Daily Devotional for April 7, 2015

Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word.   

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This verse from Psalm 119 became the inspiration for a treasured hymn, Open My Eyes, That I May See, written by Clara H. Scott, and published in 1895.  The first verse and chorus (refrain) say:

Open my eyes, that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.

    Refrain 1:
    Silently now I wait for Thee,
    Ready my God, Thy will to see,
    Open my eyes, illumine me,
    Spirit divine!

Google this hymn and read the other verses.  The language may seem a little “stiff” and unfamiliar to you today…but the message is crystal clear.  If we will only open our eyes and ears, God will speak to us.  He will “illumine” and enlighten us and give us the key to unlock His will for our lives! 

Recently, I’ve been struggling (again) with a dilemma for which I could see no solution.  I’ll admit…I am so stubborn that I have to practically beat a situation to death like an old dirty rug before I somewhat collapse and surrender it fully to God.  And every time, He reveals His answer.  It’s almost like He is saying to me…”I was wondering when you were going to stop wrestling this and let me handle it for you!”  Yes, I am a work in progress…and I suspect you are, as well.

So let’s agree to stop this nonsense…to open our eyes that we may see…to open our ears that we may hear…to allow God to illumine us – His will to see!  God has been with us all along – we just haven’t always recognized Him.  Isn’t it time we did?

©2015 Debbie Robus

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