Daily Devotional for October 31, 2016

Matthew 6:5-6
“And when you come before God, don’t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for stardom! Do you think God sits in a box seat?

“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved. 

I will warn you now that you may not like some - or all - of what I am about to say!  But I have studied this scripture passage carefully, and I have developed strong feelings about public prayer – and the importance that many attach to this action.

If you wanted to talk to a friend and loved one about something deeply personal, would you do this out loud – in a public venue?  Would you get on the public address system at a sporting event and thank Mary for the kindness she showed to you…or discuss your concern over Joe’s cancer diagnosis or Bill and Sue’s marital problems?  Would you announce to an entire table of diners in a restaurant that you were worried that your teenager might be experimenting with drugs?  Would you want your child to stand up in his/her classroom and share that there was dissension in your church…or that Daddy got a raise and the whole family was super excited and grateful, because things had been really tight and stressful at home?

I realize that this is an extreme analogy…but hopefully you get where I’m going. I totally “get” that some attach great importance to “public” prayers. Some see this as a way to publicly demonstrate their Christian faith.  But therein lies the problem I have. Are we really talking to God – or making a show?

When I go to the pool to work out, I use this as a personal prayer time.  A man who often swims at the same time as I do tried to strike up conversations with me on more than one occasion. One day he said something that gave me the opportunity to mention that I used my workout time as prayer time. I could have just jogged around the pool, praying aloud…and he and everyone else could have drawn conclusions about what a “good Christian” I must be…or even that I was a little nuts!  Instead, I just kept talking to God in between conversation exchanges and waited for an opportunity to explain that this was my personal prayer time.  I figured this was the best way to respectfully regain my privacy…and simultaneously express my Christian faith.

Carefully consider Jesus’ words in this scripture passage. Prayer is meant to be an intimate conversation with God…not a public spectacle. Jesus is pretty clear that we are to be still and quiet - and pour out our heart to God…to focus completely on Him and not on what anyone else hears - or thinks. Leading a group in prayer has its place and time. But I think when we fret so much about whether or not public prayers are allowed in this venue or that one, we so miss the mark. You and I can talk to God anywhere…anytime!  All we have to do is get quiet and still  - and open the dialogue.  We can do this without ever moving our lips – much less uttering a vocal sound.  And we SHOULD! 

The more we understand about the intimacy – and quite frankly, the privacy – of most prayers, the more we see how important it is to talk to God throughout each day.  We understand how vital it is to keep Him close in our thoughts…and to shift our focus from making a public display to sensing His presence – and His grace.

Each of us has the opportunity for a unique and deeply personal daily conversation with God that will not only nurture our relationship with Him but also profoundly affect how others see Jesus in and through us. If we are busy worrying about whether we can pray out loud – and where such public demonstrations are allowed – we risk missing the opportunity to hear from God.  And that’s a chance I’m not willing to take.  What about you?

 ©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 30, 2016

Matthew 6:1-4
“Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding.

When you do something for someone else, don’t call attention to yourself. You’ve seen them in action, I’m sure—‘playactors’ I call them—treating prayer meeting and street corner alike as a stage, acting compassionate as long as someone is watching, playing to the crowds. They get applause, true, but that’s all they get. When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
Whenever I read this scripture passage, I cannot help but think of a handful of ladies (and a few men) who have greatly influenced my life.  Some are in heaven now, while others are still “getting it done” every day.  They “fly under the radar” with their deeds…and many never know how much these folks do for other people. But I assure you, the recipients of their acts of servitude take notice!

I would name these people, but those who are still with us would be embarrassed to be recognized…which is really the point! They don’t prepare and deliver meals, visit nursing homes and shut-ins, taxi those who cannot drive to a variety of appointments and events, serve in a myriad of positions at their churches, and so much more so that we can applaud their efforts and make a big deal of it!  They do this because they understand what it is to minister in the name of Jesus…to see needs and meet them without any fanfare or fame.

The “reward” is knowledge that God is pleased…that He sees their efforts – and believe me, He DOES! They have done what they could to honor the sacrifices made on their behalf by God as He gave us Jesus to teach us how to live…and to die for our sins.

It concerns me that the next generation(s) might not understand the concept of humble, quiet service that requires no recognition. We’ve made so much of our Christian faith and worship a spectacle and performance. There is competition (sometimes not so subtle) to see who can be the “best”.  Church has become something of a “numbers game.”  We want the biggest state-of-the-art buildings…the most members…the best musicians…impressive programs for all age groups, and more Bible studies and “activities” than any other body of believers. I cannot imagine that this truly pleases God.

There is a song that says, “We don’t need another hero,” and this is what Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:1-4.  He is the hero…pure and simple…and we only need the One!  Jesus needs us to be humble servants - dedicated workers who get the work done to build the Kingdom of Heaven.  There will be plenty of blessings along the way for those who minister obediently and quietly…and abundant opportunities for recognition when we get to heaven.

In our rush to be the biggest and best – or to gain recognition and accolades – we often lose sight of what is truly important.  Jesus called us to serve to others in His name…to bless them and glorify Him - not to draw attention to ourselves.  How well are you doing with this?  Are you willing to do the work and remain completely in the background?  Can you serve God without telling a single soul what you have done?  Can you quit worrying about what other people might think or how impressive your discipleship and ministry efforts appear to others…and concentrate on the tasks at hand?  And can you start today?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 29, 2016

Matthew 5:48
“In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

This fall as I have been spending time at the elementary school with Timmy and Zola – and in the Sunday school classes at our church -  I’ve realized that these classrooms are microcosms of the world at large…filled with many of the social issues and concerns that trouble the world at large.  I’ve observed children who are struggling (if only subconsciously) with discrimination because of their race, socio-economic level, or intellect. There are children in foster homes, broken homes, and homes that where the family dynamic is disintegrating.  There are children with special needs…and plenty of “drama” between both boys and girls.  This is all on top of the academic challenges that the children face each week in their classrooms!

These little lives and the struggles that befall them parallel those of their adult counterparts in many ways.  And I am reminded of how this broke my heart and troubled me when I left teaching 30 years ago.  I brought a lot of the heartaches home with me at night and “massaged” them over and over. I am trying not to do that now - and here’s why…I am making every effort to live out my faith.

“But wait a minute!” you might say.  “If you are living out your faith, shouldn’t you be concerned for these children?”  Absolutely…but I am confident that God is watching over them.  I ask Him to do this every day…and I trust that He will answer, because I know they are precious to Him.  This frees me to pass out love, hugs and encouragement…to smile and laugh with the children and to let them know how important they are to me – and especially to God. MY JOB as a Christian disciple is not to worry.  It is to live generously and graciously toward others and try my hardest to always give them a glimpse of God and how HE lives toward us.

