Daily Devotional for August 14, 2011

Proverbs 19:27
If you quit listening, dear child, and strike off on your own, you'll soon be out of your depth.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

We have been trying to teach Timothy to ride a tricycle. We’ve shown him how to put his feet on the pedals. We’ve put him on the trike and pushed him around… we’ve even shown him YouTube videos of children riding tricycles. But he still wants to do it his way… which doesn’t involve keeping his feet on the pedals and pushing!

On some of the videos, I’ve heard parents commenting, “Maybe we should tape his/her feet to the pedals!” We have opted to let Timmy flounder a while longer. After all, he is only two years old, and he has a lot of “discovering” to do.

There is nothing wrong with letting someone figure things out for themselves, especially when there is no danger of being harmed by wrong turns along the way. Certainly, if we saw Timothy trying to do something that could be harmful or cause a serious problem, we would intervene. But as we grow, people with more knowledge and/or life experiences often try to tell us things, and we quit listening. This is when real troubles can begin.

It’s hard to believe, but the summer break is ending for many, and a new school year is upon us. For some, college lies ahead… a time when many are on their own or becoming relatively independent – possibly for the first time. You are encouraged to think for yourself… explore new philosophies… broaden your horizons. And while “self-discovery” and expressing your own ideas and opinions is important - and a natural part of growth and maturation - you must remain awake and alert.

None of us ever outgrows God. We never get too old for Bible study, and certainly, none of us ever stops needing to communicate with God in prayer. Notice I said “communicate with God”… because we need to do more than merely talk to Him. We need to listen! This is where a lot of us fall down… we do all the talking, and we don’t hear what God is telling us. And before we know it, we’ve struck off on our own and gotten out of our depth.

As a former teacher, this time of year seems more like the “New Year” to me than January 1st. This is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and the potential for exciting experiences and growth. In large part, the key to having a successful year will lie in how you listen. If you filter all you are told and taught through communication with God, you will do well. If you decide to “wing it” without God at the helm, you are setting yourself up for potential disaster and disappointment.

My prayer is that we would all commit to making the next year a time when we put God at the forefront… a time when we don’t make a move without consulting Him first… a time when we embrace new discoveries and adventures, because we know that He is leading the way. Whether you are the mom of a child headed off to kindergarten… a college freshman… a retiree… or somewhere in between these stages… ask God to guide your steps. Listen for His wise counsel. Proceed with confidence… knowing He is leading the way. Keep God close as you “strike off on your own,” and have a great, safe, blessed year!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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