Daily Devotional for January 31, 2016

Psalm 36:1
Sinners don’t respect God;
    sin is all they think about.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

A couple of Sundays ago, we took the children to a local man-made lake to look at Trumpeter Swans that migrate here from Canada
each winter .  The lake is adjacent to some pastureland on one side.  On the other side, there is a road that meanders along and leads to a nearby subdivision.  The road is narrow and has a fairly good bit of traffic. There is a “turn-out” sort of parking lot just off this road where spectators park to view the swans and ducks.  The parking lot is delineated in part by a row of rather large rocks that wind parallel to the road.

So while we were looking at the swans, Timothy discovered these rocks, and he stepped up on one and took off…hopping from rock to rock – and getting farther and farther away from us.  I called for him to come back, but he was so caught up in his adventure that he either ignored me – or didn’t really “hear” me calling to him.  Now, I’m pretty sure he heard me…but whether it really registered with him that “Hey, I better turn back!” or not is another story! At any rate, I had to go after our boy and admonish him not to go so far – and to come back we called to him!

So often, we are like a six-year-old boy on a big adventure.  We get so caught up in our sin that we totally lose focus.  I’m not excusing sin…I’m just saying that the devil does his dead-level best to make it fun on a stick!  So while God is calling, “Come back!  You’re headed into dangerous territory!”…all we hear is the devil whispering, “This is GREAT!  You are happy and having the time of your life.  Don’t stop now!"  And sin is all we think about.

We really have to work at staying on track…because the devil is relentless.  He will use every trick in the book – and the tiniest opportunity – to get us into his camp.  He will make it easy to disrespect God.  In fact, he will do all he can to keep us from thinking about God in the first place!  Don’t let this happen in your life.  Keep your focus on the One who loves you like no other. Never let God out of your sight…never tune out His voice.  Always listen for His call.  Drown out the devil’s sly suggestions that you are doing just fine without God…that there is no need to listen to His voice.

Despite your best efforts not to wander too far from God, there will be times when you get a little too far off course…when the lure of the rocks and what lies around the bend is just too tempting.  This is when the devil will try to convince you to keep on running…to stray a little longer and have just a little more fun.  Don’t be convinced!  Keep your focus and avoid these pitfalls.  Make respect for God and His authority your number one priority - and give Him your full attention, so that there is no opportunity for the devil to garner your notice.

The draw of sin is often alluring – and compelling…and it’s easy to fall into the devil’s trap – and out of respect and obedience to God.  Nobody said being a Christian would be easy…but staying on track is so worth the effort.  How are you doing these days?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 30, 2016

Psalm 31:19
You are wonderful,
    and while everyone watches,
you store up blessings for all
    who honor and trust you.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Recent events have caused me to reflect on my life and the lives of those I love.  I found myself reading through some old prayer journals, and I realized once again just how blessed I have been.  Prayer after prayer has been answered.  Situations that seemed impossible have resolved – and perfectly.  Healings have taken place…people have turned their hearts to Jesus…and yes, some have been called to Heaven for all of eternity.

In each instance, I see how God worked.  I am blessed – and also humbled.  I am reminded how ridiculous it is to question Him…or to waste time on worry and fear.  I see how God has safely steered me through situations that I thought I could not handle…and comforted me when I thought that something in “life” was more than I could possibly bear.

As I read this passage, I had a mental image of a child stacking blocks.  I’ve done this countless times with Timothy, Zola and Nathan. I’ve watched the tower rise higher and higher into the air.  I also was reminded of the story of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” where the vine wound its way up into the heavens.  I couldn’t help but picture God stacking blessings and care…healings and resolutions…comfort and peace…and untold love – winding them higher and higher into the heavens on our behalf, while everyone stands and watches.

The trouble is…some of us are not paying attention!  We are not watching God do this for us, because we are busy tending to our own desires…wringing our hands in frustration, anger or worry…or throwing our own giant pity party.  It is time we shifted our focus and began to pay attention to what God is really doing in our lives…how He is meeting our every need. 

This is the day to begin to seek God in all things…to honor and trust Him for every single circumstance in our lives. Are you ready to do this?  Will this be the day that you your focus shifts to God and the plans that He has for you – the blessings He longs to stack on your behalf?  Don’t you think it’s time?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 29, 2016

Psalms 19:7-9
The revelation of God is whole
    and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear
    and point out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right,
    showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain
    and easy on the eyes.
God’s reputation is twenty-four-carat gold,
    with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate
    down to the nth degree.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
There was an estate sale in a neighborhood near my mother-in-law’s recently, and she found a box of Christmas ornaments there that interested her.  She excitedly held up an old-looking ceramic Santa ornament and said, “Look!  It says 1925!”  I turned it over, and on the bottom, it said, “Made in China.”

My mother-in-law is a savvy buyer at estate sales and flea markets…she has been “in the business” for years.  But even the most astute dealer can get tripped up sometimes…caught up in the moment…hopeful that this “find” is a good one that will net big profits.  But in flea market/estate sale finds, there are few sure things. We have a favorite auctioneer who announces at the beginning of his sales that attendees are buying “as is, where is - no guarantees.”

Aren’t you glad that it isn’t this way with God?  We may not always like the direction in which He steers us…we may not agree with His decisions.  But God’s plans are always perfect…accurate “down to the nth degree”…leading us down the right road on the path to joy.

I know a lot of people who are hurting today…people who are questioning God’s plans and paths – and understandably so!  It doesn’t seem “right” that a 45-year-old father of children ages 10, 8, and 4 should be taken to heaven.  It doesn’t seem fair that a “Poppy” to children about to hit major milestones in their lives isn’t here to see those…or that the father of a toddler and an infant has to spend a year serving our country in the Middle East while they take first steps, lose a tooth, and learn to talk and read.  It seems inconceivable to accept the ravages of war…the atrocities of torture and evil…orphans…famines…floods, wildfires, earthquakes and other natural disasters…and so much more that seems to run counter to the goodness and generosity of God.

This is where we really have to exercise our faith muscle.  This is where we have to say, “I believe in the ‘lifetime guarantee’ of God Almighty.  I believe that His decisions truly are accurate down to the nth degree.  I may not understand it all…but I accept that His path is the one to real joy and peace – and a life everlasting.”  There will be some “raw deals” in our lives…some “genuine reproductions”…and plenty of disappointments.  But “the signposts of God are clear and point out the right road.” 

The life-maps of God truly are right – and show us way to joy.  It is our job to hold on…to continue to trust…and to pay attention to His directions.  How are you doing these days?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 28, 2016

Psalm 119:33-40   
God, teach me lessons for living
    so I can stay the course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—
    my whole life one long, obedient response.
Guide me down the road of your commandments;
    I love traveling this freeway!
Give me a bent for your words of wisdom,
    and not for piling up loot.
Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,
    invigorate me on the pilgrim way.
Affirm your promises to me—
    promises made to all who fear you.
Deflect the harsh words of my critics—
    but what you say is always so good.
See how hungry I am for your counsel;
    preserve my life through your righteous ways!

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
This morning, Greg’s mother called and told us about an estate sale in a neighborhood near hers.  She wanted us to drive over and see all of the wonderful “treasures” for sale.  At one time, I would have been “all in!” I love a good estate sale, and when I was reselling items online and at a local antiques store, this would have really gotten me excited.  But today, all I could think of was, “It’s just stuff.”

I know this is in large part because of our present circumstances.  I have been sorting through things with my family that my mother wanted me to have…and the items she wanted my sister, my niece and me to divide amongst us.  I spent two months last winter clearing every closet and drawer in my house of clutter and “stuff” – for our benefit, and to save someone else from having to do it someday.  And now I find myself bringing in more “things.”