I hope that I have learned a thing or two in the last few decades.  I’d like to say that I have grown up…but I am sure I still have work to do.  Still, I am doing my best to live like a Kingdom Subject…to quit wringing my hands and worrying over every little thing that happens in this world…to move past the drama, let go, and let God handle the details. This is my God-created identity…and I am trying to honor His gracious and generous gift.  What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 28, 2016

Matthew 5:43-47    
“You’re familiar with the old written law, ‘Love your friend,’ and its unwritten companion, ‘Hate your enemy.’ I’m challenging that. I’m telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer, for then you are working out of your true selves, your God-created selves. This is what God does. He gives his best—the sun to warm and the rain to nourish—to everyone, regardless: the good and bad, the nice and nasty. If all you do is love the lovable, do you expect a bonus? Anybody can do that. If you simply say hello to those who greet you, do you expect a medal? Any run-of-the-mill sinner does that.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

I had to “unfollow” a few Facebook friends this week, because their posts became so vile and disgusting that I could no longer read them. And while I am not as faithful and obedient about this as I should be, I do pray for people who are spouting rhetoric that is confusing at best…and downright appalling and demeaning in many cases. I ask God to bring truth to the forefront, to rebuke those who are spreading hateful rumors and ideologies, and to heal the hearts of those who have made such toxic thoughts their stock in trade.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been on the receiving end of untruths and unkind treatment. I know how much that hurts. I also know how difficult it can be to receive undeserved grace from someone I have offended or insulted in some way – even if unintentionally. If you are honest, you probably will agree that when we receive grace and kindness from someone we know we have mistreated or disrespected, we usually feel at least a tad embarrassed.  You’ve heard people say, “I wish you would just hit me and get it over with”…meaning that a physical punishment would be easier to stomach than having to accept the other person’s leniency and mercy.

What does this mean for us as Christians?  I think Jesus is pretty clear.  When someone insults us or offends us in some way, we are to swallow our pride, anger, and indignation…and “take the high road.”  We are to genuinely and sincerely pray for that person with a real desire for God to speak to this individual and heal his/her heart – but not in the sense of “LORD, You need to FIX him/her!” - or even out of a desire to make the other person feel badly.

We need to be gracious, tender, and “kill ‘em with kindness!”  And here’s why…this is exactly what God does for us, each and every day.  You and I continually insult and demean God.  We trample on Him in ways we can’t even count.  And He lovingly and graciously continues to care for us and meet our every need. This humbles me…because I know that most of the time, I don’t deserve such compassionate treatment.

If we want to be true servants, we have to do this for others.  If we want to be real disciples of Christ, we have to obey His commands – including this one!  As Jesus put it…we are either all in with Him…or we are just one more run-of-the-mill sinner.  I know which “camp” I want to be in…what about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 27, 2016

Matthew 5:38-42    
“Here’s another old saying that deserves a second look: ‘Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.’ Is that going to get us anywhere? Here’s what I propose: ‘Don’t hit back at all.’ If someone strikes you, stand there and take it. If someone drags you into court and sues for the shirt off your back, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. And if someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more tit-for-tat stuff. Live generously.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

One day a few months ago, Nathan yelled at me when I told him “No!” and I sent him to “time out.”  He refused to go…I calmly, but firmly insisted!  This four-year-old boy turned and looked at me and said, “You don’t wuv me anymore.  I am not your fwiend ANY MORE!”  He went to sit in the “time out” chair anyway!

On some level, those words hurt.  I realize that he didn’t mean them…but when Nathan is 15 and mad at me over something, they might be offered with more sincerity.  And it will crush my heart to hear someone I love so dearly speak so harshly.  But I hope and pray that I will “turn the other cheek.”  I will probably have plenty of “ammo” that I could lob right back at him by then.  But it would not serve any purpose other than to deepen the divide and possibly damage our relationship forever.  And…it would disobey and disrespect Jesus.

In this season of such discourse, every fiber of our being wants to scream insults and offer retaliations to someone nearly every day.  We are hurt, angry, bewildered, and ready to “make them pay.”  But we must not do this.  We must stand quietly and be still…and trust God.  We must demonstrate that He is in charge…and we will not be dragged into the mud.

Stop and think about it.  You can name plenty of people with short fuses who are quick to get angry and eager to retaliate.  But think about the person you know who remains steadfast and calm…the one who rises above the fray.  In the words of First Lady, Michelle Obama, think of the person who “goes high when the other guy goes low.”  THIS person has heard Jesus’ words – and taken them to heart.  And so must we!

This is the day that the Lord has made.  We must rejoice in it, and live generously.  We must stand up straight and “go high.”  God can – and will – fight our battles. Trust Him to always have our back. Let GOD be in charge of sending others to “time out”…and discover how He blesses your restraint.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 26, 2016

Matthew 5:23-27
“And don’t say anything you don’t mean. This counsel is embedded deep in our traditions. You only make things worse when you lay down a smoke screen of pious talk, saying, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ and never doing it, or saying, ‘God be with you,’ and not meaning it. You don’t make your words true by embellishing them with religious lace. In making your speech sound more religious, it becomes less true. Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Almost every day, there is a post on Facebook from someone asking others for prayer for this person or that situation. A lot of people comment and say that they are praying – or will pray.  I will tell you, I’m not always one of them…and if/when I do write this, I stop RIGHT THEN and offer a prayer.  These verses from Matthew 5 explains why I do this.

I will be the first to say that there have been plenty of times when I’ve said…”You’re in my thoughts and prayers”…and I got busy and that person or situation totally left my conscious thoughts.  Surely you have noted that you would pray for someone, and days later when they posted on Facebook that… “I’m okay – thanks for your prayers,” you went…“Oh, geez…I never even mentioned them to God!”

I’m just being honest…and noting that Jesus tells us not embellish our talk or make promises we can’t – or won’t – keep…especially when these involve our Christian faith and witness. We should not swear to emphasize our points. We should not “promise on a stack of Bibles” or say, “As God is my witness.”  We should just simply say, “Yes” or “No!”  Our conduct must speak for itself.  People ought to feel confident that when we say we will do something…it will be done.  They should know that our word is our bond…that we are dependable and trustworthy, with no “sworn emphasis” necessary.

And while I’m at it…we need to ditch the phrase “OMG.”  This is also a “swear” of sorts…and it does not become us as Christians – or honor God. This phrase demeans and lessens Him…and in my opinion, it needs to go!  When I was in my teens and twenties, nobody in my circle would have dared to mention God in this context.  Now it is commonplace, and I believe we have reduced God by making him a common “swear word.”

Prayerfully consider cutting this phrase from your vocabulary. The English language is filled with plenty of demonstrative phrases to express your excitement and/or appall over any given situation.  I am praying that we will not degrade our relationship with our Heavenly Father by using His name as a swear word of any kind…even this one!

People are watching – and listening!  They know us - and the “fruit” we bear for Jesus – by how we conduct ourselves and what comes out of our mouth.  Let them see confidence in God’s promises…faith that Jesus changed us into new creatures who rely wholly on Him for everything.  Let your words be good…and good enough – without enhancing them with oaths, swears, and “spiritual promises” you can’t or won’t keep.  It’s time for us to be the “real deal” for Jesus each and every day – in ways great and small.  And now is the time for us to begin.  Are you with me?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 25, 2016

Matthew 5:21-22  
“You’re familiar with the command to the ancients, ‘Do not murder.’ I’m telling you that anyone who is so much as angry with a brother or sister is guilty of murder. Carelessly call a brother ‘idiot!’ and you just might find yourself hauled into court. Thoughtlessly yell ‘stupid!’ at a sister and you are on the brink of hellfire. The simple moral fact is that words kill.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

I voted today. I’ve cast my ballot and done my civic duty.  I am so weary of this campaign season and the horrible things that people on both sides are saying about one another.  I can barely look at my Facebook wall these days, because frankly, I feel like I am not going to have many friends left after November 8th.  People I know and love have said horrible things…called others terrible names…and basically shown me a side that I didn’t realize existed – and don’t care to embrace!  Moreover, I don’t want others to think that I support these comments – or ideologies.

