Daily Devotional for October 30, 2011

John 15:7-10
Stay joined to me and let my teachings become part of you. Then you can pray for whatever you want, and your prayer will be answered. When you become fruitful disciples of mine, my Father will be honored. I have loved you, just as my Father has loved me. So remain faithful to my love for you. If you obey me, I will keep loving you, just as my Father keeps loving me, because I have obeyed him.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Twenty-six years ago, I was in my eighth year of teaching kindergarten/first grade. My principal was retiring, and his assistant was slated to become his replacement. This woman had once been a fellow teacher… now she was a tyrant who abused all of her former “friends” on a daily basis. I needed a change in more ways than one… and I started seeking an exit strategy. I interviewed in another building for a position as a fifth grade teacher. The principal had asked me in my interview, “What makes you think you can transition from 5-and-six-year-olds to fifth graders?” I assured him I could do it. Everyone who was “in the know” told me the job was mine, and I eagerly anticipated the call from the principal to welcome me… and the subsequent move to another school on the opposite end of town.

One morning the secretary called over the intercom to tell me I had a phone call, and I hurried to the library next door to my classroom. The principal from the other school informed me he had hired someone else. My heart sank, and a huge lump formed in my throat as I thanked him for calling. I phoned my husband, and through tears, I delivered my news. My husband said his first instinct was to drive straight to the school, collect me, and tell everyone that I was quitting – then and there! But in retrospect, we both realized this solved nothing.

After lots of discussion, careful planning, and a lot of prayer, we both decided I should teach for one more year. At that time, I could not see how on earth I would survive it, but I stuck it out… and I think knowing that I was checking the weeks off the calendar (and an exceptionally great class of kiddos!) helped me to persevere. Looking back, that was one of my best years of teaching, in many ways. And because I hung in there and made the most of it, I was blessed more than I can express.

Teaching one more year added more savings to our “nest egg” so that we could both leave our jobs, move back home, and start our own business. Teaching one more year taught me countless lessons in honoring commitments, fighting through hard times, and making the most of even a really stressful situation. By staying that last year, I developed lifelong relationships with some great people and actually had many truly happy experiences. And I learned a lot about trusting God to see me through the rough patches… and use me in spite of the circumstances.

I am sharing this because you may be going through your own rough patch. Things may not be working out like you had hoped or desired… or you may be struggling right now and wondering if your situation will ever improve. I am here to tell you it can – and it will – if you will stay faithful to God. Let Him nurture you and feed you. Allow Him to sustain you in the darkest hours… and to teach you in ways you can’t begin to imagine. Ask God, “Which direction should I take, and how should I get where you want me to go?” Let Him guide your steps and strengthen you throughout the journey.

If someone had been able to show me my life as it is today when I was so frustrated in 1985, I would have found it very hard to believe them, at best. But I know what God can do. I have seen how He can bless. I am learning more every day about how He rewards faithful servants who stick with Him and allow Him to guide them… even through the roughest patches. Our God is so powerful and all-encompassing. What He does for me, He will most certainly do for you, too.

As I share this message of hope with you today, I am reminding myself of the same things. We all need a reminder once in a while that God can handle anything and give us all of the desires of our heart – according to His perfect will. We just have to stick closely to Him and believe in His promises. I’m in… are you?

©2011 Debbie Robus

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