We will get through this…it happens to everyone who loses a loved one.  But what I really want to focus on right now is my family…and the faith in God that sustains me…not the “stuff.”  I know what really matters…and it’s not Aunt Susie’s butter dish or Grandma’s diamond ring.  Yes, there are items that hold great memories for us…things that are sentimental and significant.  But they are only representations of the person who owned them – and our relationship with him/her is what truly matters.

This is a good reminder for us not to get caught up in things that don’t aren’t really important.  It’s not about the “stuff” – but rather the person behind those items.  It’s not about the physical things...what matters is our relationship with God and how we are allowing Him to use us. 

And one more thing…it’s also not about what others think.  I will admit that I have been beating myself up a bit because I do not feel emotionally strong enough at this point to attend worship…much less a funeral service or visitation – even for a dear friend.  I have questioned how this reflects my claim to trust in God completely and exercise great faith. I received a card in the mail from my fourth grade teacher, who is also a close friend to my family.  She gently suggested that I give myself a break…that I take time to breathe - and heal…to let God wrap His arms around me and comfort me for a season.  This dependency on God actually IS a demonstration of faith!

This is good advice for a lot of situations where we rush to heal and get better too quickly…where we don’t take time to call on God to help us – and give Him time to do so!  Whatever you are experiencing today, know that God is with you.  He never leaves us.  Give Him space – and the time – to work in your life.  Clean out the clutter and focus on what is truly important.  God will help you to heal…He will help you get back on track when the time is right…and stay the course!  Aren’t you ready to let Him?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 27, 2016

Psalm 119:120
I shiver in awe before you;
    your decisions leave me speechless with reverence.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Yesterday, the gates of Heaven were opened wide for a friend and fellow church member, Patrick Hunt Dudeck, whose two-year battle with kidney cancer came to a close.  He was only midway through his 45th year…the husband to Kerri and father to Lauren, Seth and Rowe. Our pastor announced Sunday during worship that Pat had gone on Hospice care the day before.

As I sent messages of prayer and encouragement to Pat and Kerri and others who loved them, I noted that the waiting was so very hard.  We had accepted that death was eminent…but the question of exactly when and how left us anxious.  I remember this from waiting with my mother only two weeks ago – and sitting with other loved ones whose passing was close at hand.  And I remember the “shiver of awe” that washed over me when it was finished.

I love how
The Message translation describes this “fear of the Lord.”  Have you ever felt this “shiver” for yourself?  Maybe for you it wasn’t when a loved one passed.  Perhaps it was the release and relief when a miracle happened in your life…you passed the test…got good news about a health scare…a baby was born…you were reunited with a loved one who had been away for a long time…you got the job – or the promotion…or the “storm” passed and left you unscathed.  Or maybe you felt this “shiver” and leaned on God when you got bad news and didn’t fall apart…you did something you didn’t think you would be able to manage…or life kicked you in the gut in some manner.

In all of these circumstances and many more, God’s decisions often leave us “speechless in reverence” – or they should.  Pat texted me on December 29th…”Got your note this morning…thank you!  I love the encouragement. From the beginning, I wanted this to glorify God and be a part of His bigger plan.  Thank you and Greg for your faith and prayers. God bless!”  THAT is reverence for God’s decisions.  We should all desire that everything about our lives would glorify God and be part of His bigger plan.

On January 12, Pat posted a note on Facebook he titled “Revelation.”  It said…” I've learned that everyday truly is a gift from the Lord above. I have always been told this, and believed it. But to truly grasp the rock solid meaning of that statement is a true gift in itself. My hope and prayer for anyone who hasn't, is to find that truth, and enjoy it. May God bless you!”  Today, this quote, superimposed over a portrait of the Dudeck family, has become the “profile picture” of countless people from our community.  Just as hundreds of people posted comments about my mother and echoed her unending faith a few weeks ago, Pat’s words have become another “rally cry” among many for the “shivering awe” and reverence for God’s plans and promises.

In another of our last message exchanges, I told Pat that I was not sure what God had up His sleeve with all of the things happening to him and my mother, but I had a feeling it was something BIG. I had no idea just how big it would be…or that they would both be with Jesus so soon. I most certainly did not know that Greg’s brother, Bruce, would precede them both. But I can tell you, they all got the better end of this deal!

As you spend time with God today, seek His decisions – all of them – with reverence and awe.  Humble yourself in His sight and truly feel His presence.  Know that every day…every circumstance…every experience is a gift from God.  He will walk through each one of them with you, no matter what is included.  If that doesn’t make you shiver with awe, you should probably check your “relationship status.”  Romans 8:28 reminds us…” And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.”  We have recently celebrated the lives of several servants who loved God and fit into His plans.  Can the same be said of you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 26, 2016

Psalm 118:4
Let every true worshiper
of the Lord shout,
    “God is always merciful!”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Nearly every day, “memories” pop up on my Facebook page…a photo of something I posted 2, 3, or even 5 years ago or longer.  Facebook gives me the opportunity to “share” these memories again.  I don’t do this often…I find that people don’t read the fine print and think these are new events that are just now happening. And today, a “memory” from one year ago today showed up – and I chose not to share it again on my timeline.  It was a photo of my mother’s dog, Spot.  One year ago today, Spot left this earth.  He was my mother’s faithful companion for 15 years.  And while she knew that he was nearing the end of his life, the timing – and manner – in which it his life ended was somewhat traumatic and sudden.

Ever pragmatic and faithful, Mother took this in stride, as she did almost everything in her life.  She was scheduled for hand surgery the next morning to try to correct carpal tunnel syndrome…and she looked at this as God’s way of protecting her – AND Spot – from the difficulties of caring for him while her hand was in a big bandage and she was somewhat incapacitated.  This was God’s mercy for an obedient servant and her faithful puppy dog.

As I looked at the picture of Spot today and thought of my mother – now in heaven with him – I realized that God’s mercy was not just for that day…but for many days to follow.  God saw the big picture and knew that my mother was going to be unable to adequately care for Spot in the months ahead.  He knew that her husband, Lee, was not truly a dog lover…and that leaving him to care for Spot would be unfair to all of them.  This was God’s mercy for Lee, too.

So often, we don’t understand – or recognize – God’s mercy…especially in the moment.  It seems so hard to comprehend why certain things are happening…their timing and the circumstances.  But we don’t understand God’s timetable…we don’t fully grasp His mercy over us.

Let today be the day that you begin to operate in the confidence that “God is merciful!”  Worship Him more fully…knowing that He plans out the most infinite details of our lives - and always considers what is best for us. Never underestimate God’s timing…or His love and care.  Let every true worshiper of the Lord shout, “God is always merciful!”  And let this be the day that you really begin to doubt less and trust more, as you grow in faith and courage…and trust in God’s promises for every facet of your life.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 25, 2016

Psalm 111:10   
How can men be wise? The only way to begin is by reverence for God. For growth in wisdom comes from obeying his laws. Praise his name forever.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I lost a fellow classmate to breast cancer in 1994. Sandra and I were not all that close in high school, but as adults, we became better friends – particularly as she fought her illness and drew close to death.  When she passed, mutual classmates lamented that they didn’t know what to say or do…so many chose not to do or say anything.  Somehow, that didn’t seem like a viable option to me.

When my brother passed in 1998…and my dad followed him to heaven thirteen months later, I noticed that a lot of people chose the option of disappearing.  I wasn’t necessarily keeping score, but it was sad to greet a close friend in public and feel their discomfort…or to hear him/her say, “I didn’t call or come by because I didn’t know how to respond to you.” 

So I wrote a little booklet…
What to Say and Do…When You Don’t Know What to Say and Do*.  Understand that I do not have all the answers – didn’t then, and don’t today!  But I trusted God to show me how to explain in written word some of the things that are helpful – and hurtful – when responding to others.  This applies to both times of sadness, illness, death and sorrow – and even happier times that often go unrecognized.

