Daily Devotional for June 2, 2010

June 2 ~ Judges 6:10
I am your God, and I told you not to worship Amorite gods, even though you are living in the land of the Amorites. But you refused to listen.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We’ve all heard the phrase… “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” And sadly, we do just that much of the time. We are pretty weak creatures, it seems, and when the going gets tough, quite often we just fold up and quit. It’s easier to give in and have a drink and appear to go with the flow at a party than to leave or tell your underage friends that drinking is not cool. When someone posts something offensive on Facebook, it’s easier to ignore it than to send them a private message saying you don’t approve – much less post an actual comment to that effect for everyone to see. Do you realize that by ignoring the offensive comments of your Facebook “friends,” you are in essence condoning them?

This passage is for adults, too. Many of us have found it easier to turn and look the other way in the workplace than to confront things that are happening that shouldn’t be. We’ve perfected the art of the “white lie” to friends, co-workers and spouses about everything from who we are talking with on the telephone to what we purchased at the store to what was said about them behind their back at the last supper club. And gossip has become an art form for many. See, we all have our “Amorite gods” at times!

Just because you’ve always done something – or done things a certain way – doesn’t mean you have to continue. This can be the day when we decide that we are going to live for God, even though we reside “in the land of the Amorites.” We cannot always change our environment – where we live, the people with whom we work, and even our friends and acquaintances – but we can change ourselves… our attitudes, our behaviors, and our reactions. We can live for God wherever we are planted. Who is your God today?

©2010 Debbie Robus

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