Daily Devotional for October 14, 2011

Psalm 118:21-24
I praise the LORD for answering my prayers and saving me. The stone that the builders tossed aside has now become the most important stone. The LORD has done this, and it is amazing to us. This day belongs to the LORD! Let's celebrate and be glad today.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning when I woke up, I saw sunlight streaming across a hickory tree in our back yard. Its leaves are turning a brilliant yellow in the cool air of fall. This is not the greatest tree in the world… it “forked” somewhere above our second story, and a recent strong wind blew the dead section out, leaving an even more off-balance looking tree standing on the bluff.

Still, dozens of squirrels feed on hickory nuts from this tree… evidence of their buffet covers the ground around the trunk. The tree still delights us with its brilliance in the fall – and shade in spring/summer. Flying squirrels still live in a hole in the side, and woodpeckers of several varieties enjoy feasting on bugs in the bark… and our suet cakes in the winter!

Others would probably declare this tree unimportant and in need of cutting. And someday, we very well may lose this tree… either to a strong wind, or we may decide it should not stand so close to our house in its weakened condition. But for now, the tree still has value to us – and to the little creatures that live on our bluff. It is still very much an “important stone” in our yard. And God showed me the beauty of this tree in the morning sunlight.

Later in the morning, we took a 30-mile drive to Searcy to shop, and I marveled at the beauty God is giving us with his “paintbrush,” in the form of brilliant red sumac, yellow goldenrod, lavender wildflowers, brilliant leaves in a variety of hues, and a bright blue sky with wispy white clouds to accent it all. I thought of how He cares as much about a tiny patch of goldenrod as He does for you and me… and how no stone is unimportant to Him. And I was humbled… and grateful.

When we feel discouraged… unsettled, disappointed, insignificant, misunderstood, disrespected, or even worthless… we must remember that we are still vitally important to God. We mean so much to Him that He sent His Son to save us… to ensure that we have a way to Him – and that He will always be there for us. And for this, we should be incredibly grateful and thankful.

Today, I am humbled by God’s love and care… and incredibly appreciative. I am taking extra time to stop and tell Him how much I love Him, and I encourage you to do the same. Let’s celebrate and be glad for all God does for us… and let’s be sure He knows how grateful we are!

©2011 Debbie Robus

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