One of the things I discovered in this process was how God will always equip us with the right things to say and do - in any and every circumstance - if only we will listen for His voice.  If we say to someone “I’m sorry” with the love of Christ in our heart for that person, this compassion will be conveyed…and the simplicity of these two words will be magnified to mean so much more.  If we show up when God prompts us…and allow Him to give us the words and expressions of love and sympathy (or enthusiasm for a happy time)...everyone involved will receive a blessing – and God will be glorified.

The wisdom of the LORD is a precious gift that can only be obtained by listening for His voice and staying attuned to His word and commands.  Are you listening today?  When the time comes to reach out to someone in the name of Jesus, will you be equipped to say and do the right things?  Don’t you think it’s time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

*What to Say and Do…When You Don’t Know What to Say and Do ~ ©2003 Debbie Robus ~ http://auntdebsattic.blogspot.com ~ Proceeds from all sales go directly to Hospice.

Daily Devotional for January 24, 2016

Psalm 103:11, 17
How great is God’s love for all
    who worship him?
    Greater than the distance
    between heaven and earth!

The Lord is always kind
    to those who worship him,
and he keeps his promises
to their descendants

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible, Used by Permission.

These days, heaven seems closer – and farther away – than ever!  So when I read Psalm 103:11, I thought of God’s love as both vast…and all-encompassing.  I envisioned God wrapping His arms around me and holding me closely as I settled in with Him and gave Him gratitude and glory for all that He has done for me.

As I read verse 17, I thought of my mother…the legacy of Christian faith that she left with her children and extended family.  And while it may not seem like the Lord has been very kind to us lately, I can assure you that He has indeed. He has not given us more than we can bear.  Oh, yes…there are moments when our hearts are so heavy and our minds cannot concentrate - and we think that we will surely fall apart completely.  But always…ALWAYS…God rescues us…and we thank Him for His grace and tender mercy.

Today, our respite came in the form of three little children – Timothy, Zola, and Nathan - who were eager to return to church and learn more about Jesus.  After lunch, we went to a local man-made “lake” to look at trumpeter swans that migrate here each winter.  The children fed the birds and ran along the fence that edges the big lake with the wild abandon of 3, 4, and 6-year-olds.  You cannot help but smile and laugh when you are with happy kids…and I know that God gave us that much-needed time of joy as a respite from our grief.

A young father of three elementary school-aged children is on the last leg of his journey with a 2-year cancer battle.  This dear friend is as ready as anyone ever is for God to call him home. It breaks our hearts to think that he will not be around to see his children grow up…to help his wife with all of the milestones and accomplishments…to nurture his family as its spiritual leader.  But as I look at the events of the last two years, I see much of what I observed with my own mother - a testament to God’s promises and glory…a person of tremendous faith and steadfast worship, even in the midst of great tribulation…an example for countless friends and acquaintances who are now surely closer to God because of His witness.

The lesson I have learned from my mother – and my friend – is that God’s love for each of us is vast AND all-encompassing, all at the same time.  We have seen amazing demonstrations of worship of the LORD in even the most trying circumstances…and we have seen the glory of His love rain down on those who were faithful…and their descendants.

This morning, Timothy got in the car and asked, “Why did Granny die?”  I told him that she got sick and could not get well, and God took her to heaven to live with Him.  He said, “She’s with Jesus now!”  “Yes,” I agreed…”and someday we will be with Jesus, too.  If you love Jesus and give Him your heart, you get to go to heaven someday.”  Timothy said, “Oh, I LOVE Jesus…even when I’m naughty and do bad things.”  I told him that Jesus loves HIM, too…even when he’s naughty. In my mother’s stead…I want to perpetuate the legacy of worship – and hope in God’s promises.  And as I get opportunities at church to share God’s love with my friend’s children, I hope to do that, also.

Look around…where can you demonstrate worship – and hope – that glorifies God and demonstrates His amazing love for each of us?  Where can you perpetuate to those around you – particularly future generations – how God’s love never fails?  Who has demonstrated this in your life?  Who has given you great examples for how it’s done?  Aren’t you ready to “carry the torch” and leave your own legacy of faith and love in Christ Jesus?  Isn’t it time you got started?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 23, 2016

Proverbs 3:7-12
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
    don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
    he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Don’t assume that you know it all.
    Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
    your very bones will vibrate with life!
Honor God with everything you own;
    give him the first and the best.
Your barns will burst,
    your wine vats will brim over.
But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline;
    don’t sulk under his loving correction.
It’s the child he loves that God corrects;
    a father’s delight is behind all this.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Today would be the 67th birthday of Greg’s brother, Bruce, who died on December 31st, 2015.  This cold, sunny morning, we visited his grave site for the first time…along with Greg’s mother.  We also went to the cemetery where my mother was buried 11 days later. If you had told me even a month ago that we would bury these two loved ones so soon, I would have said you were crazy.  And yet…here we are.

One of these days, I will stop talking about grief and our recent losses…I promise.  But several of you are “in the trenches” along with us right now, and I hope that my insights are helpful – for all of us.  Our emotions are still extremely raw…our grief is still profound.  And try as I might to squelch these feelings, I cannot.

When I turn to scripture, I see that there is every reason to experience grief – and no reason to try to suppress it.  To do so suggests that we have this all figured out on our own…that we don’t need the guidance and comfort of God…that we know it all!  And nothing could be further from the truth.

Psalm 94:19 says, “And when I was burdened with worries, you comforted me and made me feel secure.”(CEV)  Psalm 142:1-3 says “I cry out loudly to God, loudly I plead with God for mercy. I spill out all my complaints before him, and spell out my troubles in detail: “As I sink in despair, my spirit ebbing away, you know how I’m feeling, know the danger I’m in, the traps hidden in my path.”(MSG)  And later in that same Psalm, verse 7 ends with this…“Your people will form a circle around me and you’ll bring me showers of blessing!”

God is showing us things, even in our grief and sadness. He is not punishing us. He is ushering us into more of a dependency on Him…demonstrating His strength and ability to comfort and make sense of our confusion. As we find ourselves wandering aimlessly through the day, God keeps us on track. Several times in the last couple of weeks, I’ve looked back and wondered how on earth I accomplished what I did in the state in which I have been. I know instantly that I did not do these things – God did!

So I am learning not to run from these feelings, weird and uncomfortable though they may be.  I am trusting God to sort it all out – and in HIS timing!  I am believing that He will give me a sense of direction and purpose again…heal my heart and soul – and even make me stronger because of all of this.  I pray that you are allowing God to do the same work in your life.  Whether you are grieving the loss of loved ones or working through something else, God wants to determine your course – and keep you on it.  Will you allow Him to do this?  Shouldn’t you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 22, 2016

Proverbs 28:14
The Lord blesses everyone
    who is afraid to do evil,
    but if you are cruel,
    you will end up in trouble.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Let’s be real…there are well-meaning people in this world who seem to stick their foot in their mouths at every turn. They seem to have a knack for saying or doing the wrong thing at the most inappropriate time.  We know they have good intentions…their delivery is just poor and misguided.  We understand that their hearts are big…but they may be a little lacking in the common sense department.

But then there are those who seem to have a habit of “speaking their mind,” or trying to “put others in their place”…as if they have some level of higher authority.  Their smug demeanor and meddling behaviors can be aggravating and insulting…if not downright cruel.  They have an opinion, and they are not afraid to express it!  And sometimes, the very people who say and do these things are the ones who want to hide behind the name of Jesus and claim to be His most devoted servants.

