Daily Devotional for January 22, 2016

Proverbs 28:14
The Lord blesses everyone
    who is afraid to do evil,
    but if you are cruel,
    you will end up in trouble.

Scripture taken from the Contemporary English Version © 1991,1992, 1995 by American Bible Society, Used by Permission.

Let’s be real…there are well-meaning people in this world who seem to stick their foot in their mouths at every turn. They seem to have a knack for saying or doing the wrong thing at the most inappropriate time.  We know they have good intentions…their delivery is just poor and misguided.  We understand that their hearts are big…but they may be a little lacking in the common sense department.

But then there are those who seem to have a habit of “speaking their mind,” or trying to “put others in their place”…as if they have some level of higher authority.  Their smug demeanor and meddling behaviors can be aggravating and insulting…if not downright cruel.  They have an opinion, and they are not afraid to express it!  And sometimes, the very people who say and do these things are the ones who want to hide behind the name of Jesus and claim to be His most devoted servants.

This is just my opinion – but scripture seems to back me up on it…those who claim to serve Jesus while judging others are headed down a slippery slope.  I don’t believe that Jesus called any of us to love others as we love Him - and as we love ourselves - but give them a good dose of the “Reality According to Me” in the process.  I believe that Jesus wants us to check our thoughts, words and actions…to ask, “What purpose does this serve?”…to take a breath and determine whether what we are about to deliver represents a witness to His love, grace, mercy and kindness – or the cruel and evil actions of the devil himself.

The question becomes, “To whom will you listen?”  Who will you serve…and how will your “witness” represent your relationship with God?  These are important questions that we should all be asking with regularity.  We cannot downplay the significance of a Christian discipleship that includes a hefty dose of “stop, look, and listen” as we interact with others. To do otherwise is to risk not only the blessings of the LORD…but also the addition of others to His Kingdom because our “witness” was a deterrent.  Surely none of us wants this!

Will you join me in taking a few minutes each day to “stop, look and listen” for the voice of God?  Will you ask Him to give you a tender and perceptive heart…to replace cruelty and insensitivity with compassion and insight?  Will this be the day that your Christian witness truly counts…and glorifies God in every way?  Don’t you think it should be?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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