So I am offering Matthew 5:21-22 as “food for thought” today…for all of us. Words kill.  Careless name calling has dire consequences…not only in personal relationships – but in the eyes of God.  If God sees this as “murder,” then we should not want any part of it.  This scripture should make us keenly aware that our thoughts, words, and actions matter greatly to God…and a lot of us should be busily trying to do a major overhaul on how we speak and behave!

I know that things won’t change after the election…that there will still be disgruntled people who want to voice their opinions.  And I am prayerfully considering a major reduction of my “friends” list to remove those who continue to engage in “murderous words and actions.” Jesus did not mince words in this passage…and it’s pretty clear to me how He feels about our engagement in these behaviors – and any association with those who do.

For me, the stakes are high.  I’d rather be Jesus’ obedient disciple and have a handful of faithful friends than to claim dozens of pals and be even remotely thought of as a “murderer” – by Him or anyone else!  What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 24, 2016

Psalm 139:17-18
How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can’t even count how many times a day your thoughts turn toward me. And when I waken in the morning, you are still thinking of me!

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

My desktop flip calendar quote for today said, “A little boy ended a lengthy prayer that had included everyone he could think of by saying: ‘And dear God, take care of Yourself.  If anything happens to You, we’re all sunk.’”  While there is humor here…there is also a lot of truth. We need to stop and ponder the God who thinks about us constantly.

Today, I helped the elementary school nurse and her team screen children for hearing and vision deficiencies.  As luck would have it, the “lunch break” paralleled Timmy’s lunch time, so I went with his class to the cafeteria.  On the way back to the classroom, Timmy and another boy were talking about Christmas and how excited they were.  The other little boy said, “My favorite part of Christmas is all of the toys I will get.”  I said my favorite part was celebrating Jesus’ birthday.

Timmy agreed…”Yeah, because if we didn’t have Jesus, we would have all of those frogs and locusts!”  He was recalling our Sunday school lesson about Moses and the plagues that God sent upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians for their disobedience.  Another child chimed in and said, “Without Jesus we would just have God…and if we didn’t have GOD…that would be REALLY bad!” Talk about perfect timing for today’s message!  These second-grade boys – and the little boy offering the “prayer” on my calendar – are exactly right.  Without God, we really would be sunk!

So stop and thank God for loving us so well.  Thank Him for sending Jesus to pour out His blood for our sins, so that we no longer have to make living sacrifices for our sins.  Thank Him for watching over us…for planning our lives before we were even formed…for thinking of us even before we awaken…and turning His thoughts toward each of us countless times throughout the day.  Who else does that?!

No one loves us like God loves us.  How precious it is that He thinks about us constantly…and how truly “sunk” we would be if He didn’t!  Stop and tell God how much you love Him…and get busy demonstrating this in everything you think, say and do!

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 23, 2016

Matthew 5:17-19
“Don’t misunderstand why I have come—it isn’t to cancel the laws of Moses and the warnings of the prophets. No, I came to fulfill them and to make them all come true. With all the earnestness I have I say: Every law in the Book will continue until its purpose is achieved. And so if anyone breaks the least commandment and teaches others to, he shall be the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But those who teach God’s laws and obey them shall be great in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
My last year in the classroom as a teacher was 1985-1986. I’ve been tutoring elementary students the last few months, and a lot has changed in 30 years!  There are “new” teaching methods…and the expectations for young students have definitely changed!  I taught kindergarten students to memorize their address, tie their shoes and count to twenty. Now they are doing addition and subtraction, reading and writing sentences…and most of the shoes have Velcro fasteners!  Second graders not only write stories…they are learning how to enhance them with details…to have an opening and a conclusion…and how to do a lot of their lessons via a “Chrome book” and a “smart board.”

Does this mean that the “old ways” have no value?  Absolutely not!  Because at the end of the day, I utilize a lot of the “old” methods I learned almost 40 years ago in order to drive home concepts, such as how to listen for the main topic of a paragraph…what prefixes and suffixes do to change “root” words…and more.  One-on-one instruction will never be obsolete!  And the BIG thing that has not changed is the necessity for each child to feel loved and valued.  At the end of the day, a hug and a few words of genuine concern and encouragement have as great an impact as any tangible “reward” or lesson.

So when we talk about how the “old ways” of the Old Testament have been replaced because of Jesus, we don’t mean they are to be totally discarded.  I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty glad I don’t have to slit the throat of a baby lamb or calf and spill its blood in order for God to forgive my sins.  But I still have to obey the commandments that God laid out in scripture before Jesus was born!  I am thankful that many of the punishments that God meted out (like the plagues on Pharaoh’s Egyptians) are a thing of the past.  But when God speaks, I still listen – and do my best to comply quickly and completely!

In Mark 12:29-31, Jesus says… “The Lord our God is the one and only God. And you must love him with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.’ The second is: ‘You must love others as much as yourself.”  If you follow these commands, you will encompass all of God’s laws by default.  They are still God’s laws…and we must follow all of them. But God has given us a new “method” by which to accomplish this – Salvation through Jesus Christ.  Jesus is our Savior…our blessing…our teacher and Forever Friend.  But He is also our “hug and encouragement” to keep trying and making every effort to be obedient disciples and servants.

Isn’t it time we stopped making this so complicated? I don’t want to have to be constantly asking myself if I am on track with this command or that one.  So I choose to love God – and love others. Anything that I think, say or do that doesn’t line up with this is outside the realm of God’s commands and should not be happening.  I thank Jesus for making this so simple to understand…and for sacrificing His blood to wash away my sins, once and for all.  What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 22, 2016

Matthew 5:13-16
You are like salt for everyone on earth. But if salt no longer tastes like salt, how can it make food salty? All it is good for is to be thrown out and walked on.

You are like light for the whole world. A city built on top of a hill cannot be hidden, and no one would light a lamp and put it under a clay pot. A lamp is placed on a lampstand, where it can give light to everyone in the house. Make your light shine, so that others will see the good that you do and will praise your Father in heaven.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Last Sunday, I read the story of Moses and the plagues God sent to the Egyptians to the students in the 2nd-3rd grade Sunday school class.  I shared this passage from the Contemporary English Version…and it “read” like an action movie!  The children were totally engaged…and eager to hear what came next!  There is nothing wrong with other translations of the Bible…and you may have noticed that I use at least three in writing these daily messages.  But this particular translation gave the Old Testament story “salt and light” - and truly captured the attention of the children who heard it.

Many Sundays, I’ve passed out Bibles in the classroom and shared scripture passages with the children.  These Bibles are NIV (New International Version), which is often difficult for young children to understand…so there has to be a lot of added explanation, which is not a bad thing.  But often, when we have stop and explain what God is saying, we quickly lose the attention of those to whom we are speaking.

Think about this…it is so easy to hand someone a Bible and say, “Read this, and you’ll see what God is all about – and what He has to say to you.”  Now just how effective to you suppose this approach would be?  When we add the “salt and light” – our own personal experiences…an intimate explanation of how the God’s word has affected our own life…people pay closer attention.  God becomes “relatable.”  When we live in a way that demonstrates God’s wisdom, power, love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and blessings in our own life, others take notice.

This is why we must not “hide our light under a barrel.”  We must seek ways to share God’s message with others…utilize understandable Biblical translations, both literal and through our own personal witness...offer demonstrations of the teachings of Jesus in action…and add ”salt” in our daily servings of Christian discipleship!