This is just my opinion – but scripture seems to back me up on it…those who claim to serve Jesus while judging others are headed down a slippery slope.  I don’t believe that Jesus called any of us to love others as we love Him - and as we love ourselves - but give them a good dose of the “Reality According to Me” in the process.  I believe that Jesus wants us to check our thoughts, words and actions…to ask, “What purpose does this serve?”…to take a breath and determine whether what we are about to deliver represents a witness to His love, grace, mercy and kindness – or the cruel and evil actions of the devil himself.

The question becomes, “To whom will you listen?”  Who will you serve…and how will your “witness” represent your relationship with God?  These are important questions that we should all be asking with regularity.  We cannot downplay the significance of a Christian discipleship that includes a hefty dose of “stop, look, and listen” as we interact with others. To do otherwise is to risk not only the blessings of the LORD…but also the addition of others to His Kingdom because our “witness” was a deterrent.  Surely none of us wants this!

Will you join me in taking a few minutes each day to “stop, look and listen” for the voice of God?  Will you ask Him to give you a tender and perceptive heart…to replace cruelty and insensitivity with compassion and insight?  Will this be the day that your Christian witness truly counts…and glorifies God in every way?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 21, 2016

John 16:19-20
Jesus knew they were dying to ask him what he meant, so he said, “Are you trying to figure out among yourselves what I meant when I said, ‘In a day or so you’re not going to see me, but then in another day or so you will see me’? Then fix this firmly in your minds: You’re going to be in deep mourning while the godless world throws a party. You’ll be sad, very sad, but your sadness will develop into gladness.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

My sister-in-law mailed me a book about grief, Experiencing Grief* by H. Norman Wright, and I began reading it last night.  I thought I had a pretty good understanding of grief…I’ve lost my dad, my brother, my father-in-law, all of my grandparents – including my grandmother who was like a mother - beloved pets, and dear friends.  But none of this prepared me for losing my own mother – particularly when coupled with the sudden death of Greg’s brother a few days earlier. I find that my grief comes in waves…I am sometimes okay for several hours in a row – or even a full day or two.  And then something triggers the release, and I am overwhelmed.  This book is helping me to process my thoughts and feelings.

I tried to get back to my “routine” this week…including my workouts at the local Aquatic Center.  I had to admit that I was not ready to go back to the pool – a place I sometimes saw my mother and even shared a workout.  Both Greg and I find that we are not quite ready to be around people…particularly in group settings, like church, local sporting events - and most certainly funerals.  Two friends of ours also lost their mothers this week.  I sent cards and messages of condolence and encouragement, but that was all that I could muster for now.  We have strategically planned trips to the grocery store and other public places at times when we hope there will not be a lot of people around.

At the same time, we don’t want people to avoid or ignore us.  It’s okay to hug me if you see me…just know that I might cry!  Please don’t hesitate to ask, “How are you doing?” or to say, “I’m so sorry for what you are going through.”  We need to know that others care.  We just need to be able to feel whatever we are feeling in the moment without concern that others will be upset or become uncomfortable.

Why am I sharing this with you in a “devotional?” Grief comes to all of us.  If you have not experienced the loss of a loved one yet, you will at some point.  I want you to know that it is okay to feel your grief.  Even Jesus told His disciples that they would be very sad…but that in time, the sadness would give way to joy.  God understands our grief.  He grieves with us…He is sad when His children are hurting.  But He comforts us and brings us through the grief, if we will allow Him to do so.  And this may involve a season of sadness, crying and dealing with our pain.

I also want to speak to you as a “comforter” of others.  Don’t be afraid to approach those who are grieving…to speak of their departed loved one…to offer a hug and a smile and a kind word.  I remember distinctly thinking when my dad and brother were both ill that the whole world was going on around me, and it was like I was on some carnival ride from which I could not depart.  Don’t isolate others even more because you feel uncomfortable or fear saying/doing the wrong thing.  Be brief, but do acknowledge those who are grieving.  This, too, is part of what Jesus was talking about.  He always encouraged His followers to “love one another”…and comfort in times of grief represents a tremendous expression of the love of Christ.

The GOOD NEWS is that joy does come again for those of us who trust Jesus.  He has promised it is so.  I know that my mother and Greg’s brother now both sit at the Heavenly table…that they bask in the continual glow of Jesus’ presence and haven’t a care in the world.  All of the things that make up the “worries and concerns” of our days hold absolutely no significance for them.  And someday, we will join them.  This is my hope…my prayer…my reason to find joy in these days.

Someday, I will also sit face-to-face with Jesus…alongside all of those I love who are already there.  I have God’s permission to miss them now…for as long as it takes for me to heal. My job is to live for Him every minute I am on this earth…to minister to others who are also grieving and in need…and to remind us all that “sadness will develop into gladness.”  This is your job, too…how well are you doing?

©2016 Debbie Robus

*Experiencing Grief ~ ©2004 by H. Norman Wright ~ B&H Publishing Group

Daily Devotional for January 20, 2016

Proverbs 2:1-8
Good friend, take to heart what I’m telling you;
    collect my counsels and guard them with your life.
Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom;
    set your heart on a life of Understanding.
That’s right—if you make Insight your priority,
    and won’t take no for an answer,
Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold,
    like an adventurer on a treasure hunt,
Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours;
    you’ll have come upon the Knowledge of God.
And here’s why: God gives out Wisdom free,
    is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding.
He’s a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well,
    a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere.
He keeps his eye on all who live honestly,
    and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
I asked my mother’s good friend, Thérèse, to speak at her funeral service.  She is not only an excellent speaker…but as she told me, “I know your mother’s heart.”  She was able to share several stories that ran the gamut of descriptions, from hilarious to heartfelt to insightful.  And one of the latter was about a time that Mother encouraged Thérèse to attend a writing workshop with her in Memphis.  The workshop was about how to write children’s books.

Thérèse explained to Mother that she had never written a book for children – and she really didn’t have any desire to do so.  Mother insisted, “You love books, and children…and you might just have a children’s book in you…so come along anyway.”  Thérèse went with Mother, and she was the only unpublished author in the class. So far, no children’s book has been produced!  But Thérèse made the point that my mother saw something in her…an untapped potential.  She had wisdom and insight...and even though Thérèse has not written a book for children, she indicated that the trip was worthwhile on many levels.

Thérèse noted in her talk that my mother was always interested in others.  As we talked with Mother’s pastor prior to her funeral service, Mother’s husband talked of how she spent a large portion of each day writing cards and notes of encouragement…sending e-mail messages and making telephone calls to check on other people.  She offered care and concern - but also candid and sincere advice.  And because of her Godly wisdom and knowledge, many sought her counsel and company.

I am not suggesting that we all start finding time to write notes, make phone calls and counsel others. This was my mother’s “gift”…her “calling” from God in this season of her life.  But I am proposing that we seek God’s wisdom and understanding…that we make insight – into what He is telling us AND the hearts of others – a top priority.

If we pay attention to what God is showing us…if we listen for His voice and follow His directives…we will have His favor.  If we live honestly and think of others as much as – or more than - we think of ourselves, God will reward us with insight, peace, comfort and confidence that we are on the right track.  We probably won’t take up writing…much less the authorship of books for children…but we might just gain a whole lot more in the bargain.  Isn’t finding out worth the effort?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 19, 2016

Proverbs 19:23
Showing respect to the Lord
    brings true life—
    if you do it, you can relax
    without fear of danger.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

One week ago this morning, the angels came for my mother and ushered her into Heaven.  We all knew my mother was battling cancer…a diagnosis she received in late September.  None of us wanted to believe that she would have such a short time left with us. On December 19th, we had no clue that one month later, Greg’s brother and sister-in-law would have been involved in a car crash that left the other driver dead and led to multiple surgeries for Greg’s brother – and his subsequent death ten days afterward.

