Daily Devotional for December 25, 2015

Joshua 4:21-24   
Then Joshua told the people:

Years from now your children will ask you why these rocks are here. Tell them, “The Lord our God dried up the Jordan River so we could walk across. He did the same thing here for us that he did for our people at the Red Sea, because he wants everyone on earth to know how powerful he is. And he wants us to worship only him.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last night during our now-likely-“traditional” Christmas Eve pizza dinner, I looked up and noticed that the almost-full moon had risen and was brightly shining over the valley.  We called the little ones to the window and had them look at the big, bright orb.  “There hasn’t been a full moon at Christmas since 1977!” we commented.  “The next one will happen in about 30 years.”  I looked it up today, and actually, it will be 2034, so that is only 19 years away.  However, I remarked to the children’s parents, “By the time we see this again, you all will likely be grandparents!” 

Both mother and father were taken aback by this thought!  We laughed and suggested that they “do the math.”  Timothy will be 36 years old…and even in 19 years, he will be the same age as his mother is today – and only 2 years younger than his dad is presently. So the possibility that they could be grandparents when we have another “Christmas moon” is something that could definitely happen!

Now, as humorous and thought-provoking as the idea of our little ones having children of their own by the next “Christmas moon,” is…the more interesting point in my mind is that we actually are anticipating this phenomenon again in the year 2034.  There are many things that occur in nature with a fair degree of regularity – and we simply take them for granted.  We never consider that they represent a consistency in God’s promises.  We sing “The Sun Will Come Out…Tomorrow” and we totally take for granted that God will turn the earth on its axis and cause the sun to “rise” in our neck of the woods.

We even take for granted a lot of events and circumstances that God has made a point to promise to us.  We look at the rainbow and remember briefly that God sent the first one to Noah as a symbol of His promise to never again destroy the earth and its people because of their sins.  When you think about it, Jesus’ birth in a lowly manger was yet another symbol of this promise.  In essence, Jesus Christ is a powerful, profound, and everlasting “rainbow” Who has taken our sins once and for all.

And so, I am watching and waiting for tonight’s “Christmas moon”…and maybe I’ll be around to see the next one in 2034.  If so, I will once again be reminded of God’s love and care, because I know that in a span of 19 years, He will show me over and again how important I am to Him.  I know that He will “dry the river” or “part the sea” for me and those I love more times than I can count – in ways that I can’t begin to imagine or explain.  And should I miss the next “Christmas moon,” it will only mean that God has made a place for me at His feet and fully in His presence…which will fulfill another promise that He has made to me.

I don’t know where you will watch the next “Christmas moon” – or if you will see it in the flesh.  My prayer is that either way, you are fully, confidently “walking” in the promises of God…enjoying His incredible love and care and delighting in His abundant blessings…all while worshipping only Him and giving Him all the glory and adulation!

Even when there are no rainbows, parted seas, dried rivers, or “Christmas moons,” god continually demonstrates His faithfulness to us.  Are you giving Him your full worship in return?  Will this “Christmas moon” serve as a reminder to give God your very best at all times?  Don’t you think it should?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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