Daily Devotional for August 4, 2011

Psalm 103:1-2
With all my heart I praise the LORD, and with all that I am I praise his holy name! With all my heart I praise the LORD! I will never forget how kind he has been.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

We all have experiences we will never forget...where we were on 9-11 (or if you are old enough, the day that President Kennedy was assassinated). Every January 28th, I’m reminded of the Space Shuttle Challenger that exploded in mid-air upon takeoff in 1986. Others will never forget experiencing a tornado, flood, earthquake, or some sort of natural disaster.

While we all can recall major events such as these with vivid detail, I bet you can also recall a kindness done toward you at some point in your life. Perhaps someone said something profound to you that you’ve never forgotten. Maybe you remember how somebody gave you a loan when you really needed one… or another person showed love and compassion toward you when you were really down and in need. Perhaps you’ve never forgotten a teacher who took special interest in you or someone in your church or community who nurtured you… an aunt, uncle, grandparent or friend who gave good advice and was always available when you needed them. Maybe a stranger helped you out of a real jam.

My math teacher, Mrs. Berry, took a special interest in me in junior high school. She really listened to me and showed concern for my feelings. I remember my guidance counselor, Mrs. Crabtree, who encouraged me when others said my plan to go to college early would never work! My freshman English professor, Francis Irby Gwaltney, nurtured me, taught me to write down my thoughts in a way that made sense… and declared that my new husband was “a keeper.” I will never forget Pastor Dooley Fowler, who sat with me on my Walk to Emmaus and reminded me that I had placed all of my burdens at the foot of the cross… and I needed to leave them there.

The point is that we could probably list a half dozen or more events that have affected us deeply – and at least a handful of people who have said or done something we will never forget (hopefully in a positive manner). We are forever changed because of these people and events. But do you realize that every kindness that has been shown to you by someone else was orchestrated by God? In essence, He was pouring out His kindness on you through the words and actions of others.

See, God is always “on the clock” on our behalf! So the things you say you will “never forget” that someone said to you – or did for you – were really kindnesses from God! There will be times in your life when you ask God for something… guidance, help, blessings, a specific outcome… and you feel His direct answer. Other times, He will answer and work through various individuals and events. But all of this combines to give us even more reason to praise Him with our whole heart.

I encourage you to write down a list of kindnesses that have occurred in your life… even those you feel you will “never forget.” The next time you are tempted to question God… the next time you wonder where He is hiding or start to feel sorry for yourself, take out the list and read over them. Remind yourself of the many ways God has shown you kindness in the past… and be assured He has more to offer. Thank Him for all of this… praise Him with your whole heart… and never forget how much He loves you – now and forever!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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