Daily Devotional for June 27, 2010

June 27 ~ Hebrews 13:6
That should make you feel like saying, "The Lord helps me! Why should I be afraid of what people can do to me?"

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

You may have heard of “tough love.” This is a behavior modification model that utilizes hard decisions and choices in order to force the other person to change his/her behavior. Examples would be parents who tell a son or daughter who is using drugs or drinking that he/she has to move out of their home until this behavior ceases. Or, a coach may be really stern with his/her players… forcing them to work hard, and using strong language and berating them with criticism on the court or field… but showing them much love and affection otherwise. Sometimes human beings get carried away with this approach, and their “tough love” becomes something far different.

We could argue that God operates in “tough love” sometimes – allowing us to go through things that are not all that pleasant for us – or maybe they challenge us greatly. In the end, they build our faith and strengthen us… and the bottom line is that God never left us… He was there to help us every step of the way. And this is important… because sometimes we go through situations where we have to risk our relationship with other people. We have to say to our friend or loved one, “I am concerned about how you are living. You are making poor choices, and it’s affecting everyone around you. Your behaviors are inappropriate. You need to grow up.” The other person may not appreciate your “concern” or your comments. This person may alienate you, try to discredit you to others, and/or lash out at you and try to hurt you. But if you feel God leading you to confront someone with “tough love,” you must do so.

We see in Hebrews 13:6 that “tough love” practiced under God’s guidance will carry God’s protection. In other words, if God tells you to be bold in your faith about anything toward anyone or any situation, He’s got your back! I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel 1000% better! I know that backlash, retribution, and alienation may still come… at least temporarily… but that’s where the faith comes into play. If we step out for God in faith, He will help us… no weapon formed against us will prosper… and ultimately, we will have nothing to fear.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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