Daily Devotional for December 15, 2015

Hebrews 12:28-29
Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God. For God is not an indifferent bystander. He’s actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn, and he won’t quit until it’s all cleansed. God himself is Fire!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Yesterday, I made a trek to our family cemetery to set out flowers on the graves of several loved ones.  I do this two or three times a year…filling the little pipes that are driven into the ground at each marker with a few silk flowers.  This time it was white poinsettias for the winter season. I also clean up stray flowers that have blown around and pull any weeds that have crept up around the headstones.  In addition to paying respect and remembering our loved ones, this is an opportunity to check up on the overall condition of the cemetery and make sure that everything is in order.

But yesterday, everything was in tip-top shape.  Not only had the grounds been mowed, but someone had actually run a weedeater around each grave and whacked away any stray grass and weeds.  The day was sunny, crisp and clear.  The sky was a bright blue, and wispy white clouds were being quickly blown along by a strong wind.  I stayed longer than usual, talking to God and thinking about each person whose life was represented there.

It’s okay…I know I’m weird…but I have always loved visiting cemeteries.  I am at peace there. I do not find them morbid, sad or frightening.  As I walked among the family graves yesterday and set out the flowers, I thought of each person buried beneath the soil…and I thanked God for them. I laughed as I thought of how my brother totally disliked artificial flowers and would not have been a fan of the ones I placed on his grave.  I thought of how artfully my Mam-ma Polly arranged flowers, and I could almost hear her clucking her tongue at my dismal efforts as I stuck several stems into the pipe at her headstone. 

I stuck a few extra stems in the ground at the graves of my great-aunts, Fay and Lugilla…and I thought of these sweet women and how hard their lives were.  I set out flowers for my dad and my Pap-pa Truman, knowing neither one of them would have cared less if their graves were decorated or not.  And I thanked God for these people and what they meant to me…how they served Him and represented Jesus on this earth.  I sat and looked around this pastoral cemetery, flanked by a meandering manmade lake, with Sugar Loaf Mountain in the distance as a backdrop…and I felt God’s peace AND His power.

God worked in the lives of every one of these people…each in a totally different way.  But in the end, He cleansed them and made them into new creatures – both on this earth, and again as they entered the gates of Heaven.  And He will do this for each of us, if we will let Him.

Someday, I will join my loved ones at this family plot…and that is not a scary thought for me.  I know that I won’t really be there - that only what’s left of my earthly body will be physically present.  I will have been cleansed once again by God’s fire and given a new body in heaven.  I have an idea how I would like for it to look…but I know whatever God chooses for me will be even more perfect! 

My prayer for you today is that you are not afraid of God’s cleansing fire…that you embrace His efforts to whack away the weeds and stray grasses and create something pure and lovely.  I pray that you know the peace of a future secured for you in Heaven someday, complete with a perfect, beautiful body and more love and abundance than you can ever imagine.  And I pray that you are serving God with a grateful heart…thankful for His cleansing fire and amazing love. We’ve been given an unshakable Kingdom…do you see it?!

©2015 Debbie Robus

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