Daily Devotional for December 16, 2015

Isaiah 66:2
I have made everything;
that’s how it all came to be.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.

The people I treasure most
    are the humble—
they depend only on me
    and tremble when I speak.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Have you ever gone into a room and forgotten why you were there?  I know I have.  I will stop and stand still and say to myself, “Now, I know I came in here for something!” In my case, it might be a bit of simple forgetfulness that comes with age! But often, the problem is that we are trying to do too much at once.

I know it sounds cliché, but this is one of the busiest times of the year.  We are consumed with decorations, parties, gifts and festivities…musical programs and parades…food galore and opportunities at every turn for revelry.  And in the midst of all of this, we find it very easy to forget “why we came into the room.”  In other words, we get so caught up in the merriment and celebration that we forget WHO we are celebrating.

This scripture passage from Isaiah reminds us that God treasures most those who are humble…the ones who depend on Him and “tremble when I speak.”  In other words, God treasures the ones who maintain focus…listen for His voice…and pay attention to His message.  God treasures those who are more interested in what He thinks and has to say than what the world says…the ones who care more about seeking Him in the everyday, ordinary things of life than making sure everything is just perfect in their holiday celebrations and décor.  He values those who care more about meeting the physical, mental and spiritual needs of others than buying the perfect gift for Aunt Sue.

At the end of the day…we need to stop, take a breath, and refocus.  Two weeks from Friday (if not sooner) a lot of people will pack away the decorations, undress the tree, and close the book on Christmas for another eleven months.  And more than a few will pack away their relationship with Jesus, too.

Let’s promise right now that we won’t do this!  Let’s get our priorities straight now…today…December 16th.  Let’s humble ourselves before God and thank Him for all that He has made…for everything that He has given us.  And let’s ask Him to show us what is most important…”why we came into the room” in the first place! 

I want to be among those whom God treasures most…don’t you?  Are you taking the necessary steps to make it so?  Don’t you think it’s time you did?

© Debbie Robus

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