Psalm 118:5-7
When I was really hurting, I prayed to the LORD. He answered my prayer, and took my worries away. The LORD is on my side, and I am not afraid of what others can do to me. With the LORD on my side, I will defeat all of my hateful enemies.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A few weeks ago, I was very worried about a specific situation. I prayed… hard… and asked God to take this burden… to give me peace. But the devil was having such a good time making me miserable… and he kept bringing up troubling thoughts. “What if this...? What if that happens? Did you think about such-and such?” I begged God for a specific outcome… MY will, I knew - but I asked that it be His, also.

In the end, I humbled myself – quite literally on my knees – and tearfully told God, “Okay. If your will is not mine, then You have to make this okay. You have to protect those involved and fix this situation… because I cannot!” And I got up and walked away, leaving my burdens and the devil for God to wrestle. I continued to pray… and I won’t say I didn’t grieve over the situation at times in the days that followed. But I was done worrying and being afraid.

I have to tell you, this was huge for me… a lesson I have had to experience many times in recent years. This either makes me a slow learner or human – or both! But each time, I feel I grow a little in my faith and my walk with God… and the pain and worry don’t consume me like they once did. And they don’t stick around nearly as long now, either. I’m not “there” yet… but I’m on my way.

What about you? Is God dealing with your enemies and defeating them for you? Is he answering your prayers and taking your worries… and are you truly praying with confidence that He can and will do this? Whose side are you on… and who is on your side? Choose God. Let Him fight your battles. Trust Him for the outcome… and let the worries go. I know it isn’t easy… but He will make it all okay. Don’t trust me on this… trust GOD… and allow Him to do exactly what He has promised.

©2011 Debbie Robus

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