Daily Devotional for July 3, 2011

Proverbs 22:1
A good reputation and respect are worth much more than silver and gold.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I could easily name two dozen people who are (or were) both well-recognized and wealthy – and I would get two dozen different impressions of these people. Let me give you a few examples… Elvis Presley, Robert Redford, Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd, Bobby Knight, Ken Hatfield, Billy Graham, Ted Haggard, Donald Trump, and Bill Gates. When you think of each of these people, their reputation comes to mind, doesn’t it?! You may think of how successful – or “powerful” they are (or were)… what they accomplished, and how much money they have made.

But let me ask you a question… do you respect all of these people equally? Have they conducted themselves in the same manner… and with the same integrity? Has money brought them happiness… have they utilized their wealth and “position” well? Now let me ask you another question… in the scheme of things, don’t you know people in your own community or circle of influence who have done as much – or more – with far less? Don’t you know people in your own back yard who you respect far more than any celebrity… and whose reputation is beyond reproach?

Reputation DOES matter. Take some time to think about your own life… and how you believe people see you. When your name is spoken, do others envision someone with integrity… a person worthy of their respect? Do they see a reflection of Jesus in your behavior and accomplishments? Or do they see someone known as a gossip, a party animal (and not in a good sense)… someone with loose morals and poor business practices… someone who drinks too much or spews foul language… someone who neglects their children and family members and blows money at every turn?

Money can buy reputation… but not necessarily a good one. Money cannot buy genuine respect. A close relationship with God… an earnest desire to serve Him and please Him with the gifts and resources He has provided builds the kind of reputation we should hope people will remember. Reputations that are less than stellar can be changed… especially for those who will draw close to God and ask Him to help them accomplish this. It may take time – and it will most certainly take effort – but it can be done.

What sort of reputation do you have? Does your reputation earn you the respect of others… or merely the notoriety that grabs their attention? Are there areas in which you need to improve? Isn’t it time to get started?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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