Daily Devotional for December 9, 2015

Deuteronomy 8:1 and 6
Israel, do you want to go into the land the Lord promised your ancestors? Do you want to capture it, live there, and become a powerful nation? Then be sure to obey every command I am giving you.

Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The children have this little “board book” called The Story of the Ten Commandments*.  This book tells the story of Moses going to Mt. Sinai and receiving the stone tablets containing rules from God – written in language that young children can understand.  As I read this version of the Commandments, I decided they were pretty good for us “big kids,” too.  Sometimes we need to see things in a simpler perspective. 

Before you go getting all uppity because this is “not what the Bible says,” read this list and see if it doesn’t encompass everything in Deuteronomy 5…just in a simpler language.

  1. There is only one God.
  2. Bow down to no one but God.
  3. Speak God’s name with respect.
  4. Give one day each week to God.
  5. Respect your parents.
  6. Do not kill.
  7. Be faithful to your family.
  8. Do not steal.
  9. Do not lie.
  10. Do not want what others have.
I do not believe the reference to “fear and trembling” is meant to be taken literally.  God wants us to obey and serve Him out of love and respect…not out of a sense of true fear and obligation. The thing is…some of us have decided to pick and choose which of these commands to obey…and that’s where we get into trouble!

Look over this simple list as it is interpreted for children.  See where you fall in line with these commands…and where you come up short.  I’m thinking commandments #2, #7, and #10 in particular are probably a stretch for some of us!  Examine your heart and your daily living and see where you have failed to worship God “with fear and trembling” – a.k.a. reverence, respect…and your whole heart.

Make this the day that you recommit to complete service, so that you, too, can go “to the land of your ancestors” – or in our case, so that you can be assured of a seat in Heaven at God’s table.  More importantly, do this because you love God…the God who has loved us far beyond what we could ever deserve.  Obey His commands because it makes life better in every way – for all of us.  And give God praise and adoration for His amazing generosity and incomparable love and grace – to Moses’ people AND for generations to come!

©2015 Debbie Robus

*The Story of the Ten Commandments – Patricia Pingry/Stacy Venturi-Pickett
  ©1999 Ideals Publications, a division of Guideposts.

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