Daily Devotional for July 16, 2011

Proverbs 22:6
Point your kids in the right direction— when they're old they won't be lost.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

Put on your “thinking cap” and recall at least one positive “life lesson” you have learned from one of your parents or grandparents. Two come to mind for me… both from my grandmothers… “Blood is thicker than water,” and “The LORD will take care of me.” I’ve heard my grandmothers say these phrases countless times, and they resonate with me. My mom used to always tell us, “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” All three of these phrases are good “life lessons” – ones that I have never forgotten!

I can also name a few negative “life lessons” that colored my thinking… though not necessarily in a negative way. I learned the hazards of cigarette smoking by watching more than one beloved adult in my family die from its effects. I learned not to judge a person by their appearance or the word of someone else by listening to elders do just that… and I learned later that the person of whom they spoke and thought poorly was really pretty nice! I discovered that not all Christians belong to the same denomination… and those who attend a church down the street are loved just as much by Jesus as those who worship in my own sanctuary!

If we think people in general are watching what we say and do… children are watching even more closely. A great case in point is my little cousin Owen and my nephew Timothy. We have observed both of them mimic our behaviors… from repeating what we say with the same tone and inflection to wearing their hats cocked at the same angle as their dad and Uncle Greg… and much more.

So what does this have to do with you? If you want to really make a difference in someone’s life – regardless of your age - spend some time with a child! If nothing else, be a good and Godly example for children who may cross your path. Watch your language, your habits, your behaviors. Think about what you say – and how you say it.

If you are given a chance to mentor a child, take it. That one morning you spend rocking babies in a church nursery… or the evening you take the neighbor kid out in the yard and throw a ball… may have lifelong ramifications. Send a greeting card to a child who is having a birthday, did well at the swim meet, or won a chess tournament at school. This child may not even know your name, but he/she might remember that someone loved and cared for them… if only for a few minutes. And it could make a huge difference.

God holds a special place in His heart for children… I’m convinced of this! And I believe any time we spend serving children pleases Him doubly. God knows that we are building future generations. We are sowing the seeds of His love in that child… we are creating the opportunity for growth in him/her… and into others exponentially. And while it may seem that our efforts were wasted or miniscule… we need to leave the depth and breadth of their effects up to God. It’s not our job to determine the outcome… just to take the first step.

So my challenge to you today is to find a child to love and nurture. You don’t have to become a foster parent… or volunteer to work in Vacation Bible School or an after-school program of some sort. You don’t have to become a Scout leader or coach Little League… although all of these are worthy projects! All you have to do is be the best role model, friend, parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, or neighbor God has called you to be. He will use you to inspire and influence the children in your lives.

God’s efforts are never wasted… and yours on His behalf won’t be, either!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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