Daily Devotional for June 17, 2012

1 Chronicles 17:16-18
David went into the tent he had set up for the sacred chest. He sat there and prayed: Lord God, my family and I don’t deserve what you have already done for us, and yet you have promised to do even more for my descendants. You are treating me as if I am a very important person. I am your servant, and you know my thoughts. What else can I say, except that you have honored me?

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Our great-nephew, Chase, is eight years old. He is totally mesmerized by all things “Titanic”. He knows facts and figures about the R.M.S. Titanic, the names of many passengers and whether they lived or perished, and much more. A couple of months ago, the Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson, Missouri, had a Centennial Tribute to commemorate 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic. My mother learned of Chase’s fascination with this vessel… as well as that of a teenage boy who lives in our town. She knows people on the staff at the Titanic Museum Attraction, and she told them about these two boys.

The staff invited Chase and the other young man to be V.I.P. guests for the day on April 14th, when the Centennial Tribute festivities were held. Chase and his dad drove across southern Missouri to be there. He was given a V.I.P. badge – and the “royal treatment.” On a recent visit to our house, Chase recanted how he was a “very important person” that day… and told us what all he had seen and done. Needless to say, he felt honored to have received such special care and attention.

Everyone likes to feel important. I seriously doubt any of us would turn down V.I.P. treatment. Most of us would be honored to be given such status – and all that accompanies it - in any given circumstance. What we do not realize is that God offers us V.I.P. status every day… and we don’t even recognize it – much less feel a sense of honor and humility. Sadly, we take much of what God grants us for granted. And still, He continues to bless us with His grace, mercy, love and forgiveness.

Don’t you think it’s time we stopped and paid a little attention to what God is doing in our lives? Isn’t it time to recognize how “royally” God treats us… and to thank Him for this? Doesn’t God deserve our respect and humility – our gratitude and behavior that at least begins to reflect someone worthy of such blessings?

Think about everything that God does for you. Now consider that He has promised to do even more for your descendants! Pretty amazing, isn’t it?! Don’t you feel honored? Don’t you feel humbled… and desire to show your gratitude in any and every way you can? Isn’t today a good day to get started on this?

©2012 Debbie Robus

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