The challenge for each of us is to maintain exactly the right balance.  Too much salt can be just as bad as none at all.  We don’t want to come on too strongly. Jesus never forces Himself on anyone…and neither should we!  But we must never shy away from a chance to give others a glimpse of Jesus in our own daily living.  

Go…share…love…SHINE for Jesus!  Prayerfully find the balance of “salt and light” that He wants you to embody…and watch how others respond to your witness.

Are you “well-seasoned and illuminated” for Jesus?  Isn’t it time you were?


©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 21, 2016

Matthew 5:10-12
“You’re blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God’s kingdom.

“Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don’t like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Almost every day, there are posts and “memes” on social media encouraging us to “share this if you are a Christian.”  If Jesus Christ is your LORD and Savior, you are urged to change your status for an hour/day/week to declare this in some form.  There are bumper stickers to persuade fellow drivers to “Honk if you love Jesus,” and more “causes” that supposedly demonstrate to others just what good Christians we are than we could ever begin to take on.

At the risk of being ridiculed, judged – or even remotely persecuted – I do not share these posts/memes.  My Christian faith is not defined by whether or not I support petitions to “reinstate prayer in public schools,” or display copies of the Ten Commandments in public places.  It doesn’t matter whether I offer a prayer before meals in public (or elsewhere). How much I give to the church (time, talents and money) is no one else’s business.  But an awful lot of “Christians” seem to want to make these things – and our stance on other issues – an important part of their “assessment” of just how faithful and faith-filled many of us are.

We all know that this form of judgment is not true “persecution”…although it can feel pretty miserable at times.  Certainly, there are those who have literally suffered for their faith…who have been beaten, tortured, exiled, ostracized, and excluded.  And maybe on a much smaller scale, such things have happened to you.  Perhaps your faith cost you a friend or two... a job - or even a relationship with a relative.  Maybe your prayerfully considered stance on social issues caused others to label you as sinful – or fully in the devil’s camp.

Let me ask you something…”What does Jesus say?”  Have you checked in with Jesus daily to make sure that what you think, say, and do always lines up with His will over everyone else’s?  Have you boldly stepped out to serve as Christ’s disciple on this earth with faithful obedience…regardless of the potential for criticism, ridicule, and rejection from others?  What do the words, “Take up your cross and follow Me” mean to you?

Years ago, I sat in a room with a group of people attending a Walk to Emmaus and faced a primitive wooden cross.  A precious pastor friend sat beside me and asked some profound questions…”What are you going to do?  Are you going to leave your burdens at the cross and trust Jesus?  Or are you going to pick them up and carry them a while longer?”  To surrender everything to Jesus opens the door for blessings and abundance.  If you choose to do otherwise, you stand to miss out on receiving all that He wants to give you.

Too many of us are stubborn and rebellious at times…and I include myself into this category.  But I don’t want to miss out on the opportunity for a single blessing from Jesus. So I am doing all I can to strengthen my commitment to Him.  I know that when I stay in His will, there might be critics - and those who will try to tear me down.  But I know the power of Jesus Christ working in and through me…and I say, “Bring it on!” What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 20, 2016

Matthew 5:8-9
“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.

“You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Greg and I watched a news report about  I Wish My Teacher Knew…How One Question Can Change Everything for Kids*, a book written by third-grade teacher Kyle New of Denver, Colorado.  Knew wrote the sentence “I wish my teacher knew…” on the board one day in her third grade classroom and asked her students to complete it.  What resulted was astounding and led to this book by the same name.  As I listened to some of the sentence endings, read by young children, I was moved to tears.  They ranged from “I wish my teacher knew how much I love her,” to “I wish my teacher knew that I don’t have very many friends” and “I wish my teacher knew that my dad works two jobs and I don’t get to see him very much.”

Oh.My.Goodness! We have SO much work to do!  As much as we think we know about “children” of all ages…there is so much we do not understand.  We don’t know what is in another person’s mind and heart.  We don’t understand the conflicts, angst, insecurities – or even the running dialogue that plays in the minds of so many around us…maybe even you! We seldom stop to look at others in the grocery line or on the street and think that they have just as many thoughts, ideas – and problems – as you and I have on any given day.

Many people skate through life hoping that nobody discovers who they really are - or what they really think or feel.  But God knows all of it…and He loves us anyway.  So can’t we learn to emulate Him just a little?  Can’t we get our heart and mind right and see others as He sees them - as His children… beautifully crafted and designed…valuable and full of purpose?  Can’t we find a way to cooperate with others…to empathize and understand…to share and get along instead of the operating in the horrible divisive words and actions that so many of us have chosen as our stock in trade?

I look at our own children…and the other little ones I spend time with at church and school…and I wonder what they must think.  What must they be learning from so many of us? Too many children are seeing hatred, discrimination, criticism, judgment based on everything from appearance and body image to ethnicity and economics - and a revolting atmosphere of unkindness like none I’ve ever witnessed before.  They are observing adults who attend worship on Sundays, teach Bible classes, sing in the choir, and espouse “Christian values”…then call others ugly names as they talk about current events – and make excuses for comments and behaviors that would embarrass even the most raucous teenager!

God must surely hang His head in shame and disappointment.  I am truly amazed that He puts up with any of us!  And yet, He is calling us to purify our hearts and minds…to get along and cooperate with others…to operate in HIS blessings rather than the devil’s disturbing ploys to derail us. And He is willing to help us “get there!”

God is calling us to stop and ponder the comment, “I wish my teacher/friend/relative/spouse/pastor/neighbor knew…” and put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. While we cannot know all that GOD knows…we can develop a tender heart for His children…ALL of them.  Today seems like a pretty good time to get started…doesn’t it?

©2016 Debbie Robus    

Daily Devotional for October 19, 2016

Matthew 5:5-6
“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.

“You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
I had breakfast with some friends from high school a few weeks ago, and one of them told of a time when he was really poor.  He said he was very hungry, and all he had in the cupboard was a packet of biscuit mix and 2 packets of “Swiss Miss®” cocoa mix.  My friend had no milk or eggs, but he decided that he could mix the cocoa packets with water (milk?) and add it to the biscuit mix – and make pancakes!  He said, “I didn’t even have any syrup…but I didn’t go hungry!”

You can tell by looking at me that I am all about a good meal – and syrup on my pancakes!  I like “creature comforts”…and nice things…and I have more than my share of both.  But like many people, I have things that I wish I could change about myself…wrinkles and sags and extra “padding” in the wrong places.  I wish I could turn back the clock and have strong “runner’s knees” again…and no arthritis in my fingers.  I look at old pictures and long for another family gathering and be youth and energy to enjoy one another’s company.

Then I take our little ones swimming…or watch them play with abandon in our yard or living room.  I look at their happy faces as I make their favorite sandwiches…and I realize that the children don’t care what I look like.  They accept that I can’t run as fast as they can – or climb as high. But they know how much Greg and I love them…that they are always safe and nurtured when they are with us…that we always have their best interests at heart.  And this bond cannot be bought.

I share a sunrise with Greg…sit and enjoy coffee and conversation on our back porch…or laugh with him over one of our favorite sitcoms on television while our cat, Mabel, stretches out between us in “purrfect” contentment!  And I am reminded just how abundantly full my life is…how blessed we are to be able to have enjoyed rewarding careers that afforded us the luxury working together - and an early retirement.

I am reminded every day, in ways great and small, of what truly matters.  For us, it is faith and family – in that order. Without faith in God, we would not have the strength and wisdom to care for each other and our family as we should.  We would not fully appreciate how precious life and the people in it are…and how important it is to serve God by serving others.  Without our deep and abiding relationship with our Heavenly Father, we would probably be more focused on correcting wrinkles, grey hair – or no hair(!), and “stuff”…and we would miss the sunrises, laughter and wonder that is “life.”

