Daily Devotional for January 27, 2016

Psalm 119:120
I shiver in awe before you;
    your decisions leave me speechless with reverence.

Scripture quotations from The Message. © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002 by Eugene Peterson.  Used by permission of NavPress, Colorado Springs, CO.  All rights reserved.

Yesterday, the gates of Heaven were opened wide for a friend and fellow church member, Patrick Hunt Dudeck, whose two-year battle with kidney cancer came to a close.  He was only midway through his 45th year…the husband to Kerri and father to Lauren, Seth and Rowe. Our pastor announced Sunday during worship that Pat had gone on Hospice care the day before.

As I sent messages of prayer and encouragement to Pat and Kerri and others who loved them, I noted that the waiting was so very hard.  We had accepted that death was eminent…but the question of exactly when and how left us anxious.  I remember this from waiting with my mother only two weeks ago – and sitting with other loved ones whose passing was close at hand.  And I remember the “shiver of awe” that washed over me when it was finished.

I love how
The Message translation describes this “fear of the Lord.”  Have you ever felt this “shiver” for yourself?  Maybe for you it wasn’t when a loved one passed.  Perhaps it was the release and relief when a miracle happened in your life…you passed the test…got good news about a health scare…a baby was born…you were reunited with a loved one who had been away for a long time…you got the job – or the promotion…or the “storm” passed and left you unscathed.  Or maybe you felt this “shiver” and leaned on God when you got bad news and didn’t fall apart…you did something you didn’t think you would be able to manage…or life kicked you in the gut in some manner.

In all of these circumstances and many more, God’s decisions often leave us “speechless in reverence” – or they should.  Pat texted me on December 29th…”Got your note this morning…thank you!  I love the encouragement. From the beginning, I wanted this to glorify God and be a part of His bigger plan.  Thank you and Greg for your faith and prayers. God bless!”  THAT is reverence for God’s decisions.  We should all desire that everything about our lives would glorify God and be part of His bigger plan.

On January 12, Pat posted a note on Facebook he titled “Revelation.”  It said…” I've learned that everyday truly is a gift from the Lord above. I have always been told this, and believed it. But to truly grasp the rock solid meaning of that statement is a true gift in itself. My hope and prayer for anyone who hasn't, is to find that truth, and enjoy it. May God bless you!”  Today, this quote, superimposed over a portrait of the Dudeck family, has become the “profile picture” of countless people from our community.  Just as hundreds of people posted comments about my mother and echoed her unending faith a few weeks ago, Pat’s words have become another “rally cry” among many for the “shivering awe” and reverence for God’s plans and promises.

In another of our last message exchanges, I told Pat that I was not sure what God had up His sleeve with all of the things happening to him and my mother, but I had a feeling it was something BIG. I had no idea just how big it would be…or that they would both be with Jesus so soon. I most certainly did not know that Greg’s brother, Bruce, would precede them both. But I can tell you, they all got the better end of this deal!

As you spend time with God today, seek His decisions – all of them – with reverence and awe.  Humble yourself in His sight and truly feel His presence.  Know that every day…every circumstance…every experience is a gift from God.  He will walk through each one of them with you, no matter what is included.  If that doesn’t make you shiver with awe, you should probably check your “relationship status.”  Romans 8:28 reminds us…” And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.”  We have recently celebrated the lives of several servants who loved God and fit into His plans.  Can the same be said of you?

©2016 Debbie Robus

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