Daily Devotional for July 17, 2011

Proverbs 22:7
The poor are always ruled over by the rich, so don't borrow and put yourself under their power.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Anytime a person borrows from another, he/she is supposed to pay back the loan… often with interest. Many people have gotten in such a rut with borrowing that they now have credit cards just to pay off other credit card bills… and because of high interest rates, they will never be paid in full! Far too many people are at the mercy of lenders. Whether these people are literally breathing down the necks of those in their debt or not, those who borrow may feel like they are. And I have seen and heard enough to know that many view their creditors as “the enemy” – or at best, as someone whom they fear and/or dislike because of their perceived – or real – power. We’ve all heard the reference, “The wolf is at the door!”

This is a miserable way to live. And let me clarify – there is nothing wrong with obtaining a home loan or a car loan – if you are certain you can adequately meet the loan requirements… make all payments on time, and continue to put food on your table. There is a time and place for obtaining a loan responsibly. But for many, living on credit has become the norm… and the cycle is vicious and seems to have no end.

Now let’s switch gears for a minute. Suppose God was the “banker,” and we were the borrowers. Suppose we had to borrow our grace, mercy, love and blessings… and each had to be repaid in kind. What if every time God helped you out of a jam, He expected you to do something big and miraculous for His glory as payment?

What if He healed your body of a disease, and you had to do mission work for a certain amount of time to repay Him? What if you could have salvation… and the promise of a life in Heaven… but you had to carry a cross on your shoulders everywhere you went for the rest of your life? See, I didn’t even say you had to be nailed to it… just think if you simply had to carry it with you!

What if we looked at God as our “rich lender” who held our debts over our heads all the time? How would we feel? Would this be a joy-filled existence? Would peace and comfort be in our vocabulary? Would we always be worried about how we were going to “make ends meet” and pay back the debts? Would we live in fear of the “wolf at the door?”

Yes, God wants us to serve Him… and to serve others in His name. But He doesn’t require this in an itemized fashion for every single time He has blessed us. God operates in gifts, not in loans… and aren’t we glad?

I encourage you to be responsible in every area of your life. Remember the words of William Shakespeare… “Neither a borrower or lender be…” and operate as much in “cash” and “pay-as-you-go” as possible. When you do have to borrow… be sure you can repay the loan. And always… always thank God that He does not operate in loans. Thank Him for the good gifts He provides for us… and show your love an appreciation by living for Him each and every day.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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