Daily Devotional for December 5, 2011

Psalm 142:1-3
I pray to you, LORD. I beg for mercy. I tell you all of my worries and my troubles, and whenever I feel low, you are there to guide me.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

If someone tells you they have no worries and troubles, they are probably lying! “But faith-filled Christians give their troubles to God, don’t they?” you may be saying. In fact, this passage tells us to give all of our worries and troubles to God, and He will guide us. Yes, we are supposed to do this… and yes, God answers. But that won’t stop the devil from trying to give us more challenges! In fact, the more we depend on God, the more Satan is probably going to pester us and test our faith.

The Good News is that God will never tire of hearing our cries for help. He will never be too busy or too overwhelmed to answer us… to guide us and lift our burdens. I was talking with someone who is going through some major family crises, and he said, “This is the worst possible time… right here before Christmas.” I reminded him that the devil doesn’t take a vacation! People get sick and/or die during the holidays. Final exams stress us out in the early weeks of December. The chaos of shopping/decorating/partying till we drop exhausts us and makes many of us broke and cranky. And this is a horribly lonely and sad month for many folks… for a variety of reasons. Still, God is busy working away… hearing our prayers, steering us in the right direction, and offering His comfort and peace.

Today I want you to stop and recognize that you can never outdo God. You can never offer Him more than He can handle on your behalf. You have the best defense in the world against the wickedness of the devil at your disposal - a close communication and relationship with your Heavenly Father.

Take some time to share your worries and troubles with God, no matter how insignificant they may seem. Allow Him to help you with each and every challenge. When your life is going well, thank God for His blessings. And thank Him for being with you to confront whatever challenges may lie ahead. Operate in full confidence that God never takes a vacation, either… and the devil is no match for His love, grace and mercy over each of us.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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