In both instances, I distinctly felt a sense of fear and dread…not that these precious souls would die and leave us.  I knew that both of them were headed for Heaven – and a glorious Eternity in the presence of Jesus.  What stressed me was what might happen to them in the meantime…here…on earth.

From the day my mother was first diagnosed with cancer, my prayer and profound desire was that she not suffer…that she not become debilitated and emaciated…that she not endure tremendous pain and indignities that often come with this horrendous beast of a disease. I found myself asking God over and again to spare her these things…to protect her at every turn.

When my brother-in-law was scheduled to transfer to a rehab - where he would hopefully strengthen his body and fully recover so that he could go home and resume his daily living – I was concerned for his well-being.  How would he manage the rigid routine in his weakened condition?  How would he cope with the isolation from family members as he spent most hours of each day in exercise and therapy?

In both cases, I literally called out to God and said, “YOU have to fix this!  I cannot!  I surrender these situations completely to YOU, because they are far beyond my control – and I know that you love both of these people and want what is best for them.”  I had prayed a similar prayer when my dad suffered a paralyzing stroke after surgery that left him in danger of having both feet amputated. In his case, I knew that the only “solution” that made sense to me was for God to call him to heaven…and He did.  I don’t know that I truly considered this an “option” with my husband’s brother and my own mother.  But that is exactly what happened for them, as well.

My mother used to say that “Healing sometimes comes in death.” And she was right! While this is a hard pill for those of us left on this earth to swallow, there is a comfort in knowing that this “solution” was the perfect one for these three dear souls who truly loved the LORD. They are safe…they are whole…they are HOME…and they haven’t a care or a worry whatsoever.  As much as is humanly possible, our challenge is to operate in the same manner.  We may not be healthy and whole on this earth, but we can certainly feel safe, fearless, and confident in the care and protection of God Almighty.

I will not lie…our hearts are broken. I miss my brother-in-law and his quick wit.  I will miss his laugh.  Ever the typical “big brother,” I know that there were times that I exasperated him…but he was always in my corner.  And I miss my mother…especially her daily e-mails and our telephone talks.  I didn’t see her that often in the last several years. She traveled a lot and maintained a BUSY daily schedule.  But she would tell me, “I’m only a phone call away.”  Now, that “phone call” is a little beyond the realm of human possibility. I don’t know if/when I will ever adjust to that one!

Still, I find that for large chunks of the day, I am relaxed.  Nothing about these situations gives me fear or suggests danger or unrest.  For most of the time that my mother was ill and Greg’s brother was injured, I was what I described as “eerily calm.”  I knew this was God’s shield, protecting me from a wave of emotions that I could not handle.  When my brother-in-law died…and my mother entered the hospital - and then Hospice care - the “dam” broke.  Tears poured…often at the most inopportune times. But they have been healing and liberating…and God has comforted me even in those times of profound release.

What have I learned from this?  More powerfully than ever, I have learned to “let go and let God.”  There is NOTHING that He cannot handle…and He certainly does not need any input from me!  He is capable of executing all things.  MY JOB is to trust Him to do so…to respect His methods, His timing, and His impeccable attention to every detail.  As Mother’s pastor pointed out, we see a picture of how things are…but God’s picture is so much larger and broader – and far more grand.

Whatever is stressing you today…whatever challenges you face…whatever questions, worries, fears and frustrations you have – give them to God.  Trust that He has a bigger, better plan…that He can do what you cannot – and with complete perfection. “Let go and let God”…serve Him in all things and respect His sovereignty. Bask in the safety of His love and care and banish fear and dread from your life. God wants us to truly LIVE in Him…and we can’t do this if we are fearful and anxious.  How are YOU living these days?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 18, 2016

Proverbs 16:6
If we truly love God,
    our sins will be forgiven;
    if we show him respect,
    we will keep away from sin.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

My mother was fairly lucid until about 36 hours before she died.  In one of our last conversations, she looked my sister and me squarely in the eyes and said, “We are a strange species.”  I later learned from my niece, Jasmine, that Mother peppered this phrase all throughout a journal she kept for her grand-daughter for the last 23 years.  And indeed, we are a strange species.  As I read this passage from Proverbs, I thought of things that have happened even in this last week and reminded myself that our actions do not always line up with our talk…particularly as supposed Christian disciples.

I have said time and again that people are watching. They notice when we demonstrate great faith and hope in Jesus…and when we belie His teachings.  The nicest person in the world can say and do some pretty nasty things in any given moment…or “act a fool” at some point.  This doesn’t make any of us particularly bad people…but depending on who observes these sins (and yes, these are sins, because  they represent disrespect and disobedience toward Jesus and His teachings) we may do tremendous harm to God’s Kingdom – and our effectiveness as His witness.

We cannot judge others. We cannot treat them with disdain…discriminate…criticize unkindly and unconstructively…or humiliate. We have to be on our best behavior and continually check our words and actions. There are people who will get on our last nerve…and God calls us to love them anyway - even those who “are a strange species.”

If we truly love God, we must obey Him.  We have to follow the teachings of Jesus and love others – ALL others.  We have to respect others and treat them fairly, because this demonstrates our respect and reverence for the God we love and worship.  We must stay awake and alert for opportunities to sin - and avoid them at all cost.

Mother was right…we are a strange species…ALL of us – not just the other guy! What we think, say and do matters – to others AND to God.  If we want Him to forgive us, we must do what can be the hard work of following all of His commands and demonstrating resolve, reverence, respect, and a healthy dose of restraint!

Spend some time in prayer today and ask God to show you where there are opportunities to demonstrate respect and reverence…and where you need to operate in reservation and self-discipline.  He will give you the strength and courage you need to do both.  We are a strange species…and people are watching one another.  When they look at you…what – and WHO – do they see?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 17, 2016

Proverbs 14:26-27
Reverence for God gives a man deep strength; his children have a place of refuge and security.

Reverence for the Lord is a fountain of life; its waters keep a man from death.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

We all worried this last week about how our three little ones - Timothy, Zola and Nathan - would handle my mother’s death.  Ever since my grandmother died in March 2013, Timothy has assumed that anyone who was sick or old would die.  It happened to Mam-ma Polly…my mother’s dog, Spot…my sister’s dog, Wrinkles…and our cat, Lucy.  So anytime someone is sick – or we mention that “I’m just old,” - Timothy asks, “Are you going to die?”

Given that reference, we really didn’t know what to expect with the children.  They knew that Granny had been sick for a few months…but they had no clue what cancer was or how seriously ill she had become. My niece brought the children to visit Mother at home when she went on Hospice care, and they were apprehensive at first about approaching her hospital bed.  But one-by-one, they “warmed up” and came around to talk to her.  I think Zola even had someone lift her up to kiss my mother.

But what happened when Mother passed was a beautiful thing.  The children were sad when their mother told them.  But they did not fall apart.  When we viewed Mother’s body, each child readily accepted that Granny was dead.  They didn’t spend a lot of time with her, but they each patted her hand – and again, Zola gave her a kiss.  They were not afraid at all. 

In the days that followed, the children played in my mother's back yard – and at the cemetery - with the abandon of happy children.  At the visitation and celebration service for her life, they sat quietly and respectfully.  Once while we were greeting those in attendance, Timothy stood with me and held my hand.  Several around us were standing arm-in-arm, and all of a sudden, I felt this little arm wrap around my legs, just under my backside.  Timothy was putting HIS arm around me, also.  I cannot count the times that little 6-year-old boy came to comfort me as I greeted people in the visitation line.

As Mother’s service drew to a close, Zola got down from the lap of a cousin and moved to the front pew, where she crawled into the lap of my mother’s husband, Lee.  She snuggled against him, and then she turned, held his face in her hands, and gave him a kiss.  I saw his entire demeanor completely soften and relax in that sweet moment.  It was just what he needed.