Nobody is perfect…and I have my moments where I am less than satisfied with where I am in life or what I have.  But for the most part, I take heart in what the Apostle Paul noted in Philippians 4:11-13…”I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.”

I want this to be MY “recipe” – and the “syrup on my pancakes” as well.  What about you?


©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 18, 2016

Matthew 5:4
“You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Sunday, I took the children to our local fish hatchery.  We went inside and looked at glass displays of mounted fish and a salamander.  These displays once held water and live animals…and the children could not understand why this was not the case now.  They speculated aloud that perhaps if water was put back into the tanks, the animals would rejuvenate and come back to life.  I told them this was not the case…that once the animals were dead, that was final.  Timothy quipped, “Yes…once you’re dead…you’re dead.”  When you stop and consider this statement – and all that it encompasses - this is a sobering thought.

Last night, I sat down and wrote out four sympathy cards.  Three of my friends have just lost their mothers…another lost her father.  I cannot count on both hands the friends who have lost a parent this year…and that does not even take into consideration people I know who have lost a spouse, sibling, grandparent, close friend or relative…or pet.  The number probably seems more palpable because of my own losses – and my age.  Still…it is profound.

When I read this passage, I was truly struck by the first line…”You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you.”  How can this be?  How can we feel blessed when our loved one has left us forever?  How can it be a blessing to know that death is final…that we might have to live for decades without this person or animal we hold so dear?  When we lose a home to natural disaster…or a job we depended on and truly loved…how can we possibly feel blessed?  When our health is taken from us, and we must struggle and suffer with an injury or illness for days/weeks/years, how can this be a good thing?  And yet, this is exactly what Jesus tells us in Matthew 5:4.

We can be blessed in mourning because of Jesus.  When we are emptied out…stripped bare and completely vulnerable…He wraps His arms around us and whispers, “I am here…you are not alone.”  We turn to Jesus and fall into His amazing embrace…and we rest there.  He shields us from more grief and heartache than we can bear at any given minute…and we learn to rely on Him exponentially – for everything.  So yes, when we lose what is most dear, we can be truly blessed.

I have to remind myself of this often…but I know that Jesus spoke truth.  And I cling to this promise…and to Him. I cannot change the losses in my life, but I can change how I handle them…and what I do with my grief.  I choose to rest in Jesus’ arms and allow Him to comfort and guide me…to console me when I am sad - and encourage me every day.  He will do the same thing for anyone else who surrenders to Him.

What about you?  Are you ready to let Jesus embrace you and bless you – even in as you experience profound loss?  Isn’t it time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 17, 2016

Psalm 119:1-8
You’re blessed when you stay on course,
    walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow his directions,
    doing your best to find him.
That’s right—you don’t go off on your own;
    you walk straight along the road he set.
You, God, prescribed the right way to live;
    now you expect us to live it.
Oh, that my steps might be steady,
    keeping to the course you set;
Then I’d never have any regrets
    in comparing my life with your counsel.
I thank you for speaking straight from your heart;
    I learn the pattern of your righteous ways.
I’m going to do what you tell me to do;
    don’t ever walk off and leave me.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

This morning, my husband pointed out a dead branch on a tree under the bluff in our back yard.  For as long as we have lived here, buzzards have perched on that branch.  We commented several times that one day, the branch was going to snap and take the birds with it!  I don’t know how this actually transpired, but the end of the branch is gone.  Greg said, “I guess you noticed that the branch broke…it happened about 2 weeks ago.”  I had not noticed.  I had also not noticed his new eye glasses…the ones he picked up at the eye care center last week!  Greg laughed and said, “There’s a devo in there somewhere!”  And he was right!

I get so caught up in my own world…in the things on my “to do” list…going here or there for the kids…what’s for dinner – and what’s on the grocery list…who I need to send a card…when I can fit in a workout…and a zillion other things that probably don’t really amount to a hill of beans.  And I neglect people right in front of me…namely my wonderful husband and our sweet little cat…as I check off other a myriad of things and the needs of others on my list.  It’s not that my own “family” is not important to me…or that I don’t love them…but I get sidetracked and distracted – and ultimately, they get pushed farther down the list!  And – bless them – they never complain!

Here’s the thing…we do this all the time with people – but especially with God.  We get sidetracked and distracted…and days/weeks/months go by without our so much as opening our Bibles or spending a few minutes in earnest prayer, short of a “God, please help me!” uttered in sheer distress.  We don’t notice the things that God does for us…the “broken branch” or the “new glasses” because we are so busy with our own agendas and juggling a dozen balls in the air – many of which are not “top shelf” priorities!

So we miss the beauty of a sunrise or sunset…or the amazing Hunter’s Moon that has illuminated our nights this week.  We wake up one day, and those closest to us have vanished.  They have either drifted away mentally, physically or emotionally…or they have grown up - or aged to a point where they can’t, or won’t, interact with us as they once did. Sadly, in some cases, they have even died and physically left us forever.  And we wonder…what happened?  How did we not spend our time more wisely?  Why didn’t we pay more attention?

This passage reminds us that we are blessed when we stay on course…when we maintain focus – first on God, and then on a prayerfully constructed “to-do" list!  There is no time like today to stop and re-order our lives…to get this right and ask God to organize our steps and help us maintain proper awareness of our surroundings and what is truly important.  Life IS short…and we don’t have a minute to waste!  God can help us prioritize and sort out the details so that we always stay on course. I’m asking Him to do this in my life…what about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 16, 2016

Matthew 5:1-3
When Jesus saw his ministry drawing huge crowds, he climbed a hillside. Those who were apprenticed to him, the committed, climbed with him. Arriving at a quiet place, he sat down and taught his climbing companions. This is what he said:

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
I don’t even have to ask if you’ve ever been “at the end of your rope.”  We all have “been there – done that”…sometimes more than once!  But how often have you considered this a blessing?  I can assure you, there have been times when I have been out of viable options…when things looked about as bleak as they could be and there was no way to “fix” this…when I had no choice but to concede that “the handwriting was on the wall” – and I could not change anything.

As I look back on these times, I see that God made the difference.  He filled in the gaps and gave me hope.  He equipped me for whatever I was facing…and yes, at times, He shielded me from the devastation and grief over what I was experiencing.  Often, when we are at the end of our rope, God doles out the impact in [relatively] more manageable doses so that we are not overwhelmed…and I am so grateful for this blessing.

I don’t know what your “rope” looks like today – or where your hands are positioned.  But I do know that God has you in HIS grip…and He will never let you go. God is ready, willing, and able to give you more of Him to compensate for less of you.  Your job is to surrender and trust Him to supply your every need – and then some!

My prayer today is that we would all come to the point where we are able to recognize God’s blessings - even in what seems like the worst of circumstances. I pray that when we reach the end of our rope (and we all will at one time or another)…we are able to trust God to tie a knot and sustain us as only He can.  With less of us, there is room for more of God. And that is always a good thing…and a blessing.  Are you ready to let Him bless you in every circumstance?  Will this be the day that you let God control the rope?  

