Daily Devotional for February 15, 2011

Matthew 11:29-30
Take the yoke I give you. Put it on your shoulders and learn from me. I am gentle and humble, and you will find rest. This yoke is easy to bear, and this burden is light.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. For some, I’m sure this is a great relief. Not everyone enjoys Valentine’s Day. Movies have been made about it… there are “I Hate Valentine’s” parties, and more. I’ll admit, Valentine’s Day is not my favorite holiday… and not because I have no one with whom to share it.

As a teenager, I remember the contrast of how it felt to have a special someone to give you a Valentine’s gift – and how it felt when others got them and you didn’t have anyone. When my grandfather died… and again when my father-in-law passed… I felt badly on Valentine’s Day for my grandmother and mother-in-law. My grandfather was not one to send cards, candy and such, but he had his way of showing love for his Valentine. My father-in-law was the card and candy type of guy, and I am sure my mother-in-law received both on many Valentine’s Days.

The year before my dad died, he was very sick and unable to shop for anything for my mom. But he wanted to remember his Valentine. He asked me to “get something for Momma” for Valentine’s Day. I don’t remember everything I got her, but I do remember a book I found that contained copies of love letters that famous people had written throughout history. My mother is a writer and a lover of old books and history. This was perfect for her. I showed it to my dad, and he approved. It’s probably not something he would have chosen if he had done the shopping, but the whole idea was more about the gesture than the gift itself at this point.

You may be thinking, “This devo is really sad,” and in some ways, it is. But I’m telling you all of this to make a point. Not everyone has a “significant other” or even a grandma or great-aunt or uncle or friend to share a Valentine gift with them. But we all have Someone who loves us more than we can imagine, and HE can comfort us even on our saddest, loneliest day. Jesus was the Ultimate Valentine. He died on the cross for us long before we were ever even born… and He loves us more than anyone else ever can or will.

When we are lonely… when we have nobody on Valentine’s Day, the day after, or any other day… we still have Jesus, and nobody else truly matters. Jesus is more than enough. His yoke – what He asks of us – is easy compared to everything else. He will carry our burdens, sorrows and sadness. He will give us peace and joy in return. There may be a bump in the road once in awhile… and Valentine’s Day may still be a groaner for some… but with Jesus, everybody gets a Valentine… the very best One of all.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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