My mother would have loved all of this.  She would have readily agreed that we have created a place of refuge and security for these children in our demonstrations of respect and reverence for God.  We have begun to lay a firm foundation for each of them about who God is and how He loves each of us.  They know about heaven…and maybe even better than we grownups, they understand that it is a glorious place where we hope to all end up someday.  There is nothing to fear…about death, heaven, or God.  The children already understand how amazing He is…and we are teaching them to honor Him with admiration and esteem in all things.

Our three little ones are reminders that life goes on…that as much as we miss my mother and others who have received their heavenly reward, we know they wouldn’t come back for all the tea in China…and we wouldn’t want them to!  The “death” that this scripture refers to is not our earthly passing into Eternity with Jesus…but rather that of ending up in the darkest pit of hell as far away from Him as possible.  Our prayer is that this would never happen to anyone!

My mother left a legacy of faith, strength and reverence for God that will hopefully transfer to future generations…a promise of Eternity in the presence of God Almighty forever and ever.  Our job is to live in such a way we perpetuate this legacy and give our children a secure refuge that offers them the hope of Heaven, as well.

My question to you this day is…how are you doing?  What – and WHO – do others see when they look at you?  Are you living in a way that demonstrates the joy and hope of Heaven? Are you showing others that a life in Christ represents a place of refuge and security?   Isn’t it time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 16, 2016

Proverbs 14:16
The wise watch their steps and avoid evil;
    fools are headstrong and reckless.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugeterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

The late Paul Harvey used to end his daily radio program with the words…”and now you know the rest of the story.”  In recent weeks, I have encountered more than one situation where parties on either side didn’t have all the facts.  Wrong assumptions were   made, and feelings were hurt – sometimes deeply. Maybe this has happened to you, as well.

I’ve walked the aisles of the grocery store in the last few weeks and met people who had no clue what was happening in my life.  I knew that.  I was not offended when they said, “How’s it going?” or “Have a great day!”  They couldn’t possibly know all that my family was experiencing.  I did not know “the rest of the story” when I was angered and insulted by the unprofessional treatment I received a few months ago from someone who I later learned had just received devastating news and was hurting deeply.

In the throes of grief and suffering over the loss of a loved one, it is easy for people to become upset with one another… even to hurl affronts and untruths.  When things are not going well at school, church, or among friends, the facts can quickly become distorted – and tempers can flare, resulting in hurt feelings that might never heal.

The point is that this passage in Proverbs reminds us to take a step back, to avoid retaliation - and watch our step.  Often, it is wise to simply “chill out” and let the dust settle a bit before we react.  At best, we must choose our words carefully…prayerfully…with the full wisdom of God Almighty.  We must ask Him to show us how to move forward…what to say and do – and how we should not react and respond.

This is a really big challenge…particularly when our feelings are “on our sleeve,” our nerves are on edge, and we are stressed to the max.  Have I painted with a brush broad enough to include you yet?!  Ask God to show you when to stop, look and listen…when to pull back and take a deep breath…and how to start moving forward again. 

Headstrong and reckless are not Godly qualities.  If our goal is to be more like Him every day, then these actions and behaviors have no place in our daily living. Will you join me in the challenge to watch our steps and live wisely…to honor God with our words, thoughts and actions each and every day?  Will you wait for “the rest of the story” before you react?  And will this be the day that you begin?

© Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 15, 2016

Philippians 4:6-7
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I have not written a devotional in a few days now. On Tuesday morning, January 12th, just before noon, my mother left this earthly home to be with Jesus.  My “sisters” - Suzanne, Janet, and Suzanne - and I, our beloved cousin, Janette, and Mom’s husband, Lee, were all with her. Even though she had been leaving us for several days…when the appointed time came, she soared away rather abruptly - with little warning, and no fanfare.  I noticed her breathing change and said to my stepsister, Suzanne, who is a nurse, “I think she is leaving”…and she nodded in agreement.  Less than two minutes later, the gates of Heaven opened, and the angels ushered my mother into the presence of Jesus Christ – and my dad, brother, and all of her loved ones who were surely there to greet her.

It must have been one heckuva party…and I’m more than a little jealous!  My mother’s words echoed in my head as Timothy told me later, “I wish we could go to heaven, too.”  Mother would say, “You will…when it’s time.  But you still have work to do here!”  Ever the pragmatist, Mother was realistic and practical – almost to a fault.

But in her last days, my mother left me with some parting pearls of wisdom.  As I tearfully held her on the couch one evening, she asked about my mother-in-law, who just buried her middle son 12 days ago.  I told her she was doing well, and Mother said, “She is a strong woman.”  “You are a strong woman, too,” I reminded her…and she replied, “There’s no other way to be.”  Mother also told me that Greg and I have a lot to process…and we do…but she insisted that she knew we would be okay – that we would get through all of this. And thankfully, her last lucid statement to me was…”I love you so much.”  I told her, “I love you, too, Mommy.”  After that, she smiled at me a few times, but she drifted into a semi-conscious state and waited for her ticket to heaven to be punched.

The second my mother left us, her face took on a peaceful appearance.  It was unlike any I have ever encountered in my previous experiences with a death.  She was Home…she was whole…and all was well.  The peace that came over me was inexplicable…that “peace that passes understanding.”  But I knew that all truly was well…that God had once again answered our prayers and fixed the things that we could not…and that He had given my mother the greatest gift of all…a seat at Jesus’ feet for all Eternity.

Countless people have commented to me in recent days about what they perceive as my amazing strength.  I would say to you that none of this is me…and I have had plenty of “moments” where you would not see one ounce of poise and confidence in my demeanor.  But as much as this passage from Philippians was one of my mother’s favorites…it is mine, as well.  In a profound way, I have learned to “let go and let God”…to quit worrying…to fear nothing…to BELIEVE what God has promised, and to let Him meet my needs and comfort me.  And He has…He IS!  As my mother said a few days ago, “There’s no other way to be.”

I also watched my mother comfort and encourage others in her last days.  She smiled at nurses and aides and thanked them genuinely for their care.  She prayed with relatives who came to say “Good-bye” and charged them to accomplish certain goals in their lives moving forward.  Mother ministered to us as a family and brought us closer together in many instances. She served God faithfully until the very last minute. 

My question for all of us today is this…”Will we be able to say the same thing when our ‘ticket’ is punched?”  Is God’s peace keeping your heart and thoughts quiet as you make your way through the day?  When the angels come for you, will you have accomplished all that God set out for you to complete?

Make this the day that you figure out what is really important…and what is just filling your day.  Determine what you need to let go of…and what God is calling you to do with the time you have left - whether it is one day or decades. Release your worries and fears…and operate in His peace.  There truly is “no other way to be.”

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 11, 2016

Psalm 118:5-6
Pushed to the wall, I called to God;
    from the wide open spaces, he answered.
God’s now at my side and I’m not afraid;
    who would dare lay a hand on me?

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.
“Pushed to the wall”…I would say that this is a good description of how my family members and I feel right now. When one comes to terms with the fact that a loved one has slipped away – and there is nothing that can be done – it’s a lot like being “pushed to the wall.”  And in that moment, most people do one of two things…they either cry out to God for help…or they cry to Him in frustration, anger and bitterness.

I totally get it.  I understand the frustration and fear of being “pushed to the wall”…the shear panic that sometimes sets in when troubles come.  I know that we all have moments when we want to cry out to God, “How could You allow this to happen?!”  But I also know that to do this flings the doors wide open for the enemy to enter.  If he can get us to doubt God for even a split second, the devil has the opportunity to wedge his foot in the door and start to rock it back and forth.  He will attempt to steal our joy and confidence in the LORD if we give him the opportunity.

