Daily Devotional for June 23, 2012

Hebrews 11:11
Even when Sarah was too old to have children, she had faith that God would do what he had promised, and she had a son.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I was reading a story in Good Housekeeping magazine about a woman named Angie Hernandez, whose young adult son, Ryan, was in the end stages of kidney failure as a result of Goodpasture’s syndrome - a rare disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack the lungs and kidneys. With hopes of receiving a kidney transplant dwindling, 23-year-old Ryan told his mother that he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. He was tired and unsure he could live long enough to get the transplant.

If you know anything about kidney disease and dialysis, you understand the toll it takes on the patient – and family members and friends. The daily struggle just to stay alive can be physically and emotionally draining. It’s not hard to see how someone in this position would long for the peace and healing of heaven and an end to this earthly suffering… especially if that person is a believer in Christ and anticipates eternity in His presence.

Like any mother, Angie Hernandez was not ready to lose her son. A cousin had created a three-minute video montage of Ryan’s life, set it to music, and posted it on YouTube. Angie asked her Facebook friends to share the video on their Walls… and to solicit potential kidney donors in doing so. Amazingly, Angie’s half-sister, whom she had not seen in more than a decade, contacted the family and offered to help. Her kidney was a match! Today, Ryan has recovered, and the splintered family has reconnected… blessings have multiplied!

The slant of this article is how social media is helping in many arenas, like the solicitation of medical information and organ donors. The article does not discuss Christian faith… and I am left to assume that this mother surely must have prayed and believed for a miracle. I can’t imagine enduring something like this without a constant conversation with God… and faith in Him to keep His promises to handle all of our worries and cares.

My point in sharing this story is that this mother did not give up. Abraham’s elderly wife, Sarah, did not give up… and neither should we! When everything seems impossible… when we do not understand the “whys and wherefores” of a situation, God does… and He has promised to handle everything for us. Our job is to trust Him… to believe in Him… and to never give up!

Healing may not come on this earth, but it will come. Our answers may not be evident in this lifetime… but someday, we will have them. Even when we cannot see, hear, or feel God at work… He is still on the clock, meeting our every need. Don’t give up! Don’t stop believing in God’s promises… never underestimate His power in your life and the lives of others.

In The Message*, Hebrews 11:11-12 says, “By faith, barren Sarah was able to become pregnant, old woman as she was at the time, because she believed the One who made a promise would do what he said. That's how it happened that from one man's dead and shriveled loins there are now people numbering into the millions.” God may not give you millions of children, but He will meet your needs and fulfill His promises for your life. What do you believe God for today? Are you holding on and expecting Him to fulfill His promises? Isn’t it time you did?

©2012 Debbie Robus

*Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO. All rights reserved.

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