May 8 ~ Psalm 91:9-13
The LORD Most High is your fortress. Run to him for safety, and no terrible disasters will strike you or your home. God will command his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will carry you in their arms, and you won't hurt your feet on the stones. You will overpower the strongest lions and the most deadly snakes.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

GPS is an amazing tool. Friends of ours were involved in a head-on collision a few weeks ago. Thankfully, their injuries were not life-threatening and they are both recovering well. But surely, God’s angels were with them… and the OnStar system in their car alerted authorities that emergency services were needed. A few months ago, I heard a news report about some people who veered off course and became stranded in a snowstorm. Family members used GPS to track them and provide rescue.

As amazing as GPS is, it doesn’t hold a candle to the power of God to keep His eye on us and provide rescue and protection when needed. God always knows where we are – and what we need. He has legions of angels that surround each one of us and attend to our every concern. So the question I have for you is… “Why are we so slow to turn to God for help?” I mean really turn to Him… because every single one of us has cried out for His help when things fell apart.

I’m talking about turning to God and trusting Him before disaster strikes! If we would only do this… if we would make Him the “front line of defense” in our lives and trust His power to shield us from whatever Satan has ready to volley in our direction, we would be able to face any and every crisis with calm and confidence. We would be as cool as cucumbers, and nothing would rattle us. Notice I did not say that troubles wouldn’t come… because they will… but if we were resting in God, we wouldn’t let these troubles faze us – much less defeat us. With God, all things are possible, because of his protection and power. Without Him, we are just flapping in the breeze like the branches of a tree on a stormy day… totally vulnerable and prone to destruction. Don’t let this describe your life. Run to God for safety. Rest in the confidence that His angels are protecting you… and don’t let the devil get you down with his antics.

©2010 Debbie Robus

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