Daily Devotional for August 25, 2011

Proverbs 20:4
If you are too lazy to plow, don't expect a harvest.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

The other day I caught part of a commercial for yet another fat-burning solution that comes in a little capsule. No exercise is necessary… no dietary changes are needed. All we have to do is take these little capsules, and they will miraculously attach to our belly fat and burn it into oblivion for us! Yippee!!! As my “personal trainer” Jillian Michaels says, this is a message of lethargy and laziness… and it won’t work. She also says that so many people truly do not show up their own lives. In other words, they don’t take responsibility for their actions… or the outcomes. And she is right! We want the harvest, but we don’t want to plow!

We see this in every arena of life. Some students never study and barely get by then wonder why their GPA is so poor and they can’t get into good graduate schools - or potential employers are less than impressed. People apply for job after job and wonder why nobody will hire them... yet they fail to realize they present a lazy, “I-could-care-less” attitude and a sloppy appearance. We all know someone who has been on one diet after another, joined every gym in town and has a cabinet full of workout videos – right next to the treadmill/clothes rack. Every Monday is going to be the first day of a diet… until Monday actually arrives.

We also see this in the lives of many Christians. We make excuses with comments like, “I have nothing to offer. I’m not smart/capable/talented/outgoing… and more. I don’t have time. I don’t want to be a pest.” Sometimes, these are code for “I’m too lazy to get involved.” We often hear God nudging us into service and witness, but we either tune Him out or turn away. Some of us are so out of step with God that we really, truly don’t recognize His voice when He speaks and gives us an assignment!

The time has come for us to show up… to be truly present in our own lives… and as Christians and Disciples of Christ. We need to get up and get going… to clean up our act, polish our appearance, and get in line to accept whatever challenges we are presented… with all of the enthusiasm and energy we can muster. If you are really ready for a harvest, are you ready to plow?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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