Daily Devotional for June 20, 2010

June 20 ~ Haggai 2:5
...just as I promised your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt. Don't worry. My Spirit is right here with you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Do you remember a time in your life when you felt like you were out of options? Maybe you were failing a class, and you knew there was nothing you could do to bring your grade up in time. Maybe you were losing a loved one – even a pet – and you were told, “I’m sorry – we’ve done all we can do.” Maybe your relationship with a friend, spouse, or significant other was failing, and you realized there was no way to restore it. Or maybe you lost your job and had no prospects for another one – and no money to pay bills or even buy food. If you cannot come up with a single time when your options were exhausted – or severely limited, you are a rare gem! If you are like most people, there has been at least one time in your life where you felt quite desperate.

I thank God that my “desperate” times have been few and far between. I’ve never missed a meal or been unable to pay bills. I never failed a class. But I remember distinctly the finality of death and a terminal diagnosis for loved ones. I know the overwhelming wash of desperation when the doctors are working frantically to revive a friend or family member and cannot. I understand completely the powerless feeling of watching someone you care about slide from your grip – and the “what-do-I-do-now?” feeling that follows.

But I also know the calming peace of getting a call to come immediately to the hospital…and feeling God’s presence – hearing Him say, “It will be okay… I’m right here with you.” I know the comfort and confidence of wondering what we will do if our house doesn’t sell and feeling God say, “I’m on it… don’t worry.” I am trusting God continually to handle things for me that are too big for me to handle – and believing that He will. I know that the same God who brought a nation out of bondage in Egypt will rescue me and those I love. I pray that you will know this, too.

Know that God is with you – every minute of every day. Call on Him to help you. Just say, “Lord, this is bigger than I am… but nothing is too big for You. Handle this for me, according to Your will. I’m trusting in Your power and expecting that You will orchestrate everything perfectly. I am thanking you now for showing up in my life each and every day.” Once you have given your problems, fears, and desperate situations to God… pay attention. Don’t go off half-cocked and assume all will be well. Listen for His voice – look for His guidance. Do your part to make things better… as He directs you. With God, all things really are possible… even when things seem “desperate.”

©2010 Debbie Robus

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