Daily Devotional for June 10, 2012

Deuteronomy 8:2-6
Don’t forget how the Lord your God has led you through the desert for the past forty years. He wanted to find out if you were truly willing to obey him and depend on him, so he made you go hungry. Then he gave you manna, a kind of food that you and your ancestors had never even heard about. The Lord was teaching you that people need more than food to live - they need every word that the Lord has spoken.

Over the past forty years, your clothing hasn’t worn out, and your feet haven’t swollen. So keep in mind that the Lord has been correcting you, just as parents correct their children. Obey the commands the Lord your God has given you and worship him with fear and trembling.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I was talking with a friend last week, and she said, “You and I live in a more ‘grey’ world than some people. Others see everything in black and white.” I’m glad we have “black and white” people who see things so clearly. But let’s face it… some of us are more tender hearted, which often leaves us gullible and vulnerable. To put it more honestly, we are often big suckers for the person with a sob story or the stray puppy. Others can look at certain situations and say, “Nope! That’s not my problem… not my battle!” and move forward with no hindsight or remorse. But many of us take on the weight of the world and internalize not only the problems and needs of others… but much of what happens to us personally.

Somehow I think there must be more “grey” people in the world than the “black and white” variety! As a whole, we seem to quickly jump to a “woe-is-me” mentality when things don’t go our way. We are ready and willing to gripe and complain about everything from being bored to our low-paying job to a lack of respect. We are quick to air our dirty laundry and want the whole world to feel sorry for us! We’re tired, imposed upon, mistreated and under-appreciated… and if we only had XYZ, our lives would be so much better!

In my prayer notes, I’ve written the following… “Sometimes we live as if grace is cheap. We have to live with a sense of obligation to mercy and grace.” In other words, we have to learn to recognize that not everything in life is “black and white.” Some of our experiences are allowed by God in order to test our faith and see just how much we appreciate His grace and mercy!

Let me ask you something… has there ever been a time when you could honestly say that God failed you? Notice I didn’t ask if you have ever failed… I asked, “Has God ever failed you?” There is a difference! When we can learn to look at our daily experiences – and those of others – and see God’s grace and mercy at work, we realize that we can handle anything. We grow from the tests we are given according to how readily we recognize God at work in them.

As we mature in our Christian faith, we can learn to ask, “What is God showing me? How should I respond in order to show proper respect for His love and care?” The answer may truly be a “black and white” response, such as “No, I cannot take in a stray puppy!” But it may also be to stop and thank God for the little you do have instead of your lack of something bigger and better!

We know that God’s grace and mercy did not come cheaply! We know that He gave His only Son to buy it. So what could we possibly give in return that we think even comes close in comparison? We can never out-give God… but we can surely give Him our very best… and that starts with love and respect – even when He gives our faith a little workout! Are you asking God to reveal Himself in your life? Are you recognizing His presence when He does?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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