Daily Devotional for July 4, 2011

Proverbs 22:3
Respect and serve the LORD! Your reward will be wealth, a long life, and honor.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The days around July 4th are a time of great reflection for many Americans. We stop… if only momentarily… and think about the tremendous freedoms we enjoy in this country. We recognize the monumental sacrifices of so many fellow countrymen and women, so that we can enjoy these freedoms and privileges. We salute them with parades and fireworks displays… and the wearing of red, white and blue. We give them respect by hanging flags and singing patriotic songs in their honor.

We are able to muster up quite the celebration for the United States of America and its people, yet we don’t seem to be able to do the same for our LORD and Savior! Oh, sure, we have Christmas and Easter… and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny! And yes, there are other activities and festivities on July 4th that take some of our focus – picnics, water activities, car races, baseball games and more. But it seems that for many of us, we are more fervent and enthusiastic about recognizing and celebrating our patriotism than we are our faith!

We need to stop and realize that the only reason we have the freedoms we do in this country is because of the grace of God. The ultimate gift of freedom came on the cross, when Jesus Christ died for our sins. If ever we are going to wave a flag and light a firecracker, it ought to be for HIM! And honestly, in the context of our faith walk, every single day should be the Fourth of July!

So today, as you celebrate, light a firework for Jesus. As it soars toward the heavens, pause and say, “Thank you, LORD!” Have your picnics, eat your ice cream and watermelon, and wave flags… and thank God for His gift of the great freedom we enjoy in America every single day. Give God the glory, honor and respect He deserves as you commemorate this holiday… and make every day your Independence Day in Christ!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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