Don’t let this happen!  Don’t ask God, “Why me?”  Ask Him, “What are Your plans for this situation?”  Call on God to clear a path for you to be able to step away from the wall…to give you breathing room and stand squarely by your side as a protective shield. 

Particularly in the last 24 hours, I have caught myself wanting to ask God why my mother’s spirit has not already soared away to Him.  Why is she still here, lying in what can at times be a fitful sleep…while she is, for all practical purposes, gone from us already?  I am “pushed to the wall,” and I wait for God to come to my side and shield me - and move me away from this adversity.  Very clearly, I have sensed God reminding me that my surrender to His will and timing over my own is required…that He is not punishing us in this test of our endurance and patience - He is strengthening our complete reliance on Him.

Call to God when you are “pushed to the wall.”  Trust His answers and operate in the confidence that He will protect you from all harm and hardship.  Rely fully on Him and surrender your own will to His.  “God’s now at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me?”  My prayer is that this would be your prayer this day – and always.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 10, 2016

Isaiah 43:1-7
But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says: Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up—the flames will not consume you. For I am the Lord your God, your Savior, the Holy One of Israel. I gave Egypt and Ethiopia and Seba to Cyrus in exchange for your freedom, as your ransom. Others died that you might live; I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me and honored, and I love you.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. I will gather you from east and west, from north and south. I will bring my sons and daughters back to Israel from the farthest corners of the earth. All who claim me as their God will come, for I have made them for my glory; I created them.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

My mother is mostly sleeping now, and several family members have gathered to sit with us and help as needed…including my niece, Jasmine.  This is her Granny…the woman who has nurtured and loved her unendingly for all of her 25+ years.  I found Jasmine in her Granny’s office, sitting at Mother’s desk and reading a book.  She said, “I knew this had to be here, and it was right on top of a stack of books.”  If you know my mother, you know that her desk is stacked and laden with books, papers, notes and all sorts of important “stuff!” (I should talk!  I am my mother’s daughter!)

The “book” that Jasmine found was her journal…or rather, a hand-written journal that my mother has kept for my niece since 1992.  She didn’t write in it EVERY day, but on a regular basis, Mother wrote her thoughts to Jasmine – about anything and everything – but especially about her Christian faith. And the entries are as recent as the end of October 2015. There is an entry for the day Mother learned that she had cancer…and another as she prepared for chemotherapy. 

There was also an entry for one day in October in which Mother stated that “you are not to worry.”  She cited these beginning verses in Isaiah 43. Through this journal, my mother is still comforting us…even today, as she slips away from us and can no longer speak directly to us.  And these words are comforting!

If I substitute my mother’s name – or my own – for the word “you,” the image is profound. “Don’t be afraid, for I have ransomed Arline; I have called Arline by name; she is mine. When Arline goes through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with her. When Debbie goes through rivers of difficulty, she will not drown! When Debbie walks through the fire of oppression, she will not be burned up—the flames will not consume her.”  Take these verses and insert your own name.  Let the comfort and assurance of God’s love and care penetrate the depths of your heart.  Listen to the words of my mother, and remind yourself that “you are not to worry.”

This morning, my cousin said “Good-bye” to my mother and traveled to his home, some four hours away. As he left, I hugged him closely and told him that we are going to be okay…that Jesus has us securely in His hands. “Remember this!” I told him.  His response was, “You, too!”  I assured him that I will…that my hope in Jesus is all that keeps me going.

I’m so glad that Jasmine found the journal.  I know that my mother has written from her heart…and that her thoughts and words were guided by the Holy Spirit.  They will have profound meaning for Jasmine and her children…just as my cousin’s visit with my mother will impact him from this day forward.

I pray that you will take these verses to heart and make them part of your hope…that you will trust in Jesus to see you through deep waters and great trouble.  Remember that “you are not to worry,” and trust God to hold you securely in His hands – this day…and always.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 9, 2016

Proverbs 13:13
If you reject God’s teaching,
    you will pay the price;
    if you obey his commands,
    you will be rewarded.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.
People all over the country have “lottery fever” as the Powerball jackpot is approaching $900 million. Reporters from countless news outlets are interviewing ticket buyers who speculate on how they will “spend the reward!”  The options run the gamut from “quit my job” to “buy my parents a new home” to “travel the world” and more!

It has now been a little better than a week since we took my mother to the hospital Emergency Department in what was a precarious condition, to put it mildly. And it’s pretty well gone downhill since. The days have been filled with all sorts of emotions and situations that we have had to “digest” and accept. In many ways, our worlds have each been turned upside down as we have adjusted to new schedules, reports from doctors and nurses, close quarters and new relationships with family members and friends, coping with a myriad of emotions that change each hour, and dealing with a bevy of unknowns.

It’s a lot…and we are all doing the best that we can.  And when she has a lucid moment, my little mother will often say, “God will take care of this.”  I know that she is right…because my mother never rejected God’s teaching.  She has always obeyed His commands…and God is not about to desert her – especially now.  A reward is coming…and probably fairly soon.  It’s not of the $900 million variety – but quite frankly, it’s something even better!

We’ve all got “Lottery Fever” of the best kind around here…and soon, my mother will cash in her “ticket.” Obey God’s commands…surrender to His teaching, and know that when life on this earth is over, you really do have the winning ticket – to a “Heavenly Lottery” that provides Eternity in the presence of God Almighty!  It truly doesn’t get any better than that!

Are you ready to be a “Heavenly winner?”  Will this be the day that you begin to really follow God’s teaching and obey His commands?  Aren’t you ready to get in the running for the best “Lottery” of all?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 7, 2016

Psalm 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Today a social worker from Hospice visited with us.  She was here to get acquainted with us and basically to make sure that we were all okay as a family.  She asked my mother how she was doing, and Mother assured her that she was trusting God.  She said, “I know that God is taking care of this."

When my mother was first diagnosed with cancer in September, she e-mailed me and said, “I have a serious problem, Debbie. The tests show cancer markers. This is going to be OK—no matter what. Just going to be a battle ahead.”  The battle has come…and my mother is smack in the middle of it!

The GOOD NEWS is that cancer is not winning.  From the very first diagnosis, my mother has said, “Either way, this will all be okay.”  And she is right.  Because my mother’s refuge does not lie in successful chemotherapy treatments or some miracle cure at a reputable facility.  Her “tested help” does not have “M.D.” after his/her name.

My mother is relying on Almighty God to work things out according to His will…on HIS timetable.  And it doesn’t look like He intends for her to hang out with us much longer.  This morning, a dear friend texted my mother a message.  Another woman she knows is also battling ovarian cancer.  She wrote of this friend and my mother…”Your mom and my dear special friend have packed her [Mom’s] RV for a new journey. She doesn’t need a map or a GPS thing. The road has been ready for her trip for a long time. What gives me comfort and peace is GOD is in the driver’s seat!  Instead of a seat belt, she has on her angel’s wings. The highway is paved in gold, and Heaven is singing, “Coming Home!”

If that doesn’t describe a “beautiful refuge” and “tested help in times of trouble,” I’m not sure what would.  My prayer for you today is that YOU know this Refuge…that YOU trust Him to be your “tested help in times of trouble.”  I pray that nothing is too big for God to solve for you…that you know that all will be okay, no matter what happens. 

It’s a beautiful thing to go headlong into battle knowing that God is leading the way.  Are you secure in that faith today? Isn’t it time you were?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 6, 2016

Proverbs 10:27
Reverence for God adds hours to each day; so how can the wicked expect a long, good life?

