Daily Devotional for August 12, 2011

Psalm 105:1-5
Praise the LORD and pray in his name! Tell everyone what he has done. Sing praises to the LORD! Tell about his miracles. Celebrate and worship his holy name with all your heart. Trust the LORD and his mighty power. Remember his miracles and all his wonders and his fair decisions.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Let’s be honest… we’ve all been griping and complaining about the heat – and with good reason! This has been a miserable summer, with some of the highest heat indexes ever recorded. We have prayed for rain… over and again. We’ve told God what He already knows… “It’s hot and dry!” Hopefully we have also thanked Him for the rains that have come in recent days – and for cooler air that is forecasted for the week ahead.

During a couple of the recent thundershowers that came through our area, beautiful rainbows appeared in the sky… brilliantly bright and long-lasting! I took these as gentle reminders that “I am still in control. I know what you need… and when you need it!” Now, I realize that you may feel God needs a little nudge when your grass has burned up or your yard has become so dry that giant cracks begin to appear in it! But I assure you, God already knows! He decides when to send the rain, and His decisions are always fair and perfect.

I don’t know why God allows natural disasters… deadly tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, sinkholes, windstorms, droughts, heat waves, and more. I don’t know why He decides to cure one person of a disease… or save them from disaster… and allows others to perish or suffer. But I believe with all my heart that God’s ways are perfect and fair… and far beyond what I can begin to comprehend. And that’s why He is GOD!

I have experienced enough of God’s miracles to know that He deserves our praise… and our devotion. I have read enough scripture to know that all of the hardships and sufferings we endure in this lifetime may seem incomprehensible… unbearable… but in context of God’s grand scheme, we can endure them. God has not forgotten us… He is not being mean. He cares for us more deeply than we can begin to imagine. And someday, we will fully understand how He has orchestrated everything for the most perfect outcome.

The rainbows of recent days have reminded me of God’s love and care for us… and His tremendous, miraculous power and perfection. He is truly worthy of our praise… have you given Him some today?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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