Daily Devotional for February 23, 2011

Psalm 35:9-28
I will celebrate and be joyful because you, LORD, have saved me. Every bone in my body will shout: "No one is like the LORD!" You protect the helpless from those in power; you save the poor and needy from those who hurt them. Liars accuse me of crimes I know nothing about. They repay evil for good, and I feel all alone. When they were sick, I wore sackcloth and went without food. I truly prayed for them, as I would for a friend or a relative. I was in sorrow and mourned, as I would for my mother.

I have stumbled, and worthless liars I don't even know surround me and sneer. Worthless people make fun and never stop laughing. But all you do is watch! When will you do something? Save me from the attack of those vicious lions. And when your people meet, I will praise you and thank you, Lord, in front of them all. Don't let my brutal enemies be glad because of me. They hate me for no reason. Don't let them wink behind my back. They say hurtful things, and they lie to people who want to live in peace. They are quick to accuse me. They say, "You did it! We saw you ourselves."

You see everything, LORD! Please don't keep silent or stay so far away. Fight to defend me, Lord God, and prove that I am right by your standards. Don't let them laugh at me or say to each other, "Now we've got what we want! We'll gobble him down!" Disappoint and confuse all who are glad to see me in trouble, but disgrace and embarrass my proud enemies who say to me, "You are nothing!"

Let all who want me to win be happy and joyful. From now on let them say, "The LORD is wonderful! God is glad when all goes well for his servant." Then I will shout all day, "Praise the LORD God! He did what was right."

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

In his recent “Sweet Tea” column for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Jay Grelen writes about Otus the Head Cat, the now-deceased “writer” of a weekly column in the same newspaper. Through his owner, Otus “channeled” his column, and while it was pure satire, the writing was just believable enough that many thought the comments made there were true. So it was that Otus credited former President Richard Nixon with creating “President’s Day,” and a writer for USA Today, believed this and perpetuated the story. It took some research by a skeptical law student to discern that “President’s Day” was actually initiated by former President Bill Clinton during his tenure.

We are a gullible group! We are also prone to making quick judgments, lying, and believing the fabrications of others. At best, we often operate with less than half of the facts and make our decisions accordingly. So is it any wonder that we often find ourselves being falsely accused or judged by others? A reporter asked President Obama, “Does it disturb you that so many people hate you?” The President replied, “The people who dislike you don't know you.  What they hate is whatever funhouse mirror image of you that's out there. And they don't know you. And so, you don't take it personally.”

But most of us do take it personally. We are hurt – sometimes deeply – by the slings and arrows of others… the misunderstandings and judgments… the personal attacks (even if delivered behind our backs). And nobody is immune… from school-age nicknames to disgruntled co-workers to false assumptions about sporting and political opponents and more. It’s a pretty sure bet you have felt the disdain, misunderstandings, or ungrateful attitude of someone at some point in your life.

So what are we to do? The answer comes in the last few lines of this passage. We are to keep on doing what we know is right. We are to keep on loving and serving and behaving well… to take the high road and hold our shoulders back and our chin out. We are to honor our faith in God… and leave the rest to Him. Because He will defend us. He will defeat our enemies and make things right. Never forget this!

When you are hurt and disappointed… when you are wrongly accused or judged… when you are talked about and treated thanklessly… remember WHO is in charge. The only One you have to worry about – the only One to whom you have to answer – is Almighty God. He will get to the bottom of things and set things right for you. It may seem a long time coming, but it will happen. So hang in there! Be who God has called you to be, and trust Him to fight on your behalf. And one other thing… remember to give God praise and glory for loving you so well. Give Him a shout out and the credit He is due!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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