Daily Devotional for December 21, 2011

Psalm 147:1-6
Hallelujah! It's a good thing to sing praise to our God; praise is beautiful, praise is fitting. God's the one who rebuilds Jerusalem, who regathers Israel's scattered exiles. He heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds. He counts the stars and assigns each a name. Our Lord is great, with limitless strength; we'll never comprehend what he knows and does. God puts the fallen on their feet again and pushes the wicked into the ditch.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We can’t talk about the joy and celebration of Christmas without talking about the difficulty of this season for so many. You may know someone who has recently lost a loved one and is grieving. Many are out of work and cannot afford to “celebrate” in the conventional sense of the word. Still others are sick and suffering, separated from family and friends by long distances, or struggling with personal issues that color every aspect of their lives.

In this season of such joy and festivity, we need to remind ourselves that the person standing next to us in line at Wal-Mart may be hurting or struggling to put one foot in front of the other. The whole point of Christmas should be to share God’s continual love and care in a profound way. We need to offer a smile, a handshake or a hug… or simply speak a kind word that might encourage.

So many people need to get the message of this scripture passage this week. They need to know that God loves them with limitless strength and stands ready to put them back on their feet. They need to comprehend that the same God who names every star loves them just as much. Where the future looks bleak and hopeless, they need to see a God who has endless possibilities on the horizon. And all of this begins with you and me.

We are God’s vehicles of hope. We can bless, comfort and encourage others – not just this month, but all throughout the year. And we are called to do exactly this! If we understand anything about the true meaning of Christmas, we must understand that we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. He came to earth and demonstrated how to love others in His name… now it’s our turn. We find it easy to do for others in the Christmas season – and there’s nothing wrong with a good hearty practice session. But unless we keep the Spirit of Christmas in our hearts all year long and share it with others, we can’t truly claim to understand Christmas in the first place.

The next few days as you are out and about, look around and see who needs a smile, a word of encouragement, a hug… or a helping hand. Speak less of the parties, gifts and trappings of Christmas and more about the love of Christ. Remember your neighbors and friends, even if it’s with a simple card or e-mail message to say, “I’m glad God brought us together.” Take time to visit the elderly or to do something for someone who is ill or in need. Smile at that sad looking person behind you in line at the check-out. Offer to return a shopping cart to the store or the parking lot collection area. Offer to help your mom, dad, grandparent, spouse, sibling, or friend with holiday preparations. Then after Christmas, keep doing this! Remember to praise God for restoring us from even the greatest sorrows and hardships and helping us to find joy and hope once again. And in doing so, remind others that He will restore them, as well.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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