©2016 Debbie Robus 

Daily Devotional for October 15, 2016

October 15 ~ Matthew 4:23-35
Jesus went all over Galilee, teaching in the Jewish meeting places and preaching the good news about God’s kingdom. He also healed every kind of disease and sickness. News about him spread all over Syria, and people with every kind of sickness or disease were brought to him. Some of them had a lot of demons in them, others were thought to be crazy, and still others could not walk. But Jesus healed them all.

Large crowds followed Jesus from Galilee and the region around the ten cities known as Decapolis. They also came from Jerusalem, Judea, and from across the Jordan River.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Sit with me for a bit while I throw a little pity party.  For someone who is retired, I have had a BUSY week that included a field trip with Timothy’s class to Little Rock on Thursday, and a morning of tutoring at school yesterday.  This was followed by an afternoon spent with Timmy and Zola, who got out of school early and came home to stay with Greg and me!  I was one tired aunt last night!  This morning as I enjoyed a second cup of coffee while perusing email and organizing my thoughts for this devotional, a car appeared in our driveway.

I looked out the window, and a man dressed in a suit was headed for the front door, papers in hand.  You guessed it…he wanted to invite us to attend his church – and he had literature ready to present to me. Still dressed in my pajamas, I peeped out the door and politely thanked him with the added note that “We belong to the Methodist church.”  He smiled and thanked ME - and turned to leave.

As I watched the man make his way back to his car, I read this scripture passage again.  And I reminded myself that Jesus was busy, too!  The Bible tells us that He sought places to rest.  He grew weary from all of the preaching and teaching and healing.  But Jesus never stopped ministering to others.  He was strengthened for His journey…and God refreshed Him every time He began to tire.

I began to think about how God gives me strength to keep going when I am tired.  If I am doing what He has called me to do, I always manage to have everything I need to get it done…energy, stamina, courage, and more.  God equips me with His supernatural strength and ability.  And He will do that for each of us, when we listen for His voice and do what He has ordained.

The other thing I thought about was the man who knocked on my door on this Saturday morning.  Whether I agree with his church doctrine or not, this man and his fellow congregants are faithful to what they hear God telling them…to get up, go out, knock on doors, and invite people to worship.  A man was almost literally shouting scripture passages in Walmart a few days ago as I shopped…stopping people and talking their ear off about Jesus and salvation – and the promise of Heaven for those who believe.  He SAID that God told him to do this!  And while busy shoppers (and I was one of them) ducked down alternate aisles to avoid him and hurry on, I had to think…this man was doing what he heard God tell him to do.

Sure, there are people who THINK they hear from God about certain things, when in truth, we don’t know WHO they are hearing from…maybe aliens from outer space!  I know that some people use “God told me” as an excuse for crazy talk or behavior.  But you and I both know that there are plenty of times when we hear God speaking to us…or we feel a gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit to say or do something in the name of Jesus.  And we roll back over in bed or look away and say, “Not today, Father” – or “Not me!  Ask someone else!”

My point is this…Isaiah 40:31 tells us “But those who trust the Lord will find new strength. They will be strong like eagles soaring upward on wings; they will walk and run without getting tired.”  When you grow weary, think of this passage – and the unending works of Jesus.  Remind yourself that Jesus NEVER quits working on our behalf…that He is always available to help us with whatever we require.  Even when we are not aware that we need Jesus, He is with us…working behind the scenes.  How can we stop doing what He calls us to do?  How can we gripe, complain, and say that we are too tired…too scared…too unprepared or ill-equipped?

God will give provide us with plenty of time to rest.  Meanwhile, it’s time for us to soar like eagles…to walk and run - and trust Jesus to supply us with everything we need for the work at hand. Are you ready to get busy with the work of the LORD?  Will this be the day that you begin?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 14, 2016

Matthew 4:18-22
One day as he was walking along the beach beside the Lake of Galilee, he saw two brothers—Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew—out in a boat fishing with a net, for they were commercial fishermen.

Jesus called out, “Come along with me and I will show you how to fish for the souls of men!” And they left their nets at once and went with him.

A little farther up the beach he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, mending their nets; and he called to them to come too. At once they stopped their work and, leaving their father behind, went with him.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

This school year, I am helping at least one day a week in Timmy’s second grade class.  Like many children (including our own at times), there are a couple of students who absolutely seem to ignore the teacher and me when we call to them.  They look the other way and act as if they did not hear us speaking directly to them! So I cannot imagine saying to one of these students, “Drop everything and follow me!”  This summons would most likely fall on deaf ears!

I bet you see where I’m headed with this!  In scripture, we see that Simon-Peter, Andrew, James and John dropped EVERYTHING and went with Jesus.  They didn’t look away and pretend not to hear Him calling to them.  They didn’t say, “I’ll be there after I finish fishing or mending nets!”  None of them said, “I can’t right now…I am busy doing XYZ!”  To a person, they immediately heeded the voice of Jesus - and followed Him.

You and I are pretty much like second-grade students.  We have our own agendas.  In some cases, we don’t want to do what Jesus asks of us.  But often, we just want to finish what we are doing first!  This is not faithful obedience and humble servitude!  When Jesus whispers our name – or even when we feel that gentle nudge from the Holy Spirit – we should stop and answer right away. There is no such thing as a good excuse.  To suggest otherwise not only demonstrates disobedience…it shows complete arrogance on our part.  And God is not impressed.

There will surely be times when Jesus calls on us to follow Him - and what He asks is not convenient.  His requests may even be downright difficult.  But remember, when God calls you to something, He will see you through it!  So put down your “nets” and prepare to “fish” for souls with Jesus.  When He calls to you, do not dawdle!  Answer right away and trust Him to handle all of the details.

You and I are not in second grade any more.  Failure to listen for the voice of Jesus – and answer promptly – has no place in our lives as Christian disciples.  At least it shouldn’t!  Are YOU listening with faithfulness and obedience?  Isn’t it time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus 

Daily Devotional for October 13, 2016

Matthew 4:17
Then Jesus started preaching, “Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be here.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Today I accompanied Timothy’s second grade class (and the other second grade classes) to Little Rock to visit the Museum of Discovery.  The children had a wonderful time exploring such things as weather, earth science, the human body, mechanics and physical science, chemistry, and more.  Virtually every exhibit is interactive.  The children can punch buttons, pull knobs, crank handles and more to make things happen and learn in the process.

Timothy’s teacher asked me to keep up with him and three of his classmates.  One of the activities the boys tried was a demonstration of water flow.  They tilted a board to try to get a metal ball to roll down a “waterway” without falling into a hole.  The boys had to jostle the board and maneuver this metal ball along a maze that included several holes and pitfalls. We saw another group manage to navigate this “waterway” successfully. Our metal ball somehow always fell in the hole!

The boys had fun, but they never could get a handle on which way to turn in order to get the ball to go down a path with no holes or pitfalls.  And this is a good example of how you and I operate a lot of the time. We have the best intentions.  We try really hard…and still, we move in the wrong direction and encounter a few “holes.”  OR…like the 4 seven-year-old boys in my group, we get in a hurry or decide to do things our way…and the outcome is less than stellar.

But you and I know Someone who can steer us in the right direction each and every time.  Jesus can show us the way and help us avoid every hazard and obstacle.  If only we will turn back to God and trust HIM to guide our steps, He will show us how to navigate the “waters” of life and get on a course that ultimately leads us to Heaven.  This is the ultimate prize…one that we can all receive.

Will you turn to God and get on His path?  Or are you “hell-bent” on having things your way?  It really is that simple…which course are you on today?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 12, 2016

October 12 ~ Matthew 4:5-11
Then Satan took him to Jerusalem to the roof of the Temple. “Jump off,” he said, “and prove you are the Son of God; for the Scriptures declare, ‘God will send his angels to keep you from harm,’ . . . they will prevent you from smashing on the rocks below.”

