Daily Devotional for February 26, 2011

Ecclesiastes 5:6
Don't let your mouth get you in trouble! And don't say to the worship leader, "I didn't mean what I said." God can destroy everything you have worked for, so don't say something that makes God angry.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We’ve attended several basketball games lately… and watched a few more on television… and I’ve noticed that, when it comes to a sporting event, it doesn’t take much to make us angry! One common source of our wrath is the referees, who are all probably nice enough guys off the court. But to our way of thinking, they need glasses, they don’t know anything about the game, and they are just downright biased and “in cahoots” with the opposing team.

I’m all for having a good time at a ballgame. And I’ll admit, there have been plenty of times when I’ve stood and yelled, “C’mon ref… he walked… she was over the back…he’s all over him!” I’m not excusing my behavior, but compared to others who yell and scream the whole game, I’m a lightweight.

We recently attended a basketball game played by our college alma mater on an opposing court. The gym was small and filled with extremely loud fans. They frequently chanted in unison… “D-fense”,”Let’s Go, Let’s Go!”, and more. BUT… when an opponent fouled out of the game, they chanted as he/she stepped off the court… “Right, left, right, left” until the player sat down, and then they yelled, somewhat hatefully, “Now SIT DOWN!”

This was all in good fun, and relatively harmless, I suppose… and maybe our players didn’t even notice (but I bet they did). But let’s be honest… it’s only funny when you are the one doing the chanting. And more importantly, a lot of times the things we chant and yell… the comments and gestures we make… are not behavior that pleases God. I remind you again, people are watching. I would never want someone to see me behaving at a ballgame – or anywhere else – in a way that would make them say… “She is supposed to be a Christian. If that’s how Christians act, I’m not sure I’m interested!”

I admit, I need to check my own behavior. I don’t want someone to ask themselves, “How can she say this or act like that and then turn around and write these devos about serving God well and behaving in a way that pleases and honors Him?” And I have been convicted more than once over something I wrote and then didn’t follow. We all fall short daily, and that’s why we need to be covered in God’s grace and continually seeking renewal through Him.

So where do you stand? Are you the guy in the stands that nobody wants to sit near, because you rant and rave at the refs, players and coaches? Are you the person who posts in Facebook that “we wuz robbed by the refs” every time your team has a bad performance or the opponent plays better? Let’s be honest… most games do not come down to one call. On the other hand, one call can make a huge difference, and if that “one call” is your public outburst in an unbecoming way, it can have a lasting effect on those who witness it.

Let’s give ourselves a good check today. “I didn’t mean it” is usually uttered too late to be of much help. Let’s look at our attitudes and see if we can make some corrections before we speak or act… not afterward. Let’s make a concerted effort to honor God all the time… and to seek His protection and guidance. And when we do fail, let’s be quick to ask for grace, mercy, and God’s correction. With God’s help, our mouth can become less apt to get us into trouble… and that’s a very good thing!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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