Daily Devotional for June 11, 2010

June 11 ~ Psalm 118:6
The LORD is on my side, and I am not afraid of what others can do to me.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Suppose your friend posted something inappropriate on Facebook. What would you do? Would you ignore it? Would you “like” it? Would you say something? Suppose the comment were something that could get your friend into trouble, if someone saw it and misconstrued its meaning? Would you say something then? If you felt your friend would be mad at you, even if your intentions were totally honorable, would you still tell them? This happened to me recently. I saw a post on Facebook that I knew my friend would never post. It was really inappropriate. I assumed right away that her account had been hacked, and I sent a private message to tell her. She replied and thanked me… and the post disappeared.

Was I concerned that my friend would be upset, or even possibly block me for mentioning this? Maybe a little… but here’s what I did. I waited an hour or so before contacting her, and during this time, I asked God what I should do. I kept being drawn back to the computer and this post, so I felt God was saying, “Tell her. I’ll handle the rest.” So that’s what I did… and I am very glad that I listened.

I’ll be the first to tell you, I have not always handled things this way. I’ve not always entered into these situations prayerfully, which is a huge mistake. And I’ve also buried my head in the sand and failed to act because of what I thought others might think – or how they might react. We need to realize that God can use us for His purposes – even when we are afraid. And when we listen to God and only act when HE says to do so, He will always protect us. If we go off half-cocked and without consulting Him, we may have to suffer the consequences of our actions. I’m not saying God’s protection is conditional, necessarily… but to some extent it is. He will never desert us, but He may allow us to squirm a little in order to learn and grow.

So be brave and courageous. Stay in close communication with God at all times and about all things. When you feel He is telling you to make a move… don’t be afraid… don’t fear the consequences. Trust God to work out the details. Recognize His strength and power to work in - and through - you to accomplish His will in all circumstances.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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