Daily Devotional for June 13, 2010

June 13 ~ Isaiah 43:5
Don't be afraid! I am with you. From both east and west I will bring you together.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In case you have been under a rock for the last few days, this has not been the happiest week for Arkansans at large. A massive flash flood swept away campers in southwest Arkansas, killing dozens and leaving others injured and incredibly frightened. Many lost not only family members and friends, but also pets, belongings, and more. Some literally lost the clothing off their backs from the force of the water. The devastation and destruction is truly incredible.

In northeastern Arkansas, Lillian Wilson, an 80-year-old woman known locally as “Miss Lill,” was beaten to death in the sanctuary of her church with a 2-foot brass cross from the Holy Communion table. She had returned on Sunday afternoon to leave a bucket to finish out a “disaster kit” filled with cleaning supplies that, ironically, would aid in the cleanup of places just like the Albert Pike Campground area in southwestern Arkansas.

As we watched these stories unfold in the media, we couldn’t help but ask, “Why, God? Why did a two-year-old toddler have to die before her mother’s eyes? Why was a faithful Christian servant murdered in her church sanctuary… and by the very symbol of Your protection?” As I read over this scripture passage, God very clearly reminded me that He was with the people at Albert Pike Campground… and He was with Miss Lill. God is always with us, even in the most horrific circumstances. I know… you are thinking this doesn’t make sense… why doesn’t He rescue us? I believe He does… just not in the ways we envision.

I believe that there is so much about God we cannot ever understand… His power and how He really operates. If we did, we wouldn’t need Him. I believe that even in the most terrifying situations, such as being swept away by flood waters or being beaten with a brass cross, God is there, saying, “Hold My hand… I’m right here with you. You’ll see… I will make this okay.” And just as God orchestrates everything perfectly, we will see His power at work in these two tragedies. He will use the lady who made disaster relief buckets and the people who needed them to change lives. Satan may have meant these two events for evil… his plan was surely to cause us to say, “What kind of God would allow this?” But God is saying… “Don’t turn away from me in fear… turn TO me and realize that I was there all along… and I am still with you.”

This is a hard lesson. We humans want someone to blame… and more often than not we blame God instead of the real culprit – Satan. We see the negative more than the positive, and we lose our way – and our faith. Let’s renew our faith and trust in God. Let’s recognize today that He is still in control… and He is still right beside us. Let’s acknowledge that God can take the most horrific events and bring blessings out of them… and let’s take comfort in realizing how powerful He is. This is an amazing thing… we serve an awesome God. Don’t be afraid. God is bringing east, west, north and south together… and He is always… ALWAYS with us.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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