referring to something bigger than just nationality. God’s word tells us that He loves everyone who worships Him.  God’s desire is that ALL people would seek salvation in the blood of Jesus Christ and become His disciples.  When we give others a poor impression of what it means to follow Jesus, we have failed in our service to God - and in our own discipleship.

We need to show outrage and concern for what happened in San Bernardino.  But we also need to be equally upset over what happened in Cairo…and what happens in other parts of our nation and throughout the world on a seemingly regular basis these days.  Our hearts need to be broken for ALL of what breaks God’s…not just what happens to “our people.”  We need to demonstrate love and trust in God to handle the things we cannot…and kick fear to the curb.  We need to pray for the victims of these senseless tragedies…but also the perpetrators and their families.  And we need to start today.

©2015 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for December 3, 2015

2 Timothy 1:6-8
...I want to remind you to stir into flame the strength and boldness that is in you, that entered into you when I laid my hands upon your head and blessed you. For the Holy Spirit, God’s gift, does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong, and to love them and enjoy being with them.

If you will stir up this inner power, you will never be afraid to tell others about our Lord or to let them know that I am your friend even though I am here in jail for Christ’s sake. You will be ready to suffer with me for the Lord, for he will give you strength in suffering.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
In October 2014, I shared some of my Mam-ma Polly’s prized “Kentucky Wonder” bean seeds with friends who were visiting from Pennsylvania.  These friends are gardening enthusiasts extraordinaire!  They planted the seeds last summer and harvested a bumper crop of beans.  And a couple of days ago, a squishy padded envelope arrived in our mailbox – dried beans that our friends returned to us with best wishes for a good crop of our own next year.  I shared this story with my mother, and we agreed that my Mam-ma Polly would be tickled pink by this.  To her, “Kentucky Wonder” beans were like gold!

This got me thinking about my Mam-ma Polly.  She’s been on my mind a lot lately.  My grandmother was not afraid to speak her mind – about anything!  As I noted at her funeral, she was a mess – but she was our mess!  For all of the 56 years that I knew her, my Mam-ma Polly was never shy about sharing Jesus with others.  She did this in direct ways…and in subtle gestures.  Her table always had room for one more.  When she met a new neighbor, her first question was always, “Where do you go to church?”  She cared for the sick, shared with the needy, and prayed without ceasing.  She was an extraordinary role model for love of others and Christian discipleship…and I am blessed by her legacy.

In this letter from the Apostle Paul, we see him encourage Timothy to be bold and courageous…to call on the strength and inner power of God’s Holy Spirit as he represented the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to others.  And this is what we are called to do.  This is a season of generosity…of sharing love and giving to others.  We seem to find it easier to do this in December as we “get in the Christmas mood.”  But we need to expand our boldness and discipleship to the other eleven months as well.

It’s easier to share Jesus in these holiday weeks.  We smile more…we say “Merry Christmas” and display signage on everything from ornaments to sweatshirts that says, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season.”  We give to charities, bake goodies for friends and acquaintances, and carefully select gifts for everyone from family members to co-workers and needy children.  We attend programs that proclaim the “Joy to the World” of Jesus’ coming.  We generally demonstrate in ways great and small how much we love Jesus - and how glad we are to celebrate His birth.

My challenge for all of us is to take a page from my Mam-ma Polly’s book and extend this spirit to encompass the entire year.  Let’s be more bold and courageous in our demonstrations of Christian faith and love.  Let’s do whatever it takes to become more comfortable sharing our story and telling others what Jesus has done in our lives.  This may require some practice…but I can tell you, repetition does make it easier!  Let’s get in the pattern of smiling more and representing the joy that comes from the peace of our salvation and faith in Jesus.

Even something as simple as the exchange of some pole bean seed can be an act of Christian love and discipleship.  I shared one of my grandmother’s most prized possessions with friends…and they reciprocated.  This opened the door for dialog and the exchange of love and friendship halfway across the country…and that’s sometimes all it takes to allow others to see Jesus in us…and to spur a deeper discussion of Christian faith. 

So get started…just jump in with both feet and do it!  Reach out to someone with a smile and a kind word or gesture, and see where God takes you.  Love people and genuinely enjoy being with them…and discover where and how God will stir the flame of boldness to further His Kingdom.

©2015 Debbie Robus