Daily Devotional for December 31, 2011

John 21:1-14
Jesus later appeared to his disciples along the shore of Lake Tiberias. Simon Peter, Thomas the Twin, Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, and the brothers James and John, were there, together with two other disciples. Simon Peter said, "I'm going fishing!" The others said, "We will go with you." They went out in their boat. But they didn't catch a thing that night.

Early the next morning Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize who he was. Jesus shouted, "Friends, have you caught anything?" "No!" they answered.

So he told them, "Let your net down on the right side of your boat, and you will catch some fish." They did, and the net was so full of fish that they could not drag it up into the boat.

Jesus' favorite disciple told Peter, "It's the Lord!" When Simon heard that it was the Lord, he put on the clothes that he had taken off while he was working. Then he jumped into the water. The boat was only about a hundred yards from shore. So the other disciples stayed in the boat and dragged in the net full of fish.

When the disciples got out of the boat, they saw some bread and a charcoal fire with fish on it. Jesus told his disciples, "Bring some of the fish you just caught." Simon Peter got back into the boat and dragged the net to shore. In it were one hundred fifty-three large fish, but still the net did not rip.

Jesus said, "Come and eat!" But none of the disciples dared ask who he was. They knew he was the Lord. Jesus took the bread in his hands and gave some of it to his disciples. He did the same with the fish. This was the third time that Jesus appeared to his disciples after he was raised from death.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This is the time of year when we reflect on a lot of things… the events of the past year…what we accomplished – and what we wish we had gotten done…and what we hope to do in the coming twelve months. It is also a time when many of us wonder why we spent hours and days decorating… and wish it was all packed neatly away already. As I psyched myself out to get things back in “pre-holiday order,” I thought about why I decorated in the first place. And then I read this scripture passage.

There is a lot of “meat” in this passage - and a dozen or more lessons we can learn from it. But today, the part that struck me was the image of Jesus tending the fire on the beach. He had prepared a warm retreat… a haven of rest. He had laid the groundwork for a hearty meal. Surely the Disciples found great comfort in this. They were thrilled to see Jesus again, but they were also glad to have full nets of fish after a busted early attempt. They must have been exhausted – and hungry – and seeing Jesus with a fire of hot coals ready to cook their dinner must have totally rejuvenated them.

As I thought about this, I remembered the looks on the faces of Timothy and my little cousins, Olivia and Owen, as they walked around our house and looked at all of the decorations and twinkling lights. I thought of three little girls who helped me decorate for the holidays for a couple of years and are now teenagers who still talk about the “magic” and fun of coming to our house at Christmas time. I recalled the words of my mother’s sister, who found a festive, warm haven on Christmas Eve in the middle of the chaos that surrounded our afternoon as my grandmother fell and was injured. And I remembered how comforted I was to return home from hospital visits, shopping trips and more to find “candles” lighting the windows and sit among the reminders of this special season – and to reflect on God’s love for me. I found solace in the hot tea and cookies made from a recipe my family has enjoyed each Christmas since I was a child… reminded of the continual thread of love that binds us together.

More importantly, I was reminded that we always have a haven of rest in Jesus. He is always “waiting on the beach, tending a fire to warm us.” He always has a meal ready to feed us – body and soul. And He wants us to extend that same love and hospitality to others in His name. I’m not saying that Jesus wants us to turn into Clark Griswold and cover our homes in tacky, overdone holiday décor. But I do believe He wants us to live in a way that says, “You are welcome here… in my home, in my heart, and in my life. I am extending to you the same love that Jesus shows to me each and every day.”

I have no doubt that I will get busy and get things packed away soon… and that I will once again drag them out for the next Christmas. In the meantime, I will make every effort to extend the warmth and love of Jesus in everything I say and do… from smiling at the cashier to sending a get-well card or inviting friends and family over to share a meal to waving a flag on July 4th! I will do all I can to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those I encounter… and I will thank Him for the opportunity to share the blessings He has given to me with others.

How will you “decorate” in 2012? How inviting will your “home” be to others? Will they see the love of Jesus when they look at you, or have you packed away your “decorations” so deeply that they are almost non-existent? It’s time to re-examine our relationship with Christ and see where we need to polish a few things. As we close one year and begin another, let’s ask Him to show us where we need to beef up our efforts… and let’s get the fire started. People will be showing up in our lives every single day… needing to be nurtured, fed, encouraged and blessed. Will we be ready to serve them on Jesus’ behalf?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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