Daily Devotional for July 15, 2011

Psalm 98:1-2
Sing a new song to the LORD! He has worked miracles, and with his own powerful arm, he has won the victory. The LORD has shown the nations that he has the power to save and to bring justice.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

You have probably seen news footage of the overtime “header” that USA women’s soccer forward Abby Wambach made on July 10 against Brazil to win the quarterfinals of the Women’s World Cup in Dresden, Germany. You may have even been watching the game on television at the time. After the score, Wambach let out a loud scream and slid into the corner, pumping her fists as she was mobbed by her teammates. While Wambach’s point may not have truly been miraculous, it definitely sealed the victory for the USA. ESPN even named this Wambach’s overtime point as its “Best Play” at the 2011 Espy awards.

When it comes to giving awards for miracles and power, Jesus wins every time… or at least, He should! For every time “our team” has shown others throughout the country – or even the world – how powerful and mighty we are, Jesus has demonstrated power and might “in spades!” And to top it all off, our LORD is fair! Justice and fairness are the end result of His power and might. The devil tries to defeat us at every turn… but Jesus sets things right again. He wins… and so do we, when we are members of His “team.”

There are probably thousands of little girls across America who are now aspiring to be like Abby Wambach, Megan Rapinoe, or Lauren Cheney. They are probably dreaming of growing up to participate in games that leave the crowd breathless and receiving accolades from throughout the world. But I can tell you, the real winners are those on Team Jesus! The true miracles happen in the lives of people whose victories may not be as widely reported – but are far more significant in terms of life on this earth and into eternity. And at the center of all of this… the One who truly deserves our praise and adoration… is JESUS!

Sing a new song to the LORD! He has worked miracles… and with His own powerful arm, He has won the victory. Are you a member of His team?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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