Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
But, my son, be warned:
there is no end of opinions ready to be expressed. Studying them can go
on forever and become very exhausting!
Here is my final
conclusion: fear God and obey his commandments, for this is the entire
duty of man. For God will judge us for everything we do, including every
hidden thing, good or bad.
Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by
permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois
60188. All rights reserved.
In recent weeks, I have
gained a whole new perspective on opinions…particularly when it comes to
the medical community. Everyone has one…”My doctor is the best!”…”This
procedure is the right/wrong one”…”Go here or there”…”See him or
her”…”Take this drug”…”Don’t take that one!” It’s mind-boggling and
numbing…not to mention frustrating!
In my mother’s battle with
cancer, she has experienced all of this – and more. And at the end of
the day, she says, “Nothing is going to work except God's healing
hand.” There is tremendous peace in this declaration. When we have
wrestled, massaged, mangled and worried our lives to the “Nth degree,”
it is comforting to let go and give everything to God.
So where
does the “fear God” part of this scripture passage come into play?
First, we have to understand that the term “fear” in this application
does not necessarily mean to be afraid. In this context, it means to
revere, adore, respect, and hold God in highest serve Him
wholeheartedly and obediently in all things - at all times. We must
trust God in all circumstances, with the confidence that we have
followed His commands and ministered to others in Jesus’ name to the
very best of our abilities.
I have to tell you…I am far from
having it all together. I sin…I make mistakes…I can get into some of
the biggest messes. But I love God, and I do my dead-level best to
serve Him completely each and every day. Someday, when I stand before
Him, I will have to answer for everything I’ve ever thought, said, or
done. But I don’t fear this in the least. I know that the greatest
moment of all will be when I hear God say to me… “You were washed clean
by the blood of Jesus…you are totally forgiven. All past mistakes are
wiped away.”
It is with this confidence and peace that I am able
to echo my mother’s words – for her AND in numerous other situations -
and say, “Nothing is going to work except God’s healing hand.” With
this ringing in my ears, I forge ahead each day, do what I know God is
calling me to do…and let Him handle the rest. God’s opinion is the only
one that matters. Whose opinions are guiding you these days?
©2015 Debbie Robus
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