Daily Devotional for June 23, 2010

June 23 ~ Luke 12:4
Whatever you say in the dark will be heard when it is day. Whatever you whisper in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops. My friends, don't be afraid of people. They can kill you, but after that, there is nothing else they can do.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I have a dear friend who was my childhood neighbor. She lives in another community, and often when she e-mails me, she says, “Tell all.” When it comes to sharing our faith, Jesus has told us that we must “tell all.” We want to be sure that we share His message in a loving, inclusive, non-judgmental way. But we also don’t want to sugarcoat the truth - or water down the message out of fear of retribution or rejection.

When you hear someone speaking unkindly about a particular person or group of people, you must find a way to let this person know this is not the way a Christian would behave. Does this mean you embarrass this person and “call them” in front of others? No. But it may mean you walk away from the conversation and speak to that person privately at a later time. Suppose someone you know is in a lot of trouble and turmoil – anything and everything from failed relationships to problems in the workplace or loss of employment, financial woes, health issues, and more. You see the way they react – you hear their frustration and lack of faith that things can improve. They don’t seem to see a way out of their current troubles – but you know Someone who can help.

Do you cram the love of Jesus down this person’s throat? Do you act all high and mighty and say, “I know what you need!” or “If you would just go to church, things would be better!” No! First of all, these are not true statements. We don’t truly know another person’s needs - and going to church in and by itself doesn’t fix anything. But we do know Someone who can help. We do know that surrounding yourself with loving, caring, faith-filled Christians who can love you, pray for you, and support you in dozens of ways can ease burdens and lead to solutions.

What we need to be doing is praying for others, and boldly sharing our love. We need to be willing to step up and say, “I’m praying for you,” or “I’m here to help.” We need to be the hands and feet of Jesus instead of sitting on our own and cowering in the corner. The worst that can happen to us is death… physically, emotionally, socially. But remember - to die to the world is to live in Christ! What are we afraid will happen if we are bold in our faith? Do we fear death of an earthly nature more than the rewards of a heavenly eternity? Whatever God speaks into your heart… whatever message He brings to you in scripture… don’t waste it. Share it with others. Be the hands and feet of Jesus and exhibit His love to others each day. Dare to live in Christ without regard to how it might affect you personally. Don’t be afraid of people… trust God to shield you and guide your steps as you share His message and minister in His name. When it comes to Jesus, be sure you “tell all.”

©2010 Debbie Robus

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