Daily Devotional for February 8, 2011

Matthew 23:8-12
But none of you should be called a teacher. You have only one teacher, and all of you are like brothers and sisters. Don't call anyone on earth your father. All of you have the same Father in heaven. None of you should be called the leader. The Messiah is your only leader. Whoever is the greatest should be the servant of the others. If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In recent weeks, two women in their late eighties passed away. One lived in Iowa… the other in Arkansas. Both were mothers, wives, and grandmothers. Both were businesswomen… one of them worked for years alongside her husband in a dry cleaning business. The other was a housekeeper for several clients – and still helped her grand-daughters with ironing and dusting duties in recent months. One died at home. The other died in a skilled care nursing facility.

One woman was surrounded by children and grandchildren who visited often. The other scarcely saw her two children, who both lived on opposite ends of the country. Her only visitors were nieces and an occasional fellow church member.

The lady with the big family was eulogized and remembered at a funeral service attended by a huge contingent of family and friends. There was a visitation, a memorial service, a private burial service for family members… and even a community meal for those who attended the services. The other lady received a private burial attended by three nieces and a nephew, her pastors, and a couple who were her former neighbors and fellow church members.

Both of these ladies were Christians. Both were God’s children, saved by the blood of Jesus. Just because one of them had more attention from family and friends did not mean she was a better person… or more deserving. It did not make her more important in God’s eyes or give her a “better seat at the heavenly banquet table.” We all deserve respect… to be treated with love and dignity - even in our death. But even this doesn’t change our status with God.

I know that today, both of these dear ladies are sitting at God’s table, feasting on all of the riches of heaven. No distinction is made, and it doesn’t matter how big their funeral was or even how many people “saw after” them in their earthly life or what kind of work they did. And this should be the message for us. If you feel in any way insignificant or lowly… if someone has made you feel badly about yourself or treated you in an inferior manner… know that this is not how God sees you! In His eyes, no one is better than you. No celebrity is richer, no politician is smarter, no athlete brings Him more pride. YOU are equal to any other child of God. YOU are entitled to the same salvation, love, grace and mercy. Jesus Christ died for YOU just as equally as He did anyone else on the planet.

If you are putting yourself ahead of anyone else… in any way, shape or form, this is also a message for you to consider. Before you start to look down your nose at anyone else – or elevate your own stature… ESPECIALLY when it comes to service to God and your life as a Christian… read this passage again and think twice about what you are doing and saying.

God’s love for us is HUGE… so vast we cannot comprehend it… and far more inclusive than we often care to realize. Many of us need to take a long, hard look at our lives and how we are living for Christ… and see where we need to humble ourselves before Him. Many of us need to recognize how much He values us… how important we are in His eyes. The balance between self-worth and humility is a delicate one… but maintaining it makes all the difference. Are you in balance today? Do you need to move to one side or the other? Ask God to show you where you need to stand… and get busy making the needed adjustments to put you in perfect balance.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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