Daily Devotional for January 16, 2016

Proverbs 14:16
The wise watch their steps and avoid evil;
    fools are headstrong and reckless.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugeterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

The late Paul Harvey used to end his daily radio program with the words…”and now you know the rest of the story.”  In recent weeks, I have encountered more than one situation where parties on either side didn’t have all the facts.  Wrong assumptions were   made, and feelings were hurt – sometimes deeply. Maybe this has happened to you, as well.

I’ve walked the aisles of the grocery store in the last few weeks and met people who had no clue what was happening in my life.  I knew that.  I was not offended when they said, “How’s it going?” or “Have a great day!”  They couldn’t possibly know all that my family was experiencing.  I did not know “the rest of the story” when I was angered and insulted by the unprofessional treatment I received a few months ago from someone who I later learned had just received devastating news and was hurting deeply.

In the throes of grief and suffering over the loss of a loved one, it is easy for people to become upset with one another… even to hurl affronts and untruths.  When things are not going well at school, church, or among friends, the facts can quickly become distorted – and tempers can flare, resulting in hurt feelings that might never heal.

The point is that this passage in Proverbs reminds us to take a step back, to avoid retaliation - and watch our step.  Often, it is wise to simply “chill out” and let the dust settle a bit before we react.  At best, we must choose our words carefully…prayerfully…with the full wisdom of God Almighty.  We must ask Him to show us how to move forward…what to say and do – and how we should not react and respond.

This is a really big challenge…particularly when our feelings are “on our sleeve,” our nerves are on edge, and we are stressed to the max.  Have I painted with a brush broad enough to include you yet?!  Ask God to show you when to stop, look and listen…when to pull back and take a deep breath…and how to start moving forward again. 

Headstrong and reckless are not Godly qualities.  If our goal is to be more like Him every day, then these actions and behaviors have no place in our daily living. Will you join me in the challenge to watch our steps and live wisely…to honor God with our words, thoughts and actions each and every day?  Will you wait for “the rest of the story” before you react?  And will this be the day that you begin?

© Debbie Robus

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