Daily Devotional for June 4, 2012

Philippians 3:7-11
But Christ has shown me that what I once thought was valuable is worthless. Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ and to know that I belong to him. I could not make myself acceptable to God by obeying the Law of Moses. God accepted me simply because of my faith in Christ. All I want is to know Christ and the power that raised him to life. I want to suffer and die as he did, so that somehow I also may be raised to life.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

How do you measure success? When I was a little girl, I thought I wanted to be a nurse. (I didn’t realize that I don’t do well with needles – shots, IVs, etc.) My grandmother said, “If you’re going to be a nurse, become a doctor instead… they make more money!” My other grandmother said, “Marry a rich man!” To a large extent, both women viewed success in terms of dollars and cents. And that is not an uncommon opinion. Just turn on the television and look at how success is portrayed… fancy houses, sports cars, diamonds and designer clothes, jobs that pay six figures, and a high public profile.

Did it ever occur to you that when we talk to someone about his/her goals in life, we don’t encourage them to “Be the most humble, faithful servant of Christ you can be” – as if that were a noble calling? We may toss it casually into the conversation along with, “You need to get a college degree,” and “Pick a career that has good earning potential.” We don’t encourage others to pursue a degree or career in an area that will serve others – unless it pays well. We don’t look at what God might be able to do with a coach or teacher in a low-paying position… the social worker who works for the local welfare office or juvenile court… or the nurses’ aides who care for the elderly in a skilled care facility. When we go on vacation, we want our hotel room to be spotlessly clean, but we don’t consider the people who will make sure this is how we find it… or the wait staff who serves us at our favorite restaurant! We often fail to recognize the importance of stay-at-home moms or the daycare workers who nurture our children.

Maybe… just maybe… the people who serve others in low-paying, thankless jobs are right where God wanted them to be. Maybe they have discovered that the things the world thinks are important are like garbage compared to the joy of seeking and serving Christ in all things. Is it possible that the most successful people on earth are not necessarily those with tons of money… but rather, those who spend their time and energy getting closer to God and belonging totally to Him? It’s that old adage, “Bloom where you are planted” in action, coupled with a hefty challenge to get our priorities straight!

This is not to say that everyone in a low-paying, or blue collar job is there because he/she wants to be – or feels that this is where God wants them to serve. This also doesn’t mean you can’t get close to God and be well-educated, highly paid, popular, and prestigious. But wealth and status should not be the ultimate goals of a Christian disciple who has humbly committed himself/herself to Jesus and His service.

Regardless of your stage and station in life, it is never too late to stop and take stock… to re-evaluate your goals and aspirations. You may find that you have lost your passion for the things that once held such allure and excitement for you. If you are ready to really serve Jesus and be more like Him, you will probably find that your priorities are changing. And this could be the beginning of a total redefinition of your idea of success… one with Eternal and everlasting results. Make Jesus your passion… serve Him first and foremost… and see where He takes you. Get ready to be amazed at how “successful” you truly are.

©2012 Debbie Robus

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