Jesus retorted, “It also says not to put the Lord your God to a foolish test!”

Next Satan took him to the peak of a very high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. “I’ll give it all to you,” he said, “if you will only kneel and worship me.”

“Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “The Scriptures say, ‘Worship only the Lord God. Obey only him.’”

Then Satan went away, and angels came and cared for Jesus.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Let’s be honest…when you tell a child NOT to touch something, there’s a 50/50 shot that he/she will do exactly that!  I once teasingly asked a friend, “Does your wife know you are at this party without her?” and he replied (also in jest), “I’ve learned that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission!”  Isn’t this how we often act?  We’ll just tell this one juicy tidbit, and then we will promise God that we will never gossip again. We’ll just “sow some wild oats now,” and we will be really sorry for it later and ask God to forgive us.  We will look out for ourselves now - because nobody else is going to…and we will hope that God sees that our “heart” was in the right place. We’ll just touch the stove and SEE if it’s really hot!

It’s time to learn that when God essentially tells us that “the stove is hot”…the STOVE IS HOT!  When He shows us how to live and gives us clear guidelines, and we go right ahead and do our own thing, we must be prepared to live with the consequences.  We cannot assume that God will always bail us out when we make stupid mistakes – or disobey and disappoint Him.

We also cannot play fast and loose with our allegiance. I am here to tell you, not a single one of us knows how long we have on this earth. We have a LOT to do while we are here, and we had best be busy getting it done!  There is no time to listen to people who tell us that THEY know better than God.  There is not a minute to waste on selfish agendas.  There will be times when we have to sacrifice our own desires for the greater good of others…and when we do this, God will bless our efforts.

Here’s an example…my Mam-ma Polly had such a meager income that you would not believe she could actually make it through each month. Yet she was always ready to give to others…food from her table…a tithe to her church…”shoe boxes” for needy children at Christmas…and so much more.  She always had a few dollars in her checking account at the end of the month.  She never missed a meal, and her home was cozy and comfortable.  All of her needs were met…and then some.

GOD made the difference and blessed my grandmother’s faithful obedience. And He will do this for us, too.  There will be times when the road seems uncomfortable and/or uncertain.  But when we keep our focus on Him…when we worship only God and obey His commands and the teachings of His only Son, Jesus Christ…nothing the devil offers can compare with what we have been promised.

The devil is ALWAYS tempting us.  Where and how is he tempting you?  How are you reacting and responding?  Have you kicked him to the curb and trusted God to make the difference…or are you hedging your bets that you have time to show remorse and ask forgiveness later?  Will this be the day that you trust God fully and let His angels attend to your every need?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 11, 2016

Psalm 62:5-8
Only God gives inward peace,
    and I depend on him.
God alone is the mighty rock
    that keeps me safe,
    and he is the fortress
    where I feel secure.
God saves me and honors me.
    He is that mighty rock
    where I find safety.
Trust God, my friends,
    and always tell him
each one of your concerns.
    God is our place of safety.
Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I got a little behind on reading the daily devotionals in Jesus Calling*, but in the last few days, there has been some “good meat” there that I think we need.  So I am going to paraphrase a few of the best thoughts…
  • Instead of worrying – about anything – give everything to Jesus and trust Him with all of your concerns.
  • We need to look past what is happening all around us and focus on Jesus.  We need to see Him looking back at us and feel His abundant love.
  • Jesus wants us to stay close to Him…and He wants to hear all that we are thinking – even the complaints.  But He wants us to reserve those for HIM…and not vent to the world at large.  HE can help us put our thoughts in perspective.  But when we gripe to others, we open the door for the devil through such things as anger and self-indulgence.
  • We cannot do “life” alone. We must depend on Jesus. Instead of focusing on what we cannot seem to accomplish, concentrate on what Jesus can do out of His abundance.  We must trust Him to always meet our needs - and then some!
  • All of the delights that Jesus has given us are superficial.  What matters is HIM…the One who blesses us with these abundant gifts.  We must learn to focus on the Giver…not the gift – and on His continual presence in our lives.
I know that this sounds somewhat like an oversimplification…especially given all that is happening around us these days.  But the answer really IS this simple…let go, trust Jesus, and stay close to Him.  He will handle the rest.  As I look back over the events of the last year, I see that the times I felt “eerily calm,” I was resting in this hope.  I was trusting Jesus to do what I could not…and He did.

I don’t always like the way Jesus answers.  I don’t always want to hear what He tells me.  But in my heart, I know that He would never lead me in the wrong direction…and that He truly does know far better than I what is in my best interest.  My prayer for all of us today is that we would truly learn to surrender to Jesus and hold Him close at all times.  He truly is our only hope.  Are you walking with Him today?

 ©2016 Debbie Robus

*Jesus Calling - http://jesuscalling.com 

Daily Devotional for October 10, 2016

Matthew 4:1-4
Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit, to be tempted there by Satan. For forty days and forty nights he ate nothing and became very hungry. Then Satan tempted him to get food by changing stones into loaves of bread.

“It will prove you are the Son of God,” he said.

But Jesus told him, “No! For the Scriptures tell us that bread won’t feed men’s souls: obedience to every word of God is what we need.”

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Excuses! Excuses!  We’ve all made them…

  • “If I don’t look the other way, I’ll lose my job.”
  • “If I make my kids behave, they won’t like me.”
  • “If I speak out against racist remarks, I’ll lose my friends.”
  • “If I don’t serve on high profile committees in my church, people will think I don’t love God.”
  • “I don’t approve of this person, but if I don’t support him/her, things will be really tough for me.
You and I are often very hungry…for attention, for reassurance, for friendship, for acceptance and approval.  It’s as if we have been in the desert for 40 days without food, and the devil comes along and says, “Have all you can eat.  It comes with some ‘strings’ and some compromises, but they won’t really matter.  What’s important is how YOU feel…what this means for YOU in the short run.  I know what you’re going through…and only I can make you feel better!  So EAT!”

Here’s the thing…when we compromise our values or fall victim to the devil’s schemes – or when we succumb to his temptations, we lose big time.  Not only that…when we “eat” from Satan’s plate of lies, we totally deprecate our faith that God can handle things. We are often so fearful of what will happen to us if we stand up for what we KNOW God is telling us is the right thing that we completely turn our backs on Him.  Essentially we say, “LORD, I know You SAID you could handle anything, but I really don’t believe You!”

So where will you stand today?  Are you really ready to tell the devil to get lost - and trust God…for EVERYTHING?  Dare to say, “I have no clue what this may cost me in the short run…but I am willing to risk it to stay in Your will, LORD.”  God will make a way where you see none at all.  I know, because I have done this…more than once!

More than a few of us are “wandering in the desert” today…and we are starving.  The devil is standing before us with the most attractive and delectable offerings to tempt us over to his side.  But God is standing there, also…and I promise, what He offers makes Satan’s enticements look like ridiculous.

Don’t be fooled…and don’t make the mistake of choosing poorly.  TRUST GOD!  Allow HIM to feed you and meet your needs.  He can…and He will!  Are you ready to take a leap of faith?    