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

While my mom dozed today, I looked through family photos.  Mother has dozens of photo albums, filled with photos of the people she loves - or loved - the most…relatives, friends, students, people she met while traveling.  It doesn’t seem fair that there will not be more albums to fill and memories to create.  After all, doesn’t this scripture passage imply that those who have reverence for God will live longer?  By that benchmark, my mother should be on this earth for many more decades or more!

I think of all of the people Mother has known and loved in her 76+ years…and I look at the comments and messages I have received in the last week about her life and her Godly influence on others…and I realize that this passage is not really about quantity - it’s about quality.

Those who are “wicked” may indeed live to be 100 or more.  They may appear to “skate by” unscathed in life, while those who revere God and serve Him well struggle and suffer…or have their earthly lives cut short.  But that’s where some of us get it all wrong. It’s not about THIS life…but rather, what we build for eternity!  And in that regard, my mother has been plenty busy creating something amazing.  Someone wrote to her today that the trip on which she is about to embark will far surpass any travels she ever took in her RV!  And I believe that wholeheartedly.

Someone shared a meme with me on Facebook that said something to the effect of “I asked the Lord why He gave me so much troubled water, and He said…’because your enemies cannot swim.’”  When we revere and respect God – and fully serve Him with faith and obedience – our lives may not be trouble-free, or lengthy.  But our eternal life and legacy will be something truly incredible…far beyond what we can ever imagine.  And isn’t that the ultimate goal?  Shouldn’t it be?

Earthly life is not about how many years we have…but what we do with them.  What are you building for Eternitya?

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 5, 2016

Proverbs 1:7-9
How does a man become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!

Only fools refuse to be taught. Listen to your father and mother. What you learn from them will stand you in good stead; it will gain you many honors.
The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I’m sitting at my mother’s house…the home she has occupied for 56+ years – since I was 2 years of age.  She is lying in a hospital bed in front of the fireplace, where her family can gather around her and try to meet her every need until Jesus has her heavenly home ready. 

I have been reading comments to my mother that have been posted on Facebook and sent via e-mail.  The accolades are each precious.  But over and again, words are repeated from comment to comment…”walking testament to God's love and grace…never have I met such a gentle, caring, intelligent, talented lady…what a super woman! If only we all could be more like her this would be a better world.”

Like all mothers, mine taught me lots of things.  But the most important thing she instilled in me was a love of Jesus…and unending faith.  She lived these…she demonstrated them.  One of her fellow teacher friends commented about a time all of the teachers got tickled at a lady falling asleep at a workshop and could NOT stop giggling…”even with your mom giving us the EYE!”  I know that “eye!”  My mother has always had a strong sense of right and wrong…and she made sure we knew the difference!

I have neither the time nor the energy to write all I could about my mother. But people have sent me so many dear, sweet comments about how I have a lot of her finest qualities.  And I am humbled.  Indeed, what I have learned from her has gained me many honors…and I am truly blessed to have such a Godly mother. 

Nothing could be better in my book than to be known as a woman who loved and revered the LORD…who cared for others and shared God’s love and promise with them, as my own mother has done for so many.  She has taught me well, and I will be forever grateful. 

This has been a truly unbelievable time for us.  I posted on Facebook yesterday that…“as we have seen this last 2½ weeks, life is short and precious...and none of us know how much longer we have on this earth.”  Treasure those who are dear to you…listen and learn from those who are faithful servants…and trust and reverence the LORD.  As my mother has taught me so well…God will never desert you, especially in the most troubling of times.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 2, 2016

Psalm 41:10
Lord, don’t you desert me! Be gracious, Lord, and make me well again so I can pay them back! I know you are pleased with me because you haven’t let my enemies triumph over me. You have preserved me because I was honest; you have admitted me forever to your presence.

The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
My sister-in-law offered me these words as I headed to the hospital early this morning.  My mother was admitted last night for possible infection and low blood sugar…a count so low that she could have died.  The doctor said she should not have even been able to walk and talk, yet she managed to somewhat do both - and never lost consciousness.

I am sitting in a hospital room, praying a paraphrased version of this scripture…”Lord, don’t you desert me!  Be gracious and ‘fix’ what I cannot. Heal my mother according to YOUR will – not mine – and keep her comfortable. Please do not let her suffer. You HAVE preserved me, and I am learning to never question You.”

I pray that you will take time to study this Psalm, and to make a version of these words your own prayer.  Trust God in all things. Call on Him to do what He does best…and to handle what we cannot – and are not supposed to even attempt.

Yesterday morning, I shared a story with my mother that Timothy’s mother shared with me just lately.  It seems that she noticed that Timothy had stopped including his Granny in his night-time prayers.  She asked him, “Why don’t you pray for Granny anymore?”  He replied…”I don’t need to…the LORD will take care of her!”

My mother commented that truly, God never forgets a prayer…and once we have spoken it, we should consider it answered.  I laughed and said that I like to remind Him and keep the “din” going to heaven at a high decibel level.  But she is right…God IS faithful.  He does answer “on the first ring,” and once we have given a burden or concern to Him, He is truly “on it!”

So I am giving God my mother…and all of my “situations.”  I can’t promise that I won’t mention them to Him again – and again – and again!  I’m pesky like that!  But I am trusting Him to handle things.  I know that He will never desert me…or my Mom...or you!  I feel His grace, mercy, and healing peace…and I pray that whatever your day brings – you feel it, too.

©2016 Debbie Robus

Daily Devotional for January 1, 2016

Psalm 46:10
Our God says, “Calm down,
    and learn that I am God!
    All nations on earth
    will honor me.”

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

This morning, I stood in the shower and thought about the events that unfolded in our world in the last 24 hours.  And I made a very profound promise to God …”I will not ask…”

  • I will not ask…why my husband’s brother endured surgery for prostate cancer in late July that brought a lengthy recovery, only to be involved in a deadly car crash just before Christmas.
  • I will not ask…why my brother-in-law had to go through three surgeries for four bowel resections, a concussion, stroke and fractured sternum – and all of the tests, procedures and indignities that came with this, only to die ten days later.
  • I will not ask…why my 66-year-old brother-in-law and his family members had to suffer through rounds of cardiac arrest, when death was the ultimate outcome.
  • I will not ask…why my 89-year-old mother-in-law had to lose her middle son.
  • I will not ask…why my own mother continues to decline with cancer that seems to be rapidly overtaking her body.
  • I will not ask…why in the midst of all of this, Greg and I caught a respiratory bug that pretty well knocked us to our knees for about a week each.
  • I will not ask…why others are sick, suffering, grieving…why wars are being fought and orphans have no home.
  • I will not ask…why people are struggling with addictions, homelessness, money woes, discrimination and injustices of all kinds…and so much more.
I cannot ask these questions…because every time I do, I hear God clearly saying, “What if JESUS had asked why He had to suffer for you?”  I hear Him say, “How do you think what you are enduring could possibly compare in the least to that?!”  And I am stopped dead in my tracks.

I hear God saying, “Don’t you think I am with you, even now?  Do you really know who I am?”  And I am instantly humbled…and comforted…and blessed.  Even in the middle of such chaos, God wants me to calm down…to “be still and know” that He is God – and He can handle all of this without any input from me!

I have no clue what 2016 is going to bring our way.  But I know that we are going to get through every bit of it, because of God.  When I kissed Greg goodnight and wished him a Happy New Year, my heart ached for him. I know the emptiness of losing a brother…we’ve been down the road of watching a parent suffer from a lengthy illness.  I comforted my 80-something grandmother when my dad – her only son – died at the age of 63. 

In the last several days, I’ve had my moments...but for the most part, I have been relatively calm.  And people have asked, “How are you doing that?”  My answer is simple…”I’m not…God is.”  What about you?  Who is holding you close today and keeping you calm?  Isn’t it time you knew?

©2016 Debbie Robus