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 9, 2016

Psalm 46:10
Our God says, “Calm down,
    and learn that I am God!
    All nations on earth
    will honor me.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
There are so many things happening in our world today – especially in our own country – that have a lot of us feeling like the earth has spun off its axis.  And yet, this morning I shared with ten 5-and-6-year-olds the story of Moses and how he made excuses to God.  I encouraged them to learn to listen to God and follow His plans for their lives. I assured them that God DOES have a plan for each of them, and that over time, He will reveal His mission for them through such things as prayer and Bible study…and He will help them implement this plan. They will be tempted to make excuses, just as Moses was – and as we often are - but they should learn to trust God and carry forward with His commands.

It’s hard to convince children that this is true…especially in light of what is going on all around us these days.  But I am confident that God is still in charge…that His plans are still perfect…that all nations WILL honor Him.  So I am not going to make excuses – for others – or to God.   I am going to stay calm…to trust and believe…to “be still and know” that He is GOD.  What about you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 8, 2016

Matthew 21:18-22
When Jesus got up the next morning, he was hungry. He started out for the city, and along the way he saw a fig tree. But when he came to it, he found only leaves and no figs. So he told the tree, “You will never again grow any fruit!” Right then the fig tree dried up.

The disciples were shocked when they saw how quickly the tree had dried up. But Jesus said to them, “If you have faith and don’t doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

I volunteer at the elementary school in Timothy and Zola’s classes…usually on Fridays.  Timmy told me yesterday that he was spending Saturday night with his PawPaw…and they were going to the store to buy him a small Lego® set. Timmy absolutely LOVES Legos®!  So when I left school near the end of the day, I hugged and kissed Timmy and said, “Have a good Saturday!”  He hung his head and said, “It won’t be good.”  I laughed, because this was all for my benefit…and I reminded him of the fun time he was going to have with his grandfather.  Timmy demonstrated no faith that he could have plenty of fun somewhere besides our house!

So often, we shoot ourselves in the foot, just like a 7-year-old boy.  We make up our minds long before we ever think of talking to God that what we are asking for is simply impossible.  We not only doubt the power of our prayer…we demonstrate a lack of faith in God’s ability to answer. Does this mean that we can ask for absolutely anything, and because we believe for it, God will grant us our every wish? Certainly not!  I knew someone who once stated openly that he knew that God was going to give him a Mercedes Benz…because he had prayed for it!  God doesn’t operate in this manner…and this is not how He answers prayers from even the most faith-filled Christian!

We have to function within the framework that God has presented in scripture.  We have to understand the teachings of Jesus - and the inherent expectations of us as Christ’s disciples.  We must submit to the will of God and trust that when we ask for something, we will receive what God believes is best for us.  He will answer…but it may not be exactly as we expected.

We so often pray with doubt – and without expectation.  We must learn to trust that God has our back…that He truly does want what is best for us.  When we begin to believe this…and ask in a humble and obedient manner for His help, care and blessings, God truly will deliver.  You may never drive anything but a “clunker,” but it won’t matter – to you or anyone else.

Let’s be the kind of faithful disciple that demonstrates to the world…”I’m right where God wants me to be…and I am good with that! He hears my prayers and answers…and with Him, all things are possible!”  And let’s pray expectantly and faithfully - and harness the power of God – and see how many “mountains” we can move!

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 7, 2016

Matthew 21:12-14
Jesus went straight to the Temple and threw out everyone who had set up shop, buying and selling. He kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants. He quoted this text:

My house was designated a house of prayer;
You have made it a hangout for thieves.

Now there was room for the blind and crippled to get in. They came to Jesus and he healed them.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

How many people do you know who cannot park their car in the garage, because it is full of other things?  Maybe you are one of them!  I know people who live in an RV and use their shower/tub for a closet – and shower at RV park or truck stop bath/shower houses. Please don’t misunderstand me…this is totally none of my business where you park your car, bathe or shower!  But we all understand the concept of clutter and how it can overtake our lives – and our space!

The same can be said for “spiritual clutter.”  And just like those who set up shop in the temple and moved the focus away from that structure’s intended purpose, we fill our hearts and minds with things that truly don’t belong there and do not glorify God.  And at some point, Jesus calls us to clean house…to clear away the clutter of those things that steer our focus away from Him…and to make room in our heart and mind for His healing power.

All of my life, I’ve heard this story of Jesus kicking over tables in the Temple and scattering the money and merchandise of the merchants and thieves who had set up shop there.  And I can picture Jesus figuratively slashing at the things in our hearts that distract us and pull us away from a relationship that serves Him and honors our salvation – and the mission He calls us to accomplish in His name.

In a way, this is painful and shocking…but it is also necessary from time to time, because we are all human and imperfect.  But we can work on this.  We can make a concerted effort to keep our lives steeped in prayer…to ensure that we always have room for the will of God – and that our focus is on creating an atmosphere where Jesus has plenty of room to work.

What is cluttering your heart and mind?  Where in your life do you have areas that have become a “hangout for thieves” rather than a “house of prayer?”  Is there room for “the blind and the crippled” to get in…and for Jesus to heal them?  Are you a catalyst for His message and ministries…or do you need to get busy and clear out some clutter to make room for Him to work?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for October 6, 2016

Matthew 18:15-17    
“If a fellow believer hurts you, go and tell him—work it out between the two of you. If he listens, you’ve made a friend. If he won’t listen, take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest, and try again. If he still won’t listen, tell the church. If he won’t listen to the church, you’ll have to start over from scratch, confront him with the need for repentance, and offer again God’s forgiving love.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

This might be some of the best advice in the entire Bible.  Countless heartaches could be avoided if people practiced these three steps…particularly the first one.  Too many times, we get into a disagreement with someone – or we are offended in some way – and instead of confronting the person with whom we are at odds, we run to every other person we can find and tell our tale of woe. This leads to gossip, ill will among people who rightfully don’t “have a dog in the hunt,” and a lot of misunderstandings that could have perhaps been avoided.

While the steps outlined by Jesus are geared toward issues of the church (and let’s not pretend that those don’t happen!)…there is a practical application for us, as well.  I don’t always get this right – and I am so sorry when I don’t! But let’s try to always go right to the source when we have a problem.  Let’s discuss any issues that arise directly with the person involved.  If this doesn’t resolve the issue, then perhaps we ask a trusted Christian friend to help us mediate the situation…but only one…and ONLY if we cannot work things out on our own.

If THIS doesn’t work, we may have to step back and distance ourselves from the person and/or situation and let some time pass before deciding whether to pursue resolution again or not.  Sometimes, it is not possible to make amends.  Sometimes we have to shake the dust from our feet, move away, and prayerfully trust God to bring about the right outcome for everyone.

A good example of this would be a workplace where you were being asked to perform tasks that you knew were dishonest – or illegal.  The first step would be to let the person who was asking you to do these things know that you felt this was not acceptable.  If this did not resolve the situation, you might enlist the help of a trusted – and agreeable – co-worker or supervisor to talk to the other party.  And in the end, if a satisfactory agreement could not be attained, you might actually have to either appeal to higher authorities - or tender your resignation.

I never said this process would be easy - or painless!  And frankly, this is why so many of us let things fester and avoid confrontation.  But if we want to be in the will of God and honor His commands, we must follow them.  And it seems to me that Jesus has been pretty clear in these verses about how we are to handle conflict and offense.

So tighten your chin strap, pull up your boots, and hitch up your britches…and do the right thing.  Follow the protocol, and trust God to give you the strength and courage to pursue a favorable resolution.  Remember…with God, all things are possible.  You don’t really think He would let you down on this one…do you?

©